round 4: being a female hero 101 (arrow, laurel + thea)

Jul 06, 2015 12:31

title: being a female hero 101
fandom: arrow
characters: laurel, thea
rating: g
word count: 500ish
recipient: raktajinos
summary: Thea is ten when Laurel and her go shopping together the first time.
note: SORRY :(

Thea is ten when Laurel and her go shopping together the first time. It's a fairly regular sunny day in July, and Thea's school year is over and Laurel is free and Tommy and Oliver are up to something that Laurel just rolled her eyes at and while she is waiting for Oliver to return her a shirt that she left in his room, she finds Thea in the living room of the Queen residence, on the floor, reading a magazine. Laurel leans down and reads the open page over Thea's shoulder, eleven essential summer outfits, and some other similar headlines and then Thea looks up at her while Laurel's looking down at her and Thea's nails are painted yellow and pink and Laurel remembers then that Thea's never had an older sister.

They train together sometimes; when everyone else is busy, and sometimes when they're not, and always when they'd like to. When Thea's palms start sweating and she starts to fidget constantly, when Laurel forgets how to sleep properly and sometimes how to breathe. One of them calls the other then, knowing somehow, feeling the other and her need.

Thea's never had an older sister, but sister doesn't mean just blood; sister means sharing black nail polish because it goes with both of their vigilante outfits. Sister means nights spent plotting a FEMALE VIGILANTE manifesto to hang on multiple spots in their hub, it means making a kick ass playlist and enlisting Felicity to make the playlist play non-stop in the hub for a week, because it's great music and Oliver looks like he's annoyed with it and then looks like he's just pretending to be annoyed with it and then the next thing that happens is everyone is so worked up about the Bad Blood video and Laurel and Thea, they just laugh and laugh and laugh.

Nothing of this is easy. Nothing of this is a moment, everything's more than that, everything's a process, it's making decisions, time after time, it's whispering to yourself and screaming out loud to the ears of your enemies, I will not be brought down by this, whatever this is.

"You have to dress the part," they teach each other, because there is no one else to teach them that. It works, part the attitude, part make believe, but it makes them better. The black nail polish helps as well.

Training is not easy. Falling, getting up again, intentionally tripping the other to fall down. Running up flights of stairs. Running down the same flights of stairs. Constant duels. Thea trying to talk Laurel into cutting her hair, "vigilantism is just easier when you have less hair", Thea stresses, but then later they're buying ice creams in the mall in a break between hunting down the perfect leather jacket and Laurel's hair flipping earns them extra chocolate sprinkles from the waitress and it's Laurel's turn then to provide all the wise hair-related lessons. Thea concedes. For the day at least.

Thea's never had a sister
until now.

By the fifth day of their mutual vigilantism acknowledgment, they have each other on speed dial.

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