bonking around ideas

Oct 01, 2007 15:51

10:35 PM 9/29/07 · I'm still working the season opener for Heroes over in my head...and not just because I just watched it again a few minutes ago. There's a couple of things I wanted to address. Not just my continued supposition that Mr. Muggles is the greatest evil the world has ever seen, cuz that's just so obvious, but some other things.

  • While I know that some people are having issues with this whole flying kid, more because he can fly than the fact he's stalking Claire, but really it's not like this wasn't something that shoudn't've been expected. What was the first thing that Claude Raines said when Peter told him what he can do? "Oh great, another one of them". In just about every series I've seen that has had people with powers in it, there's always been more than just on person with a particular ability. While we've never been clued into the other person with Peter's power...the fact one did exist at some point is clear.
  • Just because this kid, West, can fly doesn't mean he has the exact same ability that Nathan does. Sylar could apparently fly through use of his telekinesis: think of the first time he faced off with Matt. West can fly but he may not be doing it the same way that Nathan does. To put it another way, how many variations has the show displayed already of abilities to see the future?
  • I think that burnt image we saw of Nathan's face in that mirror was his actual face. Remember Candace? She was a Company agent and Grandma Petrelli probably can order her to fix her son's face. The only time we've seen one of her illusions fail was when she was knocked out but we don't know how long one of her illusions can be maintained without her being around to maintain it. I think that was just his actual appearance, no doubt from being so close to the blast Peter gave off, and it just peeked out for a second.
  • I've heard a few people theorize that Nathan might be behind the pictures with the deathmark on them; I kinda doubt that. He wasn't deep enough into the organization, a mere puppet really, to know anything about that. Nor do I suspect he knew anything of the Hiro's father's involvement. They were clearly targetted by people we've yet to meet.
  • The killer at the end, I suspect, either had an ability like Claire's or was possibly invulnerable; kinda leaning towards the latter. I had thought when I first saw it that the killer's body, who may not have been male, was next to Hiro's father...but on later review that was not the case. The only powers I can think of that would enable the tackle off the building but not be on the ground next to the victim would be invulnerability, teleportation, phasing, flight, kinetic reversion (bouncing), ability to turn into a mist, invisability (could just be on the ground broken and bruised and unseen), shapeshifting (turned into a bird or something), or maybe the killer's body being on the ground wasn't in the script...a clear violation of the 4th wall!
  • I am not one who normally believes in coincidences...except when I do. Not this time though. Heroes comes on Monday nights. Eureka comes on Tuesday nights. The night after the season opener of Heroes, the plotline on Eureka was a variation on alchemy involving the transmutation of ordinary metals into gold. I don't think the guy that is trying to hire Mohinder necessarily has the Midas Touch. That or it's not as widespread. He either can alter the molecular structure of things, one thing into anything else, or he can only effect metals. This is entirely my making connections where there probably aren't any...but a simple Midas Touch scenario seems a tad too limited. Then again maybe not...but to date there's always more involved with these Company powered types than the usual variety wandering aimlessly about.
  • I maintain that Hiro's father had some kind of power. Before the killer attacked him he moved as though he had a sword and the guy stopped. Then Ando shows up with a sword, the killer realizes the guy doesn't have a sword and hauls him off the roof. A sword isn't a power in and of itself but there's no telling what he could actually have done had he had the sword. I mean powerwise. Clearly falling off a roof doesn't scare this killer so a non·powered guy, no matter how skilled, with a sword in and of itself should not have been much of a deterrent. I'm just saying...
  • Hypothetical question: The preview for this week's episode is that Kensei will discover he has a power. Do you think he actually does have one or Hiro is using his power to make him think he does? You must answer this before you watch this week's episode!

midas touch, eureka, sylar, hiro, heroes, claude raines, swords, mohinder, similar powers, the company

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