Apr 24, 2007 08:13
10:01 PM 4/23/07 · I loved the entire episode even though I kinda knew everything that was gonna happen already due to very informative commercials that have come on since the last new episode till now. Still, there were some really choice moments...in no particular order:
- Like that they repeated how Sylar and Peter crossed paths in the previous episode. The fight was a bit too brief for my tastes but really fun all the same. Still a bit flummoxed why Sylar largely only uses the telekinesis in all of his encounters with other Emo·Sapiens.
- The confrontation between Granny Petrelli (does she have an actual name?) and Claire was very interesting...and did you notice the nice way she dodged the question about whether or not she had powers?
- The Bad Girl (Danielle?) ability to change her appearnace seems more advanced than last time, improvement of special effects or cuz she wasn't inside as previous times I can't say. Harder to see the distortion of her illusory ability with so much open sky around her.
- Nice to see Ted utlizing his powers in other ways.
- Isaac's painting the future ability is still something I don't believe is a dual power; I think he's a remote viewer with artistic skill as opposed to someone who can predict the future and paint as two special abilities. No more than art is a power to normal artists. Then again, I rather doubt Sylar has any real artistic skills and his first rendering looked a little modern art...ish.
- For a couple seconds I thought the resemblance between Isaac and the delivery guy might provide a different outcome to his pre·destined death; not the first time Sylar's killed the wrong person. Oh well, it was a nice thought.
- Hiro squaring off with his future self was interesting. The stance and attitude of the first one just further convinces me he's actually that samurai in the past, a trip he took somewhere between these two incarnations. A bit worrisome that when present Hiro lowered his sword but the future one didn't considering I've seen commercials where future Hiro is still with Ando but I think he's still in that security uniform. Maybe the younger one goes into the past to begin training while his future self takes charge of Ando?
- I knew Peter was going to die, caused quite an uproar when I posted that fact (behind de evil LJ·cut) a couple weeks back. I was never under the impression he was gonna stay dead, given the ability he shares with Claire, but I really liked the circumstances he came back to life in.
- Linderman's power revealed...sorta. I don't watch the online stuff so just going what I saw on the show I'm thinking he either has an ability over plants, some mild ability to manipulate time in a localized field, or can heal with a touch. Gonna need to see some more of it before I can tell either way.
- I'm still working out the mechanics of Sylar's ability. My belief in that he doesn't eat brains, like so many suspect, and that he intuits abilities from a study of them seems credible given his natural power. However, I gotta wonder what exactly happened to the brains of his victims or Isaac's, we got a pretty good view around the artist's dead body.
- I posted a theory a stretch back about how that terrible future was something that could not be changed and that future Hiro might be trying ensure it came about. Not too sure that's not still right, I suspect next week's episode will shed a lot of light on the idea, but the timeline that he set up with newspaper clippings along with his past self coming to the same idea before stumbling across it suggests that both Hiros may be one the same path from different angles.
- I'd still be greatly amused if future Sylar turned out to be future Hiro (see previous post on that theory).
- The scars on future Peter's face, from the preview of next week's episode, explains future Hiro's comment from much earlier in the series. That the suggestion has popped up that Claire's ability might allow Peter to survive if he is the guy that blows up, regenerating from scratch, is interesting but still doesn't seem likely to me. I mean, how does the power decide which part of him to heal? The biggest remaining chunk?
- When Bennet was initially projecting thoughts towards Matt...I was so sure that he was going to manage to project his own thoughts back from sheer desperation.
- The fact Matt & Ted have joined forces with Bennet and are headed to New York further convinces me of the possibility that Ted's actually being behind the big BOOM.
- That the next episode takes place 5 years in the future more than explains, not to mention you see her in the preview, why Claire probably has brown hair then and seemed older in the previous commercials.
- Future Nathan is a dick.
- So didn't see Peter and Jessica/Nikki hooking up; in the future or otherwise.
- Still can't figure what Linderman wants with Micah. You'd think the kid's ability would limit the range but it only makes it harder to discern.
- That the Company really does seem to be run, or overseen, by Linderman puts a new spin on things. It was suggested before but this episode puts significantly less doubt about it.
- While Linderman is showing Nathan his art collection...he mentions that it is the product of more than just one artist. Kinda gives the impression that there may've been other Emo·Sapiens with similar abilities to Isaac's.
- I wonder why there was no sign of the Haitian? I kinda missed him.
- Middle·management *snort*chuckle*laugh* That kills me...
- Without checking schedules, this episode will likely be replayed Friday on the SciFi Channel, probably at 7pm, but don't take my word for it without checking yourself.
- There was a new series called The Wedding Crashers that came on after Heroes; did you watch it? I missed it because they started showing brand new episodes of CSI Miami last night too and I was already recording the repeats of Enterprise. Was it any good?
future nathan,
future hiro,
future claire