8:14 PM 12/9/08 · I picked up the The Dark Knight DVD from Blockbuster. This kinda works out well because it didn't dawn on me till recently I never posted a review for the movie and I've got 2 communities ideal for posting that in...
...3 if you count the one I made for
It's a widescreen edition and, according to the girl behind the counter, it has a digital component. Not too sure what's up with that yet. I was a little horrified that on the store counter was a Joker bobblehead, Heath Ledger style. It was beautifully painted, don't get me wrong, but the enlarged head and the look was eerie.
The last thing the world needs is a Joker bobblehead.
Included inside were a few choice things, like the instructions with a passcode on how to download a digital copy from the internet (get the feeling I'm typing this while checking it out?) and a catalog for Blue Ray Disc products and soon to be released films.
There was also a Dark Knight catalog (
Clicky!) filled with interesting items that were clearly priced without the current economy suckage being considered. Really cool stuff though.
I'm looking forward to checking the movie out again in the wee hours of the morning so I can nitpick the Hell outta it. Don't usually watch films on the big screen more than once without exceptional circumstances. Wanted to with this one but I don't remember doing so.