2:58 AM 10/11/07 · I perdiocially have to deal with people getting on my case for doing posts like this. Mostly they post to me anonymously (cowards) because my knowing who they are would be such a bad thing. Most recent guy, presumedly, hit me up about this beyond randomly in someone else's journal where the discussion was about eating disorders...and I'm getting slammed for my analysises on Heroes...
...so I say tough.
I largely keep these limited to 2 of the Heroes comms, and a couple geek communities, I'm a member of but I'm feeling frisky. This is going to the 4 major ones I'm a member of, my own geek comm, possibly my television comm, and additionally to the one other multi·fandom·geek community I frequent.
It's 3 in the morning as I'm typing this, nearly, so maybe it's just the insomnia talking.
- Let's start with the new kids: the Wonder Twins. I'm not sure their powers work like it's currently been assumed. Maya supposedly exudes some form of disease that causes cerebral hemorrages in those around her and kills them. Alejandro is capable of stopping her from spreading it as she apparently can't stop doing it herself. I've got a couple problems with this. Most folks with powers, those that have powers that aren't on constantly like Claire & Sylar & others, can turn them on and off. This tends to hold up well with the emo·sapiens on this show thus far. My thought is twofold. First, they have the exact same power but given that Maya probably panicked when she first manifested...and she's pretty much held onto that, she doesn't know she can turn it off. Alejandro, being the more protective one, wanted to help his sister and discovering he was immune to whatever it was she was doing probably turned her ability off accidentally while trying to comfort her. I could be totally off on this, lord knows I'm still reeling from how wrong I was about Peter, but it's my thought. The other thing is that I don't think Maya actually kills them with her ability per se. It seems to be more like a form of stasis. Granted, I think it's a safe bet that the ones that had prolonged exposure from being left that way are very much dead, certainly after the autopsies, but nothing about Alejandro suggests he has the ability to bring the dead back to life. When he's near recent victims of Maya's and he's bringing her back under control...they're saved.
- The Big Bad from last season was Sylar and though he is clearly being outstripped by the monster in Molly's head (Mr. Muggles) apparently he still has something interesting going on. Although I'd like to hope that after he took out Candace we can finally put away that silly notion that he eats brains...he didn't clean up a bit after that and there was no blood on his face. As to why his power, and the stolen ones, isn't working...I'm pretty sure it's not because he lost it and them. Think about it, do you honestly believe that Candace has sufficient medical training to care for him in the middle of nowhere like that? She can't have been alone there, not totally. It's possible there's someone else nearby with an ability to neutralize the powers of others or suppress them in specific individuals but I kinda doubt it. While I do think there has to be at least someone else around, or visiting, there's got to be a connection between the fact Sylar can't use his powers and the Company having some form of clinic (evidenced by Nikki's interesting little request) that offers to take away the powers of those that want to lose them. Sylar likely has all of his stolen powers, and his original one too, but he just can't access them. Whether or not there's something in his system that's blocking his access or they implanted a device is unclear...but if it's the former then at least there's a chance it may wear off after awhile unless it's re·administered.
- I'm not entirely convinced that Peter's lack of memory is due to the Haitian. He would seem to be the obvious choice...which is why I'm suspicious of it. It may well be him but given the recent number of repeat abilities in different people makes me suspicious. The biggest clue to this that makes people lean this way is the necklace around Peter's neck but keep in mind that not only is the Godsend symbol very common all over the place in this series but someone gave it to the Haitian. We've not had a solid good look of him since he's popped back up so we're not sure if he's still not wearing it as well.
- A few people may be a little troubled by the look of pleasure that crossed Peter's face when he was telekinetically squeezing that guy to the wall but it's not like we haven't seen this before. When he first started to get a handle on his powers he displayed a similar expression, think back to the times he wasn't invisible while facing off with a gun wielding Isaac. Also when Peter was beating down Sylar...there it was again. While it doesn't necessarily mean he's leaning more towards an evil slant, they do say power corrupts. Not for nothing but Peter does have a lot of power. His lack of memory may put an interesting spin on this.
- The Irish lass, Caitlin, is interesting. I've heard that a lot of people are not fond of her but I think that may just be that no one much likes anyone that is a potential love interest for Peter. However I'm leaning to her being more of a player than we might assume from what little we've gotten so far. You saw how her brother and that other guy reacted to Peter's powers but when she first saw him do something she was just a little surprised. I'm thinking she either has an ability herself or she knows someone else that does.
- West bothers me. He may be just what he seems and less than a stalker than a typical teenager, flying aside, who wanted to impress a pretty girl. However it just seems highly suspect that HRG would setup shop somewhere so close to where one of the people he abducted lives. A little dense is our man Bennet at times but I really don't think he'd make that kinda oversight. Also a little odd that he so clearly remembers the man with the horn rimmed glasses. Most teens under such circumstances wouldn't recall so much, I'd think, and even if it would seem to be the kinda thing that Bennet would've had the Haitian erase before returning him. The kid could be just a simple kid, minus the flying of course, but given this little bit and we've seen the final painting of the series that shows Bennet dead and Claire in the arms of a mysterious male...I'm thinking the kid could either be with the Company or something worse.
- If it weren't for the fact that Claire were 16 I'd have a harder time buying why she was so quick to think the worst of her father after she learned what she did from West. I mean, the concept of him doing this sort of thing isn't exactly knew. She had a fairly clear understanding of what he used to do for a living when Matt & Ted took her and her family hostage; those two said plenty. It wouldn't make any sense at all were it not for the one thing...she's 16. That's a get out of jail free card right there.
- Last little bit, which I'm really only doing due to the fact I setup the bulletpoints before I started typing and I had one spare. The woman in Mexico, the healer that took a reading of Maya, I believe has the same power as Matt. At the very least one very similar. This is as much what she read from Maya as how it was perceived from our side of things. It stands to reason they would display powers the same way, so far as the special effects present them, when people have the same ability. When Matt is reading someone there's this whole lotta, for wont of a better comparison, stop motion animation. You see him in flashes like there's bits of film missing and you're both a little closer and further away from him. The same thing happened with her. Thought she might be more like an empath, the actual definition and not the odd way it's been labelled on Peter, but that would be detecting emotions...not the exact way that Maya thinks of herself.