[sign ups] Round 8: High School is Hell

Oct 04, 2015 21:16

edited 10/8: signups will be open until the end of the day on the 10th to see if more authors are willing to come play this round

Welcome to Round 8!
Thanks to everyone who voted for the fandoms this month.

The (optional) theme for this month is:
Ritual Inversion
In ritual inversion, the rules of society are reversed or ignored. (source) ( Read more... )

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lynzie914 October 9 2015, 04:36:18 UTC
Name: Lindsey
Fandom 1:TVD
Three elements you'd like included: someone else (known) as the doppelganger, mirrors, fighting fate
Two things you don't want: character bashing, love triangles
Range of ratings you'd like to read: any

Fandom 2: btvs
Three elements you'd like included: dawn and her key powers, research, magic
Two things you don't want: character bashing, non-canon character death
Range of ratings you'd like to read: any

Name: Lindsey
Email address: Lynzie (at) aol (dot) com
Which fandoms are you comfortable writing in for this round: tvd and btvs
What would you prefer writing? (answer for each fandom)
BtVS:Dawn, Buffy, Fred (ats), Cordelia, (I can probably handle most of the girls)
tVD: Caroline, Katherine, Elena, Rebekah, Stefan, Klaus (I'm willing to try others)
Sabrina: Sorry, no one. Too long since I've seen it.
Up to three things you absolutely cannot write: love triangles, character deaths (non-canon), too much Xander
Are you comfortable with crossovers? If so, which? YES! Give me the crossovers!
Anything else you can't write? I'm tentative on writing smaller/lesser seen characters. Minor characters really. I'm willing to try, I just can't say it will end well or be in character.

Anything else you'd like to add? Hopefully I filled this out right, if not let me know. (I'm not sure if I was too specific or not and the optional theme was supposed to be more optional.) Also...I hope someone else signs up. Or you know all the people show up? Come on people you know too.


kwritten October 11 2015, 06:48:39 UTC
hey sweetie. you and I are the only ones for this round. do you want an official email of your 'assignment' (aka me) or are you cool with just referring back to this page?


lynzie914 October 12 2015, 19:00:06 UTC
I'm fine with just referring to this. No need to make it harder on you. :D

Its sad that no one else signed up, but I'm excited for your prompts.


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