Round 1: Sign Ups

Apr 08, 2015 17:25

Sign ups for this round are now closed! A big thank you to all of our participants!

The theme for this round is
blood or found-siblings, feel free to get creative with your interpretation

The available fandoms for this round are: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Vampire Diaries, and Harry Potter.

Here is the schedule for round one:

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round one, sign ups

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upupa_epops April 9 2015, 08:06:08 UTC
Name: Marta
Fandom 1: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Relationship you'd like to be explored: Dawn and Spike
Three elements you'd like included: older Dawn, Dawn as a post-Chosen Watcher, storytelling
Two things you don't want: comic books canon
Range of ratings you'd like to read: any

Fandom 2: Harry Potter
Relationship you'd like to be explored: James and Sirius
Three elements you'd like included: disappointment, arrested development, falling apart [just to specify: I'd love both a canon-compliant fic or a James lives AU, however you'd like to shape it]
Two things you don't want: easy solutions, shiny happy people
Range of ratings you'd like to read: any

Name: Marta
Email address: elenaontop at
Which fandoms are you comfortable writing in for this round: Buffy, HP, TVD
Which characters would you prefer writing for?
Fandom 1:
Fandom 2: Marauders Generation, Hermione
Fandom 3: Elena, Bonnie, Caroline, Katherine
Up to three characters you absolutely cannot write: The Potentials, The Originals, Snape
Anything else you can't write? comics canon in BtVS

Anything else you'd like to add? *bounces up and down*


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