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Multi·Genre·Fandom, &
Order·of·the·Bat 8:28 PM 4/16/07 · In my great love of crossovers it used to be I'd only ever see them between Marvel Comics & DC Comics; when other comics companies started branching out things got reall interesting. Although, personally I think that Spawn and Ghost Rider would've been a better match, certainly a more even fight, I can't fault this particular pairing.
Still, Batman wasn't quite what I was expecting.
Image & DC put out two graphic novels simultaneously; this one and another. The other was handled predominantly by DC staff, this one was done by Image staff for the most part. The exception being Frank Miller. The DC version was a decent story but it favored Batman in ways that I didn't like...and the artwork was a good style but at the time it was really annoying me for some reason.
This one's art is full on McFarlane and beautiful but still...Batman was a bit off from what I'm used to. Not unfamiliar though if you've read enough of his stuff.
True Batgeeks will be familiar with a peek into a possible future of the Bat called The Dark Knight Returns. That series was pure Frank Miller and offered a take on Bruce Wayne we may've hoped for once but it looks more and more may never happen. For an undisclosed amount of time, possibly decades, Bruce Wayne hung up his cloak and cowl and lived as a surprisingly happy civilian. When it came time to put on his scary face again he was much changed from what any of us knew; really came across as a bit of a thug. Figured that may growing old and the Bat under the surface being a bit cranky from being cooped up so long.
The Batman in this is a much younger version of that Batman.
Pin·Ups & a Dedication
Why I'm posting this now instead earlier:
Somewhere, either this month or the next, these two guys are getting together again but facing each other's rouges gallery instead of each other: