catching up on comics...

Nov 27, 2006 15:18

...a part of this will be broken up and posted elsewhere.

10:51 PM 11/26/06 · There's a number of things that have struck me interesting of late but rather than go off on one oy my classic rants I'd like to keep this succint. So, I'm just going to mention 3 comics (2 individual and 1 series that may've been spawned by another series) and leave it at that.

By an interesting coincidence...they're all Marvel comics:
  • Wolverine #48: This issue, which had been hyped quite a bit, was supposed to explain how it is Wolverine has been healing so fast from wounds that used to take him much longer to handle. Most of the fan base, while still loyal cuz he's fun to read, were pretty sure this was going to be disappointing but were still pessimistically curious. Sadly, this wasn't explained at all though we do get an interesting perspective on what his conciousness is up to while he's recovering from fatal damage. That and he's sleeping with an Atlantean.
  • Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter / Guilty Pleasures: I've been looking forward to this for a couple of months, being a big fan of the novels written by Laurell K. Hamilton. I was a bit worried, given some of the graphic content, that Marvel wouldn't be up to the task but the first issue's pretty damned good. Although, I was expecting it to be a Max Comic, a subdivision of Marvel that allows for much more adult content. They've recently been handling the Punisher, which has been filled with full on nudity and sex and heavy amounts of profanity; they're also handling the current mini·series focusing on the past of Peter Wisdom from Excalibur. Since the first novels were fairly hardcore but didn't get sexual till later in the series I suppose it's possible that it may switchover to Max then.
  • Annihilation: This current series was led up to by 4 other series with variations of the same name, one main one that connected the interweaving braches of the series focusing on the Super Skrull, Nova, & Ronan the Accuser; think there was another one but I'm blanking on it now. The main thrust of it involves the old insectoid enemy of the Fantastic Four, Annihilus and an interesting rogues gallery of a number of cosmic beings. It's the reason behind the assault which interesting though...

    ...Annihilus is originally from the Negative Zone and along with his continued desire to increase his power and live up to his name, he's maintained that he's only responding to the incursion of the Zone from the normal Marvel Universe. Referred to as the "Opposing Force" Annihilus feels they're going to take out his home dimension so he's going to take out theirs in retribution. Given how a lot of comics like to interconnect things these days...don't you think it's interesting that Tony Stark, Reed Richards, and SHIELD have been building massive facilities in the Negative Zone?

    My thought? The Annihilation Wave, which is what the Annihilation series is focused on, was caused by the Civil War currently going on in the superhuman community of the Marvel Universe. I've actually had this thought for months now.

reed richards, negative zone, annihilation, max comics, wolverine, annihilus, civil war, anita blake, marvel comics, tony stark

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