Change of Season

May 15, 2006 12:33

Disclaimer: see part one

A change of seasons, Part 2


Joyce gets two steps from her door when she hears the phone ring in her room.

Damn, talk about bad timing! She starts back towards the room, then stops. Wait, I'm going out. Ignore it. She turns, takes a few steps, and stops. What if it's Buffy or Dawn? What if something's wrong? Dammit!

She turns around, rushes to her room, all the time the phone is ringing'

She gets the key out of her purse, and opens the door. Keep ringing, keep ringing! She rushes to the phone, answering it.

" Hello?" She says, a little breathless.

" Joyce? Is that you?" A familiar male voice comes over the line, " you sound like you've been running."

Damn! Hank!

" I was in the hall when the phone rang, " Joyce says, " What is it?" She asks, a little impatient.

" Well, it's done, " Hank, catching her impatience, sounds a little petulant." My lawyer faxed the final papers to your lawyer, and he wants to send a copy to you. I was just calling to confirm your room number."

" You could've done that with the concierge at the front desk, Hank."

" I also wanted you to know it's over. Are you happy now?"

Always the asshole, right Hank?

" In the twenty years we were married, Hank, you asked some stupid things. But I think you just topped your previous record. Of course, I'm not happy, Hank. We were married 20 years. Think this is easy for me?"

" Truth? Yes, I do. This is what you wanted, Joyce. I didn't want this."

" Oh, please, Hank. What was I supposed to do while you were boinking your secretary? Stay home and raise the kids? Not that I ever minded that, I love Buffy and Dawn. The time I had with them, I wouldn't trade for anything," Joyce starts getting wound up, " but come on, Hank. I supported you in your career for 18 years. I wanted this, and I don't think it was asking too much. Guess I was wrong, huh?" She adds, an edge to her voice.

" Joyce, you're hardly home anymore. Buffy and Dawn ask me, ' Where's mom?' I come home not knowing if I'm even going to see you. I'm sorry, but I got a little lonely…"

" Hank, can you say horse crap? That's what that is. This isn't just happening now, because of my work at the Gallery. You think I don't know you’re a player? I put up with it, because I thought it was best the kids have 2 parents. But dammit, Hank, I could smell them on you! All those late nights, out of town meetings, all that… how much was really about business?"

There's a silence at the other end.

Joyce sighs, " Same old stuff, huh, Hank? You're weak, you play around, and somehow it's my fault. " Joyce shakes her head, " I really wish you could know what it feels like to be me, you know? I stuck with you 20 years, Hank, and believe me, it hasn't been easy. Especially the last 10, when you've been distant. I'm tired, dammit. Real tired. Of all of this."

" Oh, I see. So you're tired, and you're going to throw out 20 years of Marriage. Is that it? Nice, really nice, Joyce. What ever happened to trying to save the marriage?"

" I've been trying to save this marriage for a long time, Hank. Maybe you haven't been paying attention. Wouldn't surprise me, considering." Joyce feels her anger rise. " Maybe if you'd tried , too, rather than chase the next skirt that came along, things wouldn't have gotten to this point. But they have, and I'm out of trying."

" What about the kids? Buffy and Dawn? How're they going to take this? Don't you think this is going to affect them?"

" You think I don't know this is going to be hard on them? I know that, Hank. But I know I don't want my daughters growing up thinking it's ok if they or their husbands cheat. Don't you think they know what's going on?"

" Did you tell them? Joyce, I swear if you try to turn them against me…"

" Hank, they told me. They're not dumb, Hank. I'm the only dumb one allowing you to do this to me. And, don't you even try to threaten me, Henry Summers. I've been very generous in the custody part of the divorce. I want my daughters to have their parents. Both of them. But if you try anything funny, or expose them to your girlfriends, Hank? I'll fight you tooth and nail over it, and I'll win. And you'll lose ALL custodial rights."

" Fine, Joyce. I hear you. But hear me now. I'll do this, because frankly? I don’t want to be with you anymore. But you better be really careful , Joyce. I'll be watching. If you slip in any way taking care of Buffy or Dawn, I'm going to take them from you. Get it?" Hank's tone grows cold. "Goodbye, Joyce." He hangs up.

Joyce looks at the phone for a moment, feeling angry and used. She puts it down carefully, and realizes she's shaking. She lays back, feeling wiped out. Angry and frustrated, she can't hold back the tears falling down her face.

Fifteen minutes later, the phone rings again. Joyce glares at it, figuring it's Hank back for round two. She almost doesn't answer it. She really doesn't feel like another round of this crap. Then she worries it might be Buffy or Dawn. She picks up the phone.

" Hello?" She says softly, keeping her anger under control.

" Hello? Ms. Summers? This is George at the front desk. The young lady that was asking after you earlier was wondering if you'll be coming down or not?"

Oh, god, I forgot all about Faith! The poor girl's been waiting down there for me all this time. Damn.

" Oh, yes, tell her I'll be down in just a few minutes." Joyce says.

She rushes to the bathroom.

" God, I look like Rocky Raccoon!" She mutters, cleaning up and fixing her makeup. I can't do this tonight. I …god, I hope she understands, but I just can't go out. I feel like crap, and I'll be horrible company.

Joyce grabs her purse from where she left it, and hurries out of the room.


Faith paces nervously, looking at the clock over the check in desk. She stops, closes her eyes, and tries to focus, bring her nervousness under control. She's got to remain cool, seem calm. This is important.

Damn, could more go wrong? First, that rust bucket I laughingly call a car, quits on me. I try to borrow my brother's car… but he's not home. Of course, mom and dad won't loan me their car. Not real happy with who I date. I tried a couple of friends. No luck. No car. Damn, this dates over before it begins.

Now, Joyce isn't coming down. Well, they just called and said she's coming down, but they said that a half hour ago, too. I wonder if she's trying to blow me off, and just doesn’t want to face me. God, do I scare her that much? Ok, I was a little aggressive. But damn, how do you get anything if you don't go for it?

Wait… wait… here she comes. Oh, and she dressed up… and she's gorgeous. And here I am, dressed in my leathers. Oh, I'm gonna look like a kid. She's gonna get weirded out again. Hold it, Faith. You don't know that. Anyway, I gotta break the date. Man, I hate this. Just be cool. You can do this, turn on the charm. Make another date. Don't take no for an answer. Do the adult thing. Oh, god, Run! No, it's cool. Mommy!

Joyce walks over from the elevators, and looks around. She sees Faith, and she briefly stops. Oh, boy, did I get it wrong. I'm really overdressed. Doesn’t matter. I just go up to her, and break the date. Don't be a coward here, Joyce. Just do it, go on. She deserves it in person. Ok, ok, doing it, don't nag me!

" Hello, Faith, " Joyce walks over to Faith.

" Hi, Joyce, you look… wow." Faith smiles broadly. Oh, man, this so sucks!

Wow? When was the last time anyone said I looked ' wow' ?

" Why thank you, Faith, " Joyce smiles, despite feeling crappy, " you look… nice."

" Yeah, about that. That piece of crap I call a car kinda did a header on me. I tried to get another car, but… " Faith shrugs. " All I got is my bike. That's why I'm wearing my leathers… I'm really sorry…" She looks at Joyce again, a little wistfully. " I was gonna call you, but I figured you deserved to be told face to face, you know? "

" Actually, Faith, I was going…" Joyce sees the disappointment in Faith's face, and stops. She looks so sad. Just because she can't have dinner with me? God, I can't remember when someone looked so sad to miss dinner with me.

Maybe it's vanity, or a need for someone to validate her, or just being sympathetic that Faith looks so disappointed in herself for things going wrong, but Joyce finds she's touched by the younger woman. You know what? This is silly. I'd just go up to my suite and feel bad all night. Forget that.

" You know what, Faith? I was going to suggest we eat here, anyway. I mean, with you having to get to work early and all, and I'll admit, I'm kinda tired, I think I'd prefer it. What do you say?" Joyce almost chuckles when Faith's face lights up.

" Really? You're not disappointed?" Faith looks at Joyce, her smile broadening. " I was gonna take you to one of my fave places, but the Wyndham's got a nice restaurant. I thought you'd like to get outta here."

" No, this will be just fine, " Joyce finds herself smiling again. It's nice to be wanted around, even if it's only a young girl her daughter's age. We probably have zip in common, but it's only dinner. It'll be nice not to eat alone for once.

The women start towards the restaurant. They reach the entrance, and the Maitre d' comes to seat them. He takes one look at Faith, and frowns.

" I'm sorry, Miss. But we have a dress code here. Ladies must wear a skirt."

" What?" Faith looks at Joyce, then back at the Maitre d'. " It's not like I'm showin' anything. C'mon, guy, can't you make an exception?" Aw crap, what next? You gonna rain frogs on me?

" I'm really sorry, but there are no exceptions." The Maitre d' turns away.

Faith sighs, and turns away. She looks resigned. " Well, that blows. I'm really sorry, Joyce…" She stops when she sees Joyce's face. " What?"

Joyce is standing there, with a tight expression. She looks at Faith.

" You still want to take me to dinner?" She asks

" Well, yeah, but I can't get in."

" Oh… we'll get in. C'mon."

She takes Faith's hand.

" What?"

" You owe me a dinner, and I'm be darned if I'm going to let some snooty waiter stop me getting it."

" Joyce, where we going? Joyce?" Faith doesn't resist, she lets Joyce pull her along.

" My room. I've got a little black cocktail dress I'm sure will fit you. This is the most STUPID thing I've seen. What?" She stops at the elevator, punching the button and turning to Faith. " Isn't your money green enough for them?" The door opens, and Joyce enters. " C'mon. All of a sudden, I'm starving!"

Faith laughs, and without hesitation, enters the elevator.

God, I knew there was a reason I love this woman.

The doors close on them.

20 minutes later, they re-emerge.

Faith is now dressed in a black cocktail dress. It's a little tight around the bosom, but otherwise fits. She also borrowed a pair of heels, which pinch a little, and a pair of stockings. All in all, she looks very nice.

" Stupid over-paid under-educated morons, " Joyce grumbles to herself. "If I want to have dinner with a friend, no self important little twit's gonna stop me!"

Yeah, I'm thinking nothing can stop you getting what you want when you get your mind made up, Joycie. Now, all I gotta make ya do is see that I'm what you want. No, scratch that. What you need.

Without thinking about it, she slips her arm through Joyce's, and they enter the restaurant.


Joyce is laughing merrily.

It's an hour later, and after a couple of drinks and dinner, they've become somewhat more comfortable with each other.

Joyce has to admit to herself. She can't remember when she's had a better time in a very long time. It's not that Faith has done any big thing, it's just all the little touches, that seem to come to her naturally. She really pays attention when Joyce says something, laughs at her sometimes foolish jokes, and generally defers to Joyce on most things.

But it's not like Faith sits there like a lump. She's charming, she keeps up her end of the conversation, and flirts with Joyce just enough to show interest, without making her uncomfortable. Well, not really uncomfortable, anyway. Still not used to be flirted with by a woman, but I can't say I'm entirely hating it.

Joyce is laughing because Faith tells incredible, and Joyce suspects, sometimes made up stories. But it really ok, because Faith puts such enthusiasm and detail into them , and is so ready to show herself as the fool, that Joyce is charmed, even if they're just a little hard to believe.

" … so , anyway, there I am. Now, I'm not gonna lie to ya, Joycie. I was buzzing pretty good. The party had been going on for awhile, and I'd had my share to drink. But I'm telling ya, a bunch of my friends bet me, thought I wouldn't do it. So, I told them to set it up, and I'd be there. So, we meet at this place in Southie where we race around a bit, know what I mean? And these jokers, they've set up this jump for me. A ramp , followed by a line of Barrels. Now, the deal was, I not only had to jump the barrels, but I had to do it naked, you know?" She looks at Joyce.

" Oh, c'mon now, Faith, you don't think I'm gonna believe you rode there naked, do you?" Joyce waves a dismissive hand.

" Naked as the day I popped outta mom's chute, let me tell ya. Ok, I was wearing leather chaps, cuz you can burn your thighs on a bike if they're naked, and I had on a helmet, but otherwise… and baby, it was FREEZING! I mean, I swore my tits were gonna drop off somewhere along the way, and my nipples were so hard I could've cut glass with them. Shit, my ass almost stuck to the seat of the bike. But I was drunk and stupid, ya know? So I roar up on my bike, spin out the back wheel. Now remember, I did this as a bet. If I won, a girl, she was this hot red-head , promised to… well, anyway, it would be fun.

So there I am, sittin' where the ramp starts, revving up the engine. All the time I'm thinking … have I gone nuts? Shit, I was scared. You better believe I was scared. Never mind I thought my lil girl would be fuckin ' froze shut permanently. Shit, it couldn't have been more than 35 degrees. The only warmth I'm getting is from the bike, and that wasn't near enough. I thought, shit, let's get this done so I can get my ass to feelin' again, you know? So I back up a little, really rev it up, and take off.

Now, I'm going up the ramp, and I'm thinkin' ok, I got this, I'm gonna make this… and shit if my back wheel don't hit something, and wobble just a little when I'm like ready to jump… So too late to stop, I lay on the throttle, and pray.

Now I'm airborne, ok? And I'm flying over the barrels, but my bike's nose is fallin… and I'm thinking " Shit, Faith, you really done it now. You're never gonna make this. There gonna suck you up with a turkey baster . Shit, shit, shit you're gonna die". So I'm up and leaning forward, full throttle, goddam I'm fucking trying to use my body to push forward…"

" So what happened?" Joyce is leaning forward, fascinated.

" Well… I made it, or I wouldn't be here tellin' ya this," Faith teases her, " But I swear my rear wheel barely cleared the last barrel… and man, the front wheel hit hard, nearly making me do a header over the handlebars, you know? And shit then my rear wheel came down hard, and my rear quick after, and MAAAAN that really hurt! Shit! And you know the real pisser, Joyce?"

Joyce shakes her head.

" That hot red-head. You know, the one that I did this for? The bitch left the party an hour earlier… went home with someone else. MAN! I was sooo totally pissed. And frozen. God, I wanted to kill those jokers!" She shakes her head, and laughs. " My fucking fanny hurt for a week!"

Both women laugh.

" You're crazy, you realize that?" Joyce says, laughing.

" Oh yeah, you bet. Never do that again, though, " Faith agrees. Maybe crazy -just a little. For you!

" So, Faith, you've convinced me. You're a little crazy, " Joyce says, " but I'm kind of curious. What're your plans?"

" Oh, I dunno. I was thinkin', if you have a good time on this date, I'd ask ya for another one on the weekend."

" Come on, Faith. I'm being serious, " Joyce says. " What's your plan for your life?"

Oh, believe me, Joycie. I'm totally serious here.

" Not sure what you mean, Joyce," Faith answers. " My plan? Right now, just kinda enjoying my life, you know? I got the Docent job, that satisfies the Three B's…"

" Three B's?"

" Bed, board and beer," Faith grins. She shrugs, " I dunno. Really hadn't thought about it."

Joyce shakes her head slightly. " Faith, you really must think about what you want to do with your life, you know?"

" Aw, c'mon, Joyce. Not like I'm slackin' or nothing. I'm working, putting a roof over my head. If I like a good time, what's the harm?"

" Now? Really, nothing. But it all passes fast, believe me, Faith. Things happen. You could find yourself suddenly getting married, and having kids, and then what? I mean, things happen, Faith. You could find yourself figuring out how to support those kids when…"

" WHOA! Joyce, rewind girl. Who said anything about marriage and kids here? Shoot, I'm … really, I haven't…"

" Faith, I'm not trying to scare you. Just give you a little advice. It all goes quickly, and if you don't figure out what you want, and how you're going to get there, you'll be left behind before you even realize you were in the race… do you see what I mean?"

Faith gives Joyce a funny look, and for a moment doesn't say anything.

Smooth Joyce. Insult the girl. What do you know about her, really? And hey, look at your own life. No model there. Still, I've been there, and I don't want her to end up like me!

" Faith, I'm only saying this because you're intelligent, you can do anything if you apply yourself. And believe me, you don't want to get caught 20 years from now with your pants down, and not have something to fall back on. It's hard to start over when you hit my age."

" Joyce, " Faith says quietly, " I know what I want. Believe me, I have a plan to get there. So, don't worry, ok?" I want YOU, Joycie. And I'm gonna get you.

" Good, I'm glad to hear it, " Joyce says, a little grimly. She shakes her head. " I really like you, Faith. I just want to be sure you're going to be ok. I don't want …." She trails off.

" Joyce, are you ok?" Faith leans in. " you've been kind of distracted all night."

" It's nothing, really, " Joyce says, reluctant to talk about it.

" C'mon, Joyce. We're friends, right? That's what friends do, listen. So, I'm here. I'm listening. Go for it."

" Well, it's kind of a Good News/ Bad News deal, " Joyce says. " Which do you want first?"

" Bad news. I like to get it over with," Faith says.

" Ah… well, just before I came down… actually, why I was late coming down? I had a phone call from Hank." Joyce's mouth tightens. " That was fun."

" Hey, " Faith says softly. She reaches out, putting her hand on Joyce's " You ok? What did he say?"

" Yeah, I'm ok, I guess. Just so tired of it, Faith," Joyce shakes her head, recalling the conversation. " He tried again to put the blame for the divorce on me. I didn't let him get away with it, but he keeps doing this. I don't know why. I know he's not really interested in me as a woman anymore, god he's proved that over and over again."

Yeah, this Hank? Sounding like a real dork. Faith thinks. What kind of moron is he? Hey, why should I care?

" Then I tell him he better not give me any grief, or I'm going to really cut his water off. That is, I'll do what I can to keep him away from the girls." Joyce looks sad. " I don't want to, but I can't be having him exposing them to his … affairs, if you catch my drift."

Faith nods sympathetically. Yeah, he's an A-1 Jerk. Got that one.

" Then the bastard turns around, and says I better watch my step, because if he gets a chance, he's going to take my daughters from me. ME! I raised the girls when he was out … God, I wanted to strangle him!"

" What a prick, " Faith says, shaking her head.

" Yeah, well, that leads into the good news."

" Oh, so there really is good news?" Faith's face dimples into a smile.

" Oh definitely. Matter of fact, it's such good news, I think we need to celebrate." Joyce calls out to the waiter. " Waiter!"

A waiter walks over. " Yes, ma'am?"

" A bottle of champagne. On a separate check, please."

" You don't need to …" Faith starts to protest.

" No, Faith. This is my celebration. It's on me."

" What're we celebrating?"

" Freedom, Faith, " Joyce smiles. " I got the divorce papers today!"



They spent another hour killing the champagne. Mostly, Joyce killed the champagne. Faith drank a couple of glasses, but mostly was focused in on Joyce.

As Joyce felt the effects of the champagne she consumed, she became more talkative. She began to detail the last ten years of her marriage, how Hank became less interested in her, started working late, gone a lot on ' out of town' trips for the company. She laughed at herself, not seeing the signs of what's going on.

" It was kind of dumb, I know. " Joyce, a little tipsy, elaborates. " I'm not a dummy, you know."

" Oh, I know Joyce," Faith agrees.

" I shoulda seen it right there, you know? I mean, I've made fun of those movies when it's so obvious that the husband is running around, and the wife remains clueless. I always thought, " Well, that's just dumb." Because who wouldn't see it, right?" Joyce points at herself. " Me. I didn't. I'm so dumb!"

" No, you're not dumb, Joyce, " Faith disagrees, " You just trusted him. Ok, maybe that wasn't too smart, but you loved him, Joyce. You couldn't just be some paranoid wife thinking he was sleeping with every woman he met. That's not you."

" And yet, it seems he did sleep with almost every woman he met… at least, the ones under 30, " Joyce giggles. " Good champagne."

" More?" Faith offers to pour.

" Oh, no, I shouldn't… Ok," Joyce grins, and holds out her glass. " God, how could I be so blind, anyway? I'm not stupid. I mentioned that, right? I mean, about being stupid?"

" Yeah, you did. " Faith fills Joyce's glass. " Let's face it, he was sort of a…"

" Cheat? Scoundrel? Prick? Bastard? Oh yeah, " Joyce nods, and holds up a glass. " A toast… hey, Faith, your glass is empty. Have some more, girl, This is a party! "

Faith half fills her flute.

" Oh, c'mon, Faith. Don't be a poop. " Joyce takes the bottle, and fills Faith's glass. " There, that's much better!" She looks puzzled for a moment. " What was I talking about?"

" A toast?"

" Right you are. To Henry " can't keep it in his pants'" Summers. The Prick of the Year!"

They click glasses, and Joyce downs half of hers . Faith takes a few sips, then sets hers aside.

Joyce sighs loudly, and sets her glass aside. " Kinda making a fool of myself, aren't I?" She smiles ruefully.

" No, not at all, Joyce. I can get it. You're just dealing…"

" Ah, poor Buffy. She's going to take all of this the hardest. I know that already." Joyce leans in conspiratorially. " She's kinda the ' daddy's girl' if you know what I mean. She's not gonna like this one bit. And I know she's not gonna be quiet about it either."

" What about the other one?" Faith asks, " you said you had two daughters?"

" Oh yeah, my lil Dawnie. The baby. Surprisingly, I think she'll take it better than her older sister. Dawn acts a little bratty, but she's really a sweetie when you get to know her. And she's more balanced. Not saying Buffy's unbalanced. I mean mentally. Just … Dawn is more…"

" Mommy's girl?" Faith teases her.

" No, you might think that. She's the youngest, the baby. Ok, at 16? Not so much a baby anymore. And she is my punkin' belly, but don't EVER told you I told you that one, ok?" Joyce cocks her head. " No, Dawn is pretty much her own person. Not favoring one over the other. Like I said, more balanced." She shrugs. Then she hiccups, and looks a little distressed. " Oh my. I've had waaay too much to drink."

" No, you haven't. Anyway, not like you got far to go. Upstairs is pretty close!"

" True enough," Joyce nods agreeably, and takes another drink of her champagne. Joyce cocks her head to the side, and stares at Faith.

Faith smiles, but inside feels Joyce's eyes seeming to stare into her mind. God, I hope she can't see what I'm thinking. It'd scare her silly. Don't think she's ready yet for what's playing in my head.

" What're lookin' at, Joyce? Do I have something on my dress?" Faith looks down at herself.

" No…" Joyce smiles a little fuzzily. " Just wondering what's going on in that mind of yours, Faith. You've hardly even touched your champagne. What's the movie playing in that pretty head, eh?"

Faith can't get over the feeling that somehow Joyce can see right through her. God, really can't let her see what's in here. Freak and run, far and I'll never see her again.

" Nothing's going on in here, Joyce. Just thinking about what you told me. As for the champagne? Well, I gotta bike, might not be the safest bet if I'm toasted."

" Oh my goodness, what time is it?" Joyce looks at her watch. " It's after 11. We've got to get you home. You've gotta work in the morning." Joyce seems to shake off some of the effects of the alcohol." I'm so sorry, been boring you silly with my life.

" Not at all, Joyce, loved every minute of it, " Faith smiles, all the time kicking herself. Damn, what kinda idiot am I? Me and my big mouth!

" C'mon, we better go, " Joyce stands up, and the alcohol hits her. " Whooo, me and champagne. Forgot how …" She shakes her head. She giggles a little. " I get really silly when I drink champagne." She pauses for a second, and looks around, puzzled. " What were we doing again?"

Faith smiles. Silly really looks good on you, Joyce. You should try it more often. " I think we were going upstairs?"

" Hmmm? Oh, right, " Joyce nods, and they exit the restaurant, and head for the lobby. " We? Oh, right. I forgot. You have your stuff up in my room." She looks at Faith, and smiles. " You don't wear dresses much, do you?"

" Uhhh… not really. Not lately, anyway," Faith looks at her. " How'd you know?"

" You looked a little uncomfortable tonight … and you forgot to adjust the skirt when you sat… little things…" She gives Faith the once over. " You really should you know."

" Should? What?"

" Wear dresses more often. You really look nice in that" Joyce nods.

" Really?" Faith briefly glances at herself as they wait for the elevator. " I thought I looked a little … well, chunky in it."

" Pfffft. That's silly, dear. You have nice curves. Maybe slightly higher heels for the leg, but really, you look very nice."

" Really? You think?" Faith smiles, showing her dimples, " Thanks !"

Faith feels like she's walking on air. Despite the fact that she's somewhat of a stunner, she, like a lot of girls, doesn't really believe how attractive she really is. To have Joyce tell that she looks very nice, gives her a little thrill on lots of levels.

They reach Joyce's door, and after a little search for her key card, they enter her suite. Faith grabs her leathers, and heads for the bathroom to change. When she comes out , she finds Joyce, still dressed, sitting on the bed. She looks a little dazed and out of sorts.

" Joyce, are you ok?"

" Hmmm? Oh, yes, I guess. I think it all just hit me." Joyce sits there, a slightly puzzled expression on her face. As if she didn't know what to do next.

" Yeah, look, hey. I'm kinda sorry. I know I gave you some of the grief . I kinda know I came on strong yesterday, but you really are one special lady, Joyce." Faith shrugs. " I want to get to know you better."

" Oh, don't apologize, Faith. Sure, I know we got off to an awkward start here, but you've actually been the good part of this buying trip so far, " Joyce smiles warmly, " I've really enjoyed our little ' date', " she laughs, trying to keep it light. " It's kind of the everything else that happened that's kind of throwing me, I guess. The divorce coming through, and Hank, and all." She laughs. " I'm just getting old. I probably just need a good night's sleep."

" You sure you're ok? I mean, if you need to talk, I can stay. It's cool."

" That’s ok, I'm fine. Just need some think time."

" Uhhh… Ok, well, I guess I better motor then, " Faith heads for the door, a little confused. Man, can't tell if she wants to see me again or not. God, I hope I didn't totally blow this. Wait, stop that thinking, Faith. She enjoyed herself, ok? Just chill. Don't get all ' gee, does she like me?' now, ok? . She makes the door, and opens it, turning. " Goodnight, Joyce. Sleep well."

" Goodnight, Faith, " Joyce smiles.

Faith leaves, closing the door gently behind her.

Joyce kicks off her shoes, and lays back on the bed, propping her head with her hands. She stares at the ceiling, going over everything that's happened since coming to Boston. A little smile comes on her face when she thinks how much she, despite her reservations, enjoyed tonight. Then she realizes that Faith didn't ask to see her again.

Well, Joyce, you probably bored her to death. What did you expect? We're from two different worlds. Still, it would've been nice to be asked. I probably would've turned her down, but still…

Sighing, she gets up to undress for bed.


Joyce is dreaming.

She's sitting in a park, familiar yet she can't quite remember where it is. She's enjoying the sunshine on her face, and closes her eyes. She's so busy these days, she hardly gets any time to herself. She closes her eyes, and leans back a little, lulled by the sound of children playing in the background. She smiles. It's nice just to be here.

A pair of hands cover her eyes, and her smile becomes broader.

" Did you miss me?" A familiar voice says.

" You've been gone a long time. Did you get lost?"

" Nope. Just wanted to give you some time. So you'd be sure. Are you sure?"

" I don't know…" Joyce says truthfully.

The hands disappear from her eyes, and Joyce looks up to see Faith looking down at her.

Faith's hair frames her face like a mane, and the sun highlights the edges, making it seem to glow. She's smiling softly.

Joyce feels a little dazzled. She watches quietly as Faith leans over, her face moving closer to hers.

" I know this all seems strange to you, Joyce. I don't want to freak you."

" You're not, " Joyce swallows hard, " I'm… this is so new."

Faith's eyes seem to go soft, in sympathy. " I know… but you know I wouldn't hurt you, don't you?" I really do care about you. Can't you see that?"

" Y-Yes," Joyce admits, " but I don't know how I feel about you…"

" I understand," Faith leans closer, her hair brushing Joyce's shoulders. Her hand reaches out, and lightly touches Joyce's face. " Maybe you should get that?"

Joyce's eyes open to the sound of her room's phone buzzing. She picks it up.

" Hello?" She says, her voice full of sleep.

" Hey…. Oh gosh, I didn't wake you, did I?" Faith asks, concerned.

" No, no… " Joyce looks at the travel clock on her nightstand. Oh my goodness, it's eleven-thirty in the morning!

This is too strange! Joyce thinks, remembering her dream. Too strange!

" Ummm… hey, I didn't get a chance to ask you last night. You seemed kinda beat. But I was thinking, if you're free today, I'd kinda like to take you around Southie. Show you the sights…"

" Aren't you… I mean, weren't you supposed to be working today?"

" Half day on Saturday, Joyce. So I'm kinda free now."

" You sure, Faith ? I don't want you to get into trouble or anything…"

" Joyce, I'm not lying here, I only work half days. And, bonus, I get to squire a beautiful woman around the neighborhood."

Joyce blushes, and remembers her dream, and feels just a little strange about all of this.

" Faith, it's sweet of you to offer, but really I think maybe it just a little much? I mean, lunch yesterday and dinner last night and now you want to spend your Saturday with some old gal that just blew into town? Shouldn't you be hanging out with your friends or something?"

" You don't want to?" Joyce can hear the slight hurt in Faith's voice. Nice, Joyce, really nice. " I mean, didn't we have a nice time last night? I know I did!"

"Yes, I had a lovely time, Faith," Joyce assures her, " you were the perfect dinner companion."

" Well, great! But, I sorta thought we were friends now, aren't we? Don't you like me?"

" Of course I do, " Joyce chuckles nervously.

" Well, then, can't I as a friend show you, my friend, Boston? Don't friends do that kind of thing?"

Joyce pulls the phone away from her ear, and looks at it , as if it were betraying her here. She can't argue with Faith's logic, and finds herself painted into the corner.

" Yes, I guess they do," Joyce says, agreeably." So, when?"

" Now."

" Now?"

There's a knock at Joyce's door.

" Hold on a second, someone's at the door."

Joyce pulls on a robe, and walks to the door, opening it.

Faith is standing there, holding a bunch of flowers in one hand, and her cell phone is in the other. She smiles.

" Good morning!" Faith smiles, handing Joyce the flowers. " Got you these."

" Faith!" Joyce blushes, and takes the flowers and looks a little flustered. " There very nice." She notes a card attached, saying, ' Had a wonderful time last night, Faith.' " That's so… sweet." She brings the flowers to her nose and smells them. " They're lovely. But… oh god, I must look horrible!" Instinctively, she touches her hair, and groans softly. " Oh goodness…"

" You look great, Joyce," Faith smiles, then frowns. " But I did wake you, didn't I? I'm really sorry. I thought you'd be up by now."

" Normally I am. Usually, I'm up early. I don't know why I slept so long…". Joyce is getting more flustered by the second.

" Don't stress it , Joyce. You're on vacation. No kids with and all. You got a right to sleep in some, you know? My bad, I should've figured." She leans against the doorjamb, giving Joyce a frankly appraising look. She smiles. "So, what about my proposal? Sound good?"

Joyce is getting flustered again, for different reasons. Why do I have the feeling she can see right through my robe?

" Well, I can't argue with your reasoning. At least, not before having some coffee. So , meet me downstairs in the coffee bar say…" She looks at her clock " 45 minutes?" She sees Faith's look. " takes longer for us older girls, you know?"

Faith frowns, a little dark cloud seeming to form over her brow.

" What?" Joyce asks, a little worried.

" That's twice now you've done that. Called yourself old. "Faith gives her a look. " Do you like feel old or something?"

" No…" Joyce shakes her head, ' Frankly, I feel pretty much like I did when I was 22 or so…" Except then I already had Buffy, Dawn on the way, and was married nearly 3 years. Yikes! And some strange girl wasn't making me feel like part of the pimple set, again!

" Ok, so why make with the old references? I don't think you're old. Why should you?"

" You're sweet, Faith. But wait 'til you get my age. Then talk to me about it, ok?"

Faith has more to say, but decides to bite it back.

" Ok, dokey, " She says, " see ya downstairs in awhile. Dress casual, ok?" She heaves herself off the doorjamb, winks and smiles. " Don't be too long, gorgeous." She walks off.

Joyce, looking a little worried, watches her walk off.

She just never lets up, does she?

Strangely, Joyce is beginning to like that.

She closes the door.

Joyce takes a little extra care with the grooming, adding little touches she hasn't used in years; paying attention to things she normally lets slide.

What're you doing, Joyce? Yet, she kept doing it, and finally, after taking 15 minutes to decide what to wear, heads out of the room. Before leaving she catches a glimpse of herself in the mirror. She's wearing jeans, a pair of soft boots, a powder blue blouse and small gold chain on her neck. She smiles.

" Not too bad for an old broad, " She laughs, and leaves.


Joyce finds Faith sitting at the coffee bar, staring at her cup of coffee.

She holds off going up to her, looking at her for a moment. She's puzzled. The girl is obviously a looker, and from being with her the last couple of days, she realizes she's clever, smart and charming. She could obviously be with whomever she wanted, boy or girl.

Why me? Why is she latching on to me? It doesn't make any sense.

Joyce? What're you even thinking? Ok, she's a flirty girl. I think she does it naturally as breathing. But that doesn't mean she's interested in you… and anyway, you don't do that. So, get over it.

But why is she spending all this time with me? Friends, family, all the rest of it… why isn't she with them?

Why do you have to analyze everything, Joyce. The big part of analyze is anal, Joyce. Just relax, ok? She wants to be here, you're not holding a gun on her. And hey, she's been nothing but nice. So stop!

" Hi, good morning. Now I feel less frumpy, " Joyce calls out, walking up to Faith. Why'd you say that last?

Faith turns, and Joyce sees her light up.

" Well, hey. You look great," Faith smiles. And just a lil yummy. " So, what can I get you, coffee wise?"

" Just coffee, coffee. Don't really go for the designer drinks they call coffee these days." Joyce says.

Faith orders the coffee.

" So, you ready to check out South Boston, Joyce? Might find ya like it. First, though, we gotta get some food in that tummy. And I know just the place."

" Really?"

" Yeah, we gotta go to Poppa Joe's, down on Dorchester St. Won't find it in Zagat's guide, but it's the best food anywhere, trust me. Then I'm gonna show you around."

" Okay, sounds like fun," Joyce says. " Lead on McDuff." She looks at her clothing . " This will be ok on the bike, right?"

" Bike?" Faith looks at her , cocking her head, " I got ' hold of my brother Paulie's car. Did ya think I was gonna pick you up on the bike?"

" Well, it's just that you didn't have a car last night…"

" That was last night. I got hold of Paulie and beat him up. After that, he was happy to give me the car," She grins.

" Faith, you didn't really…"

" Kidding Joyce. You haven't met Paulie. You'd know I couldn't beat him up. Make his life hell, sure, but not beat him up, " She laughs. " Come on, this is gonna be fun." She starts towards the exit.

I don't doubt it. Joyce thinks as she follows her out.


They spent the afternoon driving around South Boston. Faith pointed out some locations for " Good Will Hunting" Including Woody's L. Street Bar, The courthouse, E. 5th street. Then she got more personal, showing her around her neighborhood, showing the places she liked to hang out, where her parents lived, where she was living now, the community center.

They wind up at a small bar on 6th street, Faith pulling over to the curb and squeezing the car into a space Joyce would've sworn was too small. Getting out of the car, Joyce looks around.

" So, where's this?"

" Oh, this is Jake's. Old bar been here a long time. I want you to meet someone , and he should be here by now."

Faith takes her arm, and starts to lead her inside.

" Who am I meeting?"

" Paulie, the provider of our transportation for today, " Faith grins, " and probably the only family member still speaking to me."

" I don't get that . You said that before. You're family's not speaking to you?"

" Ah, well… this is Southie, Joyce. Race riots in the seventies, now it's the thing about Gays marching in the St. Paddy's day parade. This crowd isn't big on someone who's … different." Faith smirks, her lips tight. " Let's just say my dear ma and da aren't' really happy I compete with my brothers for dates."

" Oh, " Joyce replies, " They don't like it you're gay."

" Well, they're not so polite about it, but ya." Faith nods, " when I hit 18, and pretty much didn't change my mind about dating, they pretty much kicked my ass to the curb. Said when I got over my ' unnatural' ways, I could come home."

" That's terrible!" Joyce sympathizes, " I mean… I'd never do that with a daughter of mine." God, what kind of people are these?

" Well, they're old fashioned, Joyce. Irish Catholics. They just don't get that their only daughter is a lesbian. Kinda against what they know. I think they think it's a rebellion thing." Faith shrugs, " Anyway, I guess I'm over-exaggerating. I mean, if I go by and say hi, they'll say hi back. Just I don't get invited to the family stuff anymore. Anyway, my brothers, Bobby and Jimmy, kinda go along with them. Only Paulie sticks by me. Which lands him in some hot water. But he's cool about it." Faith looks at her watch. " And he should be here by now. Unless the sun stopped rising in the east, or somethin'."

They enter the bar. It's reminiscent of a lot of small taverns that dot the east coast. Small, dark, a long bar dominating one side of the space, the other taken up by small booths or tables. Plenty of neon signs heralding the quality of the product they endorse. In the back is a pool table, and a small curtained off area known as the back room.

The barman/ owner is Jake McConnell. In his mid fifties, he has graying black hair, a nice open face, and a ready smile. He's not particularly tall, 5' 8", but his body is well muscled, testifying to years of hard work.

" Well, if it isn't little Faith Lehane," Jake says, sounding a little gruff, but he's smiling. " Been a long time since we've seen you around here, girl. We thought with that new fancy job of yours at the museum, you were just too hoity-toity for old Jake's." He turns, and turns on the charm to Joyce. " So, who's the looker, Faith? Gonna introduce me?"

" Joyce, this old fraud is Jake McConnell, owner of Jakes. And don't let him fool you, I was in here last week with Paulie to watch the Pat's play New York. So get out with the ' snooty' stuff, you dog!" She grins at Jake with obvious affection. " This is Joyce Summers, by the way."

" Well, Joyce Summers, any friend of Faith's? Has to have a screw loose, but that's the kind we love here, " He winks at Joyce. He turns to Faith, " So, I'm thinking you're here to see that no good lout of a brother of yours?"

"Are you still angry with Paulie for taking a double sawbuck off you in a pool game? Get over it, Jake. You know he drops more than that here in a couple of days."

" It's the principle of the thing, Faith. He cheated."

" Jake McConnell, are you callin' me a cheat? You lousy Mick, maybe if you learned the right end of a pool cue, you could actually win a game once in awhile, " A large man, not much older than Faith, leans on the bar at the other end. " Doubt it, but miracles do happen."

" Paulie Lehane, I should kick your Irish ass outta my bar, but I feel sorry for your poor parents. What would they do, knowing their boy's a cheat and a thief?" Jake shakes his head, sadly, " tis a burden, indeed, on your ma and da, you being the kind of fella you are, Paulie."

" Jake, I should come over there and bloody your bulbous nose for that, " Paulie says, smiling broadly," but I've been taught never to roughhouse in front of a lady." He walks over to Faith and Joyce.

" Are they really mad at each other?"

" Naw, they do this all the time. I can't remember when they've been treated each other different." Faith nods at Jake, " he's an old family friend. He'd do anything for Paulie, or any of us, an vice versa," She calls out to Jake, " Aint that so, you old blowhard?"

" Faith Lehane, where were you when god was handin' out the manners, girl? Is that any way to talk to your elders?"

" Oh, I treat my elders just fine," Faith smiles, " At least, the ones that aren't senile."

" Now, Faith, " Paulie Lehane says," Jake isn't senile. He waters his beer, jacks up the prices, and can't hit a cue ball to save his life, but he's not senile."

" Can you believe these two, miss? You'd think I didn't stand them godfather when they were baptized. Can't tell ya how many times I changed diapers on the both of them. And they treat me like that? What's this world coming to?" He sighs. " I tell you, this kids just have no respect for nothing these days."

Joyce laughs, and puts out her hand. " It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. McConnell, and call me Joyce."

" Ah, only if you call me Jake, darlin', " Jake winks. " Not too often we get a classy lady in the old joint here."

" Jake it is, then, " Joyce smiles, and blushes just a little.

" See now, Faith Lehane. There's a real lady. Why don't you try to be more like your friend here? Instead of a smart mouth ?" He turns to Joyce, all smiles, " So, what can I get you, Joyce?"

" A beer would be nice, " Joyce says.

" I could use a beer too, Jake," Faith calls out.

" You could do to be 21 first, Faith, " Jake smiles at her. " I'm thinking a coke would do you just fine."

" Who died and made you me da, Jake McConnell?" Faith grumbles.

" The State of Massachusetts, girl. You know the law, and I know how old you are… so until you're 21, coke it is for you." He turns to Paulie, " I suppose you'll be wanting something too, boyo?"

" Another one of those glasses of piss you call beer would do, Jake," Paulie grins.

" See what I mean, Joyce? No respect." He shakes his head, and goes to get the beer.

" C'mon, Paulie. Let's sit down before all that Irish whiskey and blarney stone breath knocks us down, " Faith says, leading Joyce to one of the tables. Paulie follows up, with their drinks.

"So, I'm taking this is the infamous Joyce my sister has been talking my ear off the last few days about, " Paulie puts down the drinks, and puts out a hand. " I'm Paulie Lehane. And for whatever my sister might have done, I apologize," Paulie grins at Faith, who sticks her tongue out at him. " She's so mature, I'm sure you've noticed."

" Yeah, well, don't listen to him, Joyce. Paulie acts like he's my da, but he's the prankster in the family. And hey, if you keep it up, Paulie, I'm gonna tell Jake how you ' won' that game of pool."

" Sure, go ahead, Faith. You do that. And while you're doing that, I'll discuss your school career with your friend here. I'm sure she'd love to know how you took out the girl's bathroom at South Boston High in your junior year."

" Don’t listen to him, Joyce. Poor Paulie is soft in the head. It came when that beam hit him on the construction job. Now all he does is babble nonsense all day long."

" Is that a fact? Well, I guess I could tell her how you tried to jump barrels one time buck naked…"

" Actually, she already told me about that, " Joyce speaks up.

Paulie looks surprised.

" Really? She must like you, " Paulie says, " she usually doesn't mention that little story. Afraid she'll scare 'em off. She likes to pretend to be good and everything, but she can be quite the hellion." He turns to Joyce, and leans in, " So, what's your story, Joyce? I like to know something about the women dating my sister."

" Paulie!" Faith shushes him, " ignore him, Joyce. Like I said, Paulie thinks he's my da, and it's kinda tiresome!" She glares at Paulie.

" Really, Paulie, Faith and I are just friends. She's been kind enough to show me some of Boston while I'm in town…". What's she been telling him, anyway?

Paulie Lehane leans back in his chair, and looks at the two of them. He grins.

" Is that a fact, Joyce?" Paulie asks, " Don't you find it rather odd, though? I mean, a girl half your age hanging around with you? It's not like you knew each other before. Don't you think something's going on?"

Joyce suddenly feels very uncomfortable here. She looks at Faith, who looks like she's going to burst a blood vessel, then back at Paulie.

" As far as I know, nothing except friendship is going on," Joyce says, her tone growing a little frosty. " Faith, perhaps I should wait outside for you?" She stands, and turning towards the entrance of the bar, starts to leave. She stops, and turns back. " I wish I could say it was a pleasure to meet you." She turns, and walks out.

" Paulie, what the hell was that? " Faith looks at him, about ready to attack. " Why'd you say that?"

" Faith, think about it. What's she doing hanging with you? What does she want, anyway?" He looks at the door where Joyce just left, " don't you think it's odd she's hanging around with you? You're half her age." He turns to Faith. " What do you two have in common?"

" Right now? Thinking that you're one rude son of a bitch!"

" Don't you call our mother that, Faith!"

" I'm not. I'm calling you that, Paulie Lehane. I thought you were in my corner, but I'm beginning to see you're no better than the others."

" I'm just looking out for you, Faith. I know what a softie you can be, despite the tough act. I don't want to see you get hurt!"

" Bullshit, Paulie. You're just another Mick bigot like ma and da. I thought you were different, but Boyo, I was wrong. You're worse than them. At least, they were honest about it." She points at the door, " that lady has more class in her little finger than you'll ever have, Paul Aloysius Lehane! She's just a friend, a better friend than I seem to have in my own family. God, she doesn't judge me like my own family does," Faith moves away, " God, what family? You people…" She shakes her head, "… I'm done with ya… the whole lot of ya." She starts to leave.

" Faith, you're being a fool. She's using you!" Paulie calls after you. " I don't want you to break your heart over this … woman."

"Screw you, Paulie," Faith spits at him, " You don't gotta clue."

She turns and leaves before he can say another thing.

Paulie just shakes his head.

Aw, Faith. You forget so easily. I've been there when your heart's been shattered before. I know too well.

He takes a long pull off his beer.

Faith almost flies out of the bar, to find Joyce leaning against the car. She grins apologetically.

" God, Joyce, I'm so sorry. I didn't know he was going to be such a dick. I really didn't know he… ah, dammit. There's no excuse for what he said. He's just a moron."

" Faith, he's your brother. He's just looking out for you, " Joyce says, trying to smooth it over.

" Dammit, Joyce, don't be so reasonable. He was an asshole. He had no right to say those things, even suggest those things. He doesn't know you."

" Do you know me, Faith?" Joyce asks quietly. " Really?"

" What's that supposed to mean, Joyce? Now you're sounding like Paulie."

" How do you know I'm not playing you, Faith?"

" Gimme a break, Joyce! I'm a poor kid from Southie. Shit, I don't even have a decent car. What the hell could you want that I got?"

" It's not all about things, Faith, " Joyce says gently, " maybe I just want to use you and forget you."

The car pulls up suddenly. Faith turns to Joyce.

" Listen to me, Joyce. I know you think I'm just some dumb kid. But believe me, I'm not. Ok? I know people. I know 'em good enough not to get myself hurt, get me? I can read people pretty damned good." She leans over to Joyce. " I can read you pretty good. Joyce Summers. You wouldn't hurt me. You're not built like that. If anyone in this car should be careful, maybe it's you!"

" I'm not a fool, either, Faith, " Joyce looks away, " I don't think you'd hurt me, either." She sighs. " Maybe we should just call it a night. It was good up til now, and I don't want it to get bad."

The cars behind them start honking. Faith leans out the window, waving to them.

" Come around you idiots!"

Horns keep blaring as the drivers start to go around her.

" Is that what you want?" She turns back to Joyce.

" I think I want a drink," Joyce murmurs.

Faith puts the car in gear, and peels out, swerving to avoid a car that nearly sideswipes her. Joyce braces herself.

" Slow down, Faith!"

" Sorry. Look, I know a club I go to… not in South Boston, " She says, emphasizing the last. " I'd like to go there. Mind coming with?"

" I dunno, Faith…"

" I promise, it's not stocked with a bunch of jerks." She turns to Joyce. " Please. I don't want that stupid ass I call a brother to ruin it for us, ok?"

" Faith, maybe it's just not a good idea. I mean, you hanging out with me…"

Faith swerves the car over to the curb, parking. Joyce looks at her, her face a little pale.

" Faith, do you think you could warn me when you do that? I think l left my stomach back in traffic."

" Joyce, I'm not gonna apologize for what I am. I'm a lesbian, that's clear as day, right?"

" Yes," Joyce says quietly.

" And I'm not gonna apologize cuz I like you, either, ok?" She leans towards Joyce. " Do you like me?" She sees Joyce hesitate," I mean, like a friend?"

" Yes, I do, " Joyce says, without hesitation.

" Have I tried to come on to you? I mean, really? Yeah, I flirt a little, but I haven't tried to force myself on you, have I?"

" No, of course not, " Joyce says. " I'll admit, at first, I was little put off by you, but I'm realizing, this is just you."

" Cool beans. So, look, I like spending time with you, " Faith says, " how 'bout you? Do you enjoy spending time with me?"

Joyce looks into her face, and hesitates just a moment.

" Yes, I do. I like spending time with you."

" Really?"

" Yes, really, " Joyce says, decidedly.

" Good. Then lets not let assholes ruin that, ok?"

Joyce nods," Ok, So where we going?"

Faith smiles, and pulls out from the curb. She gets into traffic.

" A little place I know called the Metropolitan."


" This looks nice, " Joyce says, as they approach the club entrance.

" It is, " Faith agrees, " and I promise, no morons like in Jakes."

" Faith, don't get too harsh with your brother. He was kind of stupid about it, but he was trying to protect you."

" Joyce, you're not mad at him? He insulted you!"

" Faith? Didn't we agree? We're not going to let it ruin the rest of the evening, right?"

" Right, " Faith smiles.

" So, what kind of club is this, Faith?"

" Kind?" Faith hesitates. Maybe this isn't a good idea." I'm not sure I understand what you mean, Joyce."

" Well, I mean, is it like… what? Rock and Roll? Or well…you know, what kind of music? I'm not real into hip-hop… is that right?… "

" It's dance music, but don't worry. No gangsta rap." Faith grins. " It's pretty mellow."

" Hi, ladies, welcome to Cosmopolitan, " The girl at the door greets them. " ID, please," she says to Faith.

Faith pulls out an ID and shows it to the girl. The girl looks at it, at Faith, then smiles. She hands it back. Faith hands her the cover charge, and they enter.

" Can I see that?" Joyce asks, holding out her hand.

"What?" Faith smiles." It's a fake ID. Everyone's got them, Joyce."

" You know, as a mom? That really conflicts me, " Joyce says, " I can just imagine Buffy pulling out an ID like that and… darn, now I've got to worry about that, too!" She sighs," Is there anything else I should know?"

Faith smiles weakly.

" Yeah, I know. There's a code. I got it, " Joyce sighs." So…" she looks around, and frowns a little bit." Faith, something's a little strange here."

" Oh?" Faith pretends to not understand.

" I know I've been out of circulation for awhile. But, where are the guys?" Joyce looks around, again. Then it hits her. " Oh."

" Guess I should've told you this is a lesbian club?" Faith offers up another weak smile. " Do you mind?"

" Well, It would've been nice to know, " Joyce looks at Faith. " I'm with you, right? I mean, no one will come up and hit on me, since I'm with you?"

" Well, I can't absolutely guarantee that, Joyce. I mean, you are attractive," Faith says, " but if you say you're not interested, they'll go away." She smiles. " no one will force you to do anything weird, believe me. And, it's not catching. Promise." She teases Joyce.

" I know, Faith. Not a fool, ok? I read Cosmo."

" Sorry, sure…I got that," Faith frowns." If you want, we can go."

" No, we're here now." Joyce says, " and I admit, I'm kind of curious. Never been to a place like this."

" It's just a club, Joyce. Only, no guys to hassle you."

Joyce thinks back on the last few encounters she's had with the male persuasion. Right now, that's not sounding so bad.

" Well, guess we best find a table, hadn't we?"

Joyce moves into the club, looking around for a free table.

Faith hangs back, a little smile on her face.

How does she keep surprising me like that?

Shrugging, she follows after.


Faith and Joyce get out of the elevator , and walk to Joyce's door. They stand there a moment. Neither of them is really anxious for the evening to end.

" I really had a nice time tonight, Faith, " Joyce speaks up, " I haven't been out dancing in … gosh, forever. It was nice."

" Well, gotta say, Joyce. You're a heck of a dancer. Those were some pretty cool moves you pulled."

" You're being nice, " Joyce smiles," I hope I didn't embarrass you too much."

" Are you kidding? Everybody noticed you, girl. And not in a bad way."

" I bet you say that to all the old broads you go dancing with," Joyce teases her, then throws up her hands. " I'm just kidding, Faith."

Faith makes an impatient noise, but lets it slide.

" I'm really sorry ' bout that jerk of a brother of mine. He's a total jackass."

" Faith? Let it go, ok? I have." Joyce smiles. " I had a really nice time," She takes Faith's hand.

They look at each other for a moment, then something happens.

Almost as if being drawn together by a force greater than either of them, their head draw closer and closer. Their lips touch, briefly. Then they draw away.

" Well, goodnight, Faith," Joyce says, opening her door. She slips through it," Be careful getting home, ok?"

Faith nods. She's not sure exactly what just happened.

" Goodnight," She gets out, somehow.

Joyce smiles, and closes the door.

Faith stands for a moment, looking at the door, a silly little smile on her face.

Then she turns, and with a jaunty little swagger in her walk, she moves towards the elevators.

To be continued.

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