Oct 12, 2007 16:11
I've been trying to work out exactly how it is that DL's dead and Matt isn't. Actually, it didn't really take a lot of thought. It's just that I read the post last night and it was interesting but I didn't really start to think about it until 5 minutes ago while watching the final fight from last season again.
Here's what I came up with.
Matt is a cop and generally speaking everyone goes out on a limb, uses every single available resource, and essentially does whatever it takes to save the life of a police officer. He was whisked away to a major medical facility and taken care of by the best that city had to offer.
DL's a crimninal and wanted for escaping incarceration. It's unlikely that he would be taken to a hospital, regardless how much Nikki & Micah pleaded, and probably tried a number of shadier ways to get himself helped. Even if he did go for an actual doctor to fix him he still couldn't goto an official hospital so it would have to be one of those kinda underground sorta deals. Kind of places that criminals tend to go that have a lot of the right gear but the training of the people wprking them is subject to a lot of scrutiny...
...we're not talking a lot of board certified medical practitioneers here.
Anyway, that's my 2¢.
gunshot wounds,