Jun 26, 2009 09:12
I have 3 twelve hour doubles, 2 fifteen hour doubles, and 2 eight and a half hour shifts next week.
gooodd thing I'm going to new york the weekend after that, because I don't think i could do that two weeks in a row.
but alas multiple sources of income will make it so that I can actually pay rent AND buy gas..without taping into my college fund every other week.
...and maybe by the end of the summer I'll be able to pay for college without taking out a bunch of loans...that would be lovely.
tomorrows my last day off until i go to new york.
and i'm going to mass for some random family event..ehh
i'm exhausted already. off to work a double, then i think maybe more then 2 people might actually trek down to portsmouth for an exciting night at state street? hope so.