The Kindness of Strangers

Oct 16, 2007 15:46

2:11 AM 10/16/07 · Okay, that was weird. The manager at Monica's place of work is the same manager on Chuck. This rather fits my age old supposition that certain actors play the same roles over and over again.

It's like they're stuck in genres; actor typecasting.

So, I set the VCR carefully so as not to miss that last minute of Heroes. The downside of that is I'll miss the first minute of CSI: Miami but that's's more fun watching them solve the crimes than seeing them committed.

I'm actually watching Heroes as I type this. I'll probably watch it again in the morning...

...the actual morning.
  • I'm not positive but I think Monica has eidetic memory...the same ability Charlie had. It's a pity that waitress in Texas didn't watch any fighting shows, huh? She might've survived Sylar. It is kinda interesting that two different women in the food industry would have such a similar ability though.
  • I'm beginning to think Micah's ability isn't limited to machines. I actually pondered the possibility his ability might be more advanced before, quite a bit similar to Sylar's but I abandoned that pretty quick, but maybe the ability to read and manipulate machines may also extend to organic ones as well.
  • Mr. Muggles is Matt's father? don't see the resemblance!
  • Still not sure what's going on with Nathan entirely...but the shave did help. Although his hair's just a bit wonky. Maybe that image he keeps seeing of his burned face really is survivor's guilt. Or maybe it's someone else.
  • Y'know, most fathers panic about their children dating for reasons that have nothing to do with their own impending death.
  • Sylar like this is interesting. I can almost deal with this facade he's setup here...but when he said "Golly" I just about died laughing. I can't picture the evil Sylar going all Archie on me. It's not right!
  • The ticking noise getting stronger...I think whatever it is that's blocking Sylar's abilities is wearing off. Since I know this has come up...he doesn't actually tick. It's just the representation of his primary ability for the sake of the viewers. Similar to that air blast noise associated with the telekinesis and that odd camera effect when Matt is reading someone. Although that cutting thing Sylar does with his finger...I'm fairly sure that screeching sound is accurate. I've never bought that was an extension of the telekinesis. Fairly certain it's a separate ability...possibly sonic in nature.
  • This is going to sound extremely silly but I'm not sure Sylar wants to kill Maya & Alejandro. Being on the run for murder, just as he's been (though he wasn't ever really running) it's almost like he can identify with them on some level. That they had power hit a chord but with his own abilities in a seeming remission it's not like he can successfully take them on. That and I think that even without his ability of intuition he made the instant connection that there power has a component that requires each other. Of course, I'm still maintaining that they have the same power just don't realize it as yet.
  • Then again, Sylar could just kill Alejandro once he gets his abilities back and can use them. It is kinda obvious, as things currently stand, that one power seems to be necessary to balance the other.
  • Micah's cousin is a little punk. Although I thought it was really cool how he switched to liking him so much after he rigged the Pay·Per·View. True, he thinks Micah actually did something not power related but still...
  • If not Claude than someone with a similar ability is likely the one that attacked Grandma Petrelli. I've been trying to work out the unseen source of the attack on her and then smashing through the two sided glass. Either someone invisible or... The revelation that her wounds were self·inflicted puts an interesting spin on things. They said they "knew" which means they might've run tests that confirmed it. So, how does someone remain unseen and do what I think they did? Make her attack herself. More than one ability?
  • Grandpa Petrelli is blurred in the picture of the Company's founding group. He could've turned his head at the last minute or maybe something to do with his ability makes him not camera friendly.
  • Does anyone believe that Mr. Muggles actually did a power walk on the beach or, like me, that Mrs. Bennet carried him all the way?
  • Molly has interesting eyes. They change when her power's active. The range of her ability is a lot more precise than I'd thought. Using a map for a focu I figured she just knew roughly where they were but being able to nail it down to a specific apartment? That's impressive!
  • We all seem to have a bead on the Haitian's ability...but I'm not sure any of us are exactly right. My thought was always that he wasn't a telepath, that his power essentially acts like a physical pressure on the mind. Manipulation of the mind would explain it. However, when he pops up at the end of the episode and the wind chimes move I thought maybe that it was West flying around the house again...but what if the Haitian did it? That was his sign to make contact with Claire, she hung it and he would know that she wanted to speak. The Haitian (gotta get a name for this guy) was nowhere near the thing so what if his ability isn't limited to manipulating the mind?
  • More than a little bothered that my former fandom of Veronica Mars, ie Kristen Bell, is apparently wokring for the company. For her apparant age that still makes me lean towards suspecting that West might be on the payroll too.
  • I liked how Molly was calling out for Matt in her head at the end. Not the circumstances that led to it but that she knew he'd hear her.
  • I guess Monica's going to get that change in position she wanted. Do you think she does her own stunts?

molly, sylar, mr. muggles, heroes, micah, the kindness of strangers, veronica mars, alejandro

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