bingo update

Aug 02, 2015 19:26

By popular demand (aka polling), it's been determined that anyone working on a bingo card now has extra time. After looking at my personal (and modly) calendar, I've decided that the new due date is:

Monday, August 10TH

Which gives everyone next weekend, plus a day (or two, depending on your timezone).


Make a post to the community, just like you would for a regular assignment. Include your bingo card and fills, under a cut or links - so that we can see what you've finished and can all read your beautiful words!

Still want to sign up? there are plenty of cards left at the sign up page . (I can make more 4x4 cards if there is a demand.)

If there isn't a collected post made to the community by midnight PST on Monday, then your bingo card won't be counted, and you won't get shinys :(

special event

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