...they said it wouldn't ever happen and here I am watching it!
11:42 PM 7/25/08 · Okay, so seeing as a good number of you actually see Doctor Who when it comes out, as opposed to those of us that're at the mercy of the Scifi channel, you already know about this. However, from my initial query about whether or not this would happen many a month gone by to the one I made just this last week I met a majority response that said that Doctor Who & Torchwood & The Sarah Jane Adventures would never cross over with each other originally were still saying the exact same thing.
Not all though, out of the 50 or so replies I got the last time (and people wonder why I xpost so much) there were about 3 or 5 people that had seen and knew it was going to happen and told me I was in for a real treat! So, for those of you that were still going on about the absolute fact, beyond any shadow of doubt, that these 3 series would never ever cross over because one was mainstream, one was far too violent & adult, and the other was wholly only intended for little children...
...Nyah! Nyah!! Nyah!!!!
I'm watching it again now because it came on at the same time as NUMB3RS and I had the good sense to tape it. So,
the following are spoilers for anyone that's not seen it already:
The Stolen Earth
Before I get into this, even though I find it hard to believe I missed it, there's mention of a previous time that the Daleks (apparently) tried to move the Earth. I'm blanking on this...anyone care to clue me into when this happened?
There's a couple of odd little things this episode, Part 1 of 2, revealed. First off, apparently at the end of the last great Time War one of the last things the good ol' boys of Gallifrey did was lock off the entire event from time. This is kind of crucial as to why the Doctor is doubly stunned near the end of things because the Daleks busted out of it which they should not've been able to do...
...although it left one of the Daleks in pure Smeagol mode. No ring obsession...yet, but there's just something really wonky about a Dalek giggling and practically doing sing·a·long. Also, I think exposure to the raw forces of time might also have left him just a tad psychic.
Episode opens up with the Doctor & Donna making sure the Earth is still where they left it. It is...for all of about maybe 30 seconds before the whole thing just up and disappears. While they're puzzling over that, the viewers see first U.N.I.T. based in New York and where Martha Jones is recovering after a massive quake, planet sized though they don't realize it at the time. Then we see Torchwood, equally effected and getting back to their feet. Then it cuts over to Sarah Jane's place where she and Luke are just as discombobulated as everybody else. Gradually, but quickly, everyone starts looking to the skies.
My God! It's full of stars!
Well, planets actually. Disturbingly close but the relative gravities of each planetary body is not causing havok on each like one would expect.
That's about it for major spoilers. As to minor, along with those mentioned above are a massive number of Daleks (trust me...you've never seen this many before) and Davros. Actually he was the biggest shock to me. Not that I didn't expect to see him eventually somewhere along the way but the last time I laid eyes on him was about 3 regenerations ago and he was just a head. Literally, just the head was all that was left of him. Now he's back to how he looed previously, minus some updated special effects, which seems really weird to me cuz if he was going to go and get his body back you'd think he'd've gone for the full package, right?
Davros, last of the Kaleds. Whatta feeb!
The whole planets in the sky bit had me thinking Crisis On Infinite Earths for a second...excepting they're not other Earths.
Given a lotta little sneak peeks and other full on appearances throughout this past season, it should be no surprise to see, in a gust of wind ironically, the Big Bad Wolf. Or Rose, if you didn't catch the reference. Hot little blonde with a really big gun! Also, a certain former Prime Minister with an interesting habit of saying her full name and whatever title she currently holds absolutely every single time she addresses someone (never have I been so tempted to reach through the screen and strangle a body before). Also the wonderful Rhino people and those that manage them...
...seems The Shadow Proclamation had the highest technology the Doctor could find when he ran into a wall he couldn't get around on his own.
Also, for all those wonderful SJA fans that thought this couldn't happen, you should've seen Sarah Jane's reaction when Captain Jack flirted with her!
Funny thing, and this could just be me, I can't help thinking back to The Five Doctors. Lottsa different players brought somewhere against their will but lashing out at everything and everyone around them. Odds are the Daleks set this all up but if they were just on one of the other planets grabbed then the fact they launched an assault wouldn't be out of character.
Hardly matters, I'm almost fully convinvced this was all the Daleks doing.
That's spoilers enough...though I'm a bit fuzzy on one thing. At the very end the Doctor gets partially nailed by a Dalek energy blast. Jack, Rose, and Donna get him back into the TARDIS and the last thing I see, before the "TO BE CONTINUED" is the regeneration process kick off...
...but then it shows what's happening next week and the Doctor has the same face!
Don't explain that to me, I can wait a week, but that is just so messed up. Good, cuz I really like this incarnation, yet still so very wrong.