Luckily my summer is going something like the above this year, except for the going to bed part. Oh yes, it would appear that yet again I've slipped into the realm of insomnia. Don't be fooled, its really not that fun at all. As of right now it has been about 40 hours since my last sleep and I tell you, normal things are starting to seem very very funny. Like today when Grant tripped. I laughed for about 30 mins. Wow, I chortled my ass off.
Oh man, you all wouldn't even believe what I saw today on Real TV. This guy was doing a motorcycle jump over 4 trucks and he was comming up the ramp and the bike went off it to the left, but the guy ditched right. So the bike fell to the ground but the guy slid up the ramp, off the ramp, and smashed into the side of the first truck!!! Oh man, it was crazy. But believe me you all would have been laughing right along side me. They called him "Crazy Dave" but his name wasn't Dave. I didn't get it.
So it's been a while since I did this thing, and I know that the longer I make it the less people will read, but I'll bet I've attracted you all with pretty colors and stories of motorcycle accidents. The 4th of July trip to Marblehead was awesome. Lot's of fun freakin out the norms and renting good movies. Lee, as usual, was a great host and cook. God damn that girl is amazing. Conor is a lucky man. Speaking of which, me and Conor will be unloading flowers in Boston tomorrow. Yeah, I know, random as hell, but hey, money is money, unless its Monopoly money.
People I need to see soon: Jaco, Jamie, Jenny, Will, Marisa, Jeff
So yeah, all y'all get over my house and we'll eat, drink, and be merry in the words of Dave. Hahahahahahahhahahaha, I'm soooooo sleepy, and yet, for the life of me, I CANNOT SLEEP!!!! HELP ME!!!!!