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Welcome to St. David's Catholic School. This school is devoted to helping young, troubled teens with many types of addictions, disorders and various other problems. These teenagers' parents have sent them here to get help, or even more sadly, to get rid of them. It is our job to hopefully help them choose the right path and save them from themselves. Although this is a Catholic school, we do not force beliefs upon the students, but we hope they can try and gain some wisdom and faith through the sermons.
I, Sam Winchester am Head of the school, and my brother Dean also helps me in many ways with the students. I have seen so many things through my life and am dedicated to help with the struggles of today's society through these kids. And although I know that most of these children will not believe in our religion, we can't help but stress that there is sin and demons out there in this world, and we want to try and shield them and get them to listen.
Here, the only thing you are expected of, is to recognize your problems and try to find a way to defeat them. We do not expect you to be perfect, but we do hope the best of your personalities will come forth and flourish. We want you to heal.
There is a strict rule of no weapons and illegal drugs in the school; sometimes the only way to get better is through a severe withdrawal. Prescription medication is allowed with a physician's note. You are assigned room mates and Priests for confession.
- Father Sam Winchester