Part of the reason I really love LJ's tag system is that it makes it easier to track down old posts on specific topics. While not all of you tag your posts here, I periodically do it for you. Which is why I tracked this down yesterday: No matter what you may think of Predators, and none of us should really judge until we're done watching it, it's important to keep this one thing in mind. That the Predator, or Yautja if you're one of those that love the word so much, was not supposed to look like it did in Predator, the 1st film. It's only because the original designed costume got lost in the mail that Stan Wintson whipped up the version we've all come to know and love.
That thing in the link up there, that sccarily reminiscent of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers looking thing is that the Predators were supposed to look like. Given I read the exceedingly crappy novel that went along with the first film *shudders* that look makes sense for that but if it had been that way in the movie I doubt any of us would be fans today.
So, don't be so harsh on Rodriquez. I'm probably gonna watch it with the intention of shredding it for allthe non·canon oddities within but that doesn't mean I won't love it. I was fairly pre·disposed to not like it, from all I heard, until I saw that trailer over the weekend.
Still haven't read the script I downloaded to my kindle yet.