Title: a bichon related miracle
slartibartfastFandom: Welcome to Night Vale
Characters/Pairing: Carlos/Cecil
Rating: T
Warning: none
Word Count: 2 847
Summary: It's Christmas and and Carlos, working in the desert otherworld, misses Cecil more than ever. If only there was some kind of christmas miracle...
Author's Note: So, slartibartfast, I hope you like this! A belated Merry Christmas! :D (so sorry for the delay D:) It's my first Night Vale FanFic and I went with your like for h/c really hope I wrote something you enjoyed <3
A giant thanks to
jabber_moose for the idea with the Bichon without you Carlos would still be stuck in the desert. You are a life saver! <3
a bichon related miracle on AO3