...oh c'mon! You know it's the last one. Yes, the series is continuing but it's not going to be called Heroes from my understanding.
8:07 PM 5/21/07 · My Monday TV schedule kinda works out like this. I watch Enterprise, which comes on at 7pm and runs through till 11pm on SciFi, and then I watch Heroes. I also manage to squeeze in CSI: Miami. Kinda works as I normally tape Enterprise...the series is over so if I miss the one that's on between 9pm & 10pm then it's no big loss. Kinda handy as I don't even need to change channels. When it's time for Heroes the VCR clicks over and I just sit back and watch...
...plus, I can watch it again later this way.
The Heroes Marathon that was on this past weekend was very cool but it also gave me cause to worry. The whole series is great but I'd forgotten that while the first few episodes were full os promise and intense...they were also kinda flat at points. Since then the series has been escalating to greater and greater proportions, my geekdom has been ever so satsified, but I'm a little worried it may fizzle out and go poof.
I'll be happily surprised if tonight's episode doesn't bite the big one.
40 minutes and counting.
Although I forgot CSI: Miami is a repeat and I'll be watching Law & Order: Criminal Intent next. That aside...Wow...
...and in no particular order:
- Hiro does wind up in ancient Japan but he may not actually be the samurai warrior of legend we assumed he was.
- Part of the way Sylar managed to fake his own death and escape Bennet's prison was from copying the abilities of a cockroach. This enabled him to put himself into a state of suspended animation, which any cocoroach can do. After being stabbed through the chest by Hiro and falling down dead...the blood trail to the sewers and the telltale roach on the cover indicates but one thing to me: Sylar survives and he'll be back.
- I kinda figured that Peter & Nathan would find a way to get around the whole exploding thing....but not like that. Of course, as soon as Nathan flew into the plaza I knew there was only one way that was going to play out. I just wonder how far up they went. Not into space clearly by the cloud dispersion around the explosion. There's no way Nathan could've survived that, seems unlikely he'd've flown Peter high and then tossed him away with that whole "I'll never leave you" bit. Peter on the other hand is more than capable of surviving it...but unless he gets a better handle of Ted's power this could all go down again.
- Like how Ando got put into a place of safety before Hiro went after Sylar. That was really cool...just couldn't stop grinning after Ando told Hiro he looked totally bad ass.
- Way back when I posited that Peter picked up some ability from Simone's father, more than likely the prophetic dreams...but I got shot down from multiple other fans based in that Kring had apparently said in some interview that the man wasn't meant to have any powers. Then again, Hiro was originally slated to only be in a few episodes before a powerful boost from the fan base prompted rewrites. Simone's father clearly has a power, probably the very one I thought he did...else how could he have detected an invisible Peter in that past with him when he knew Peter, his nurse, was just inside? Unless, that other empath Claude had been going on about was him.
- Anybody else wondering if there's some special significance with the eclipses?
- Hiro's father said he has been waiting forever to see a Nakamura ascend. What if he has a power too? What if it's immortality? I've got nothing to base this on, just speculating, but what is he's actually that ancient samurai of legend? The only problem with this theory is that the man also said he never expected the Nakamura to ascend would be Hiro so if they do wind up meeting in the past, if it's even him, that would put the lie to the words.
- That ending fight had super heroes written all over it. Kinda reminded me of how Captain America once described the coming together of the Avengers: An insanely dangerous out of control situation that no one of use could have ever handled alone. But the group...a group assembled by...what? By fate. Is there any any other word for it? A group of extraordinary people...people you would never think to put in a room together...people willing to toss aside how much they personally have on the line. People instinctively doing what they do best. Giving no pause to the gravity of the fight in front of them. And just when you weren't sure which way the fight would go...the team comes together and the fight is done.
- Sylar versus Peter, Hiro, Nikki, Matt Parkman, and Noah Bennet. It was nice but unfortunately brief. While there was much more going on I felt the same frustration with the fight at Mohinder's between Sylar and Peter; expectations of more tossed aside. The fact Sylar was so sure of the outcome and was so willing to set himself up as the martyr, even though he didn't die, kinda took his part of the fight out of him. Still, it was nice to see Nikki and Hiro catch him completely off guard. Kinda was expecting it to be less than all out epic though...seeing as the fight didn't actually start until 9:51pm by my clock.
- Granny Petrelli must be pissed...as we still don't know what her power is dammit!
- For anyone that's wondering, it makes perfect sense that Sylar had a better handle on Ted's power than Peter did. The guy's primary ability is to understand how things work. Sylar managed to figure out Ted's ability faster than Ted ever did. In fact, I can't help but wonder if maybe he used his command of the power to give Peter a boost beyond a point he could shut that power down as he had a couple times previous. Remember, Ted only began to learn to get control of the ability, as much as he ever did, after he exploded a few times...or did some fairly massive energy releases at any rate.
- An hour and a ½ after Heroes went off there was an interview on the NBC11 Evening News with the actor that plays Micah. Apparently his real power has something to do with being a really good piano player. Especially in the field of jazz; he's been doing it since he was 8 months old. He wants to grow up to be a lawyer, a doctor, and a few other things but most definitely he wants to be President of the United States.
- After Nikki knocked out Candace it became clear that's the bad girl's actual form. Unconcious her ability turned off. Kind of a disappointment really...I was expecting her to be butt ugly. Although, when you're gonna try and fake the identity of superhuman strength you shouldn't react like you hurt your hand from punching someone a lot.
- I have a theory about who the greater evil that Molly mentioned likely is. Been staring us in the faces all this time: Mr. Muggles! C'mon...you can't be buying that hopelessly cute act.
- You ever notice how Hiro's voice isn't as high pitched as it started out? Thought that future Hiro had lost his innocence from all he experienced in that dark future and that was expressed as much from his appearance as the pitch of his voice. Yet the more the present Hiro learns and matures the less youthful exuberance he has and his voice loses that higher pitch too.
- DL was looking pretty healthy at the end there...for someone shot twice. Guess you need at least 4 bullets, like Matt, got redirected into him by Sylar, to put your standard Emo·Sapien down.
- Does Claire feel pain? Been wondering this for awhile now...might be a side effect of her ability but she either has no sense of pain or a significantly higher tolerance for it than Joe Average.
- Guessing Molly will be staying with Mohinder, they seemed to by divvying people up at the end there. Had a brief hope she might be staying with Micah and family but I guess not though I hope they all stay close. I'm not certain what's going to go down in Generations but I'm thinking it might not be anything like the rumors I've been hearing.
- It's hard for me to tell but the guy playing Simone's father doesn't look like the same guy I remember from earlier. The "other guy" was slumped back in the blankets a lot so I can't say for sure.
- I think Peter dyes his hair. In that scene where he's standing behind his past self you can see one had black hair and the other dark brown...or so it seems.
- Ando had all the right stances when he was hunting Sylar...he looked really cool. I'm a bit puzzled though by what exactly Sylar was cutting with that odd little sonic buzzsaw thing he does...there was no noticeable wound on Ando. Oh...never mind; he's got a lil' nick on the left side of his neck (replaying the episode the following morning)
- Mohinder was doing a nice job of army rescue doctor throughout this episode. The guy is shaping up to be a good hero.
- I must not understand Japanese Businesses. Similar to when Hiro & Ando popped up in that grocery store dodging Sylar that other time, they pop back at their workplace with a sword drawn and ready and hardly anyone even looks up.
- Cool to finally hear Bennet's first name. Always seemed folks were close to saying it earlier in the series but got stopped by something along the way.
Heroes is over...I'm really curious to see what comes from Generations. Hopefully those that normally miss the preview for the next week saw the 3 minute peek into the next season. Am I the only one that was thinking "Toto...I don't think we're in Kansas anymore!"
I just keep laughing at that one part: "@#$%!"
Guess that didn't translate from the Japanese very well.