La internet ha estado loca desde anoche y no he podido actualizar (llevo más de dos horas con esta entrada). Pero parece que al fin se compone *cruza los dedos*.
Aquí, la deuda pendiente. Esto es algo que escribí para una_frase, y nunca publiqué. De cuando recién empezaba a enamorarme de estos chicos y esa manera absurda que tienen de necesitarse. Spoilers hasta el final de la 2º temporada.
Tabla Johnny Cash:
#01 - There's a man going around taking names #02 - Some are born and some are dying #03 - I hurt myself today #04 - Early one morning with time to kill #05 - The first time ever I kissed your mouth #06 - Your own personal Jesus #07 - There are places I remember all my life #08 - You can run on for a long time #09 - Sooner or later God'll cut you down 10 - It should be a while before I see doctor Death /td>#11 - If you could read my mind, love #12 - In love's crazy game #13 - We're the best partners this world's ever seen #14 - Back home I was known and respected #15 - Now I taught the weeping willow how to cry #16 - At my door the leaves are falling #17 - I find it very, very easy to be true #18 - Darlin' companion, come on and give me understandin' #19 - I don't know where I'm bound #20 - Well, I grew up quick and I grew up mean #21 - I'm stuck in Folsom prison, and time keeps draggin' on #22 - Love is a burnin' thing #23 - Gonna stand my ground, won't be turned around #24 - Everybody knows where you go when the sun goes down #25 - Every time I look at you I fall in love, all over again #26 - And I still miss someone #27 - I wear the black in mournin' for the lives that could have been #28 - Satan can't make me doubt it #29 - His kingdom was divided, couldn't stand #30 - Well now I heard that you've been thinking about me, really, I don't mind
Music to go (mullu recomienda):
When the man comes around (01, 02) **
Hurt (03) *
I hung my head (04)
Personal Jesus (06)
God’s gonna cut you down (08, 09) *
I’m free from the chain gang now (14) *
I walk the line (17)
A boy named Sue (20)
Folsom Prison blues (21)
I won’t back down (23)
Man in black (27) *
* mullu recomienda mucho, mucho
** mullu no comprende cómo ha podido vivir tantos años sin esta canción
(Because you're mine) I walk the line
#01 - There's a man going around taking names
No hay cómo explicarle que ser “distinto” no es algo bueno, que no es lo mismo sobresalir que espantar, que hay personas en el mundo dispuestas a congelar y cortar a otros en pedacitos por mucho menos de lo que él va predicando frente a toda la oficina (lo intenta, realmente lo intenta… pero todo lo que Peter responde, con la mirada fija en sus ojos, es “Nathan, creo que puedo volar”).
#02 - Some are born and some are dying
La gente nace y muere todos los días y 0.7%, hay que reconocerlo, es un número bastante bajo en cualquier estadística (hasta que el 0.000003% de ese 0.7% es Peter, y los gráficos cambian completamente).
#03 - I hurt myself today
Le dice al público que su hermano ha intentado suicidarse, con gesto preocupado; pero a veces, cuando se mira en el espejo de la sala (la foto de ambos enmarcada sobre la mesa), se pregunta si no será él quien ha dejado de respirar hace ya mucho tiempo.
#04 - Early one morning with time to kill
Peter llama temprano, le pide que lo vea en una esquina, y de pronto el teléfono está destrozado en el piso, alguien dice “es my turno de ser alguien” y todo sucede en cámara lenta, Peter cae, Nathan vuela, Peter vuela, se sujetan, se buscan, se pierden (y si hace una hora le hubieran preguntado qué era lo último que esperaba hacer en la vida, hubiera pensado automáticamente “reconocer que puedo volar”).
#05 - The first time ever I kissed your mouth
Peter tenía 15 días de nacido, las manos más pequeñas que Nathan había visto en su vida y unos ojos brillantes que parecían maravillados con el mundo (justo dos segundos después de olvidar que estaba celoso de este niño, Nathan supo que lo que estaba era completamente perdido).
#06 - Your own personal Jesus
Las luces de la Sala de Debate parecen alumbrar solo a Nathan, y entre la audiencia hipnotizada, Peter no puede evitar sentirse de nuevo como un niño de 6 años, siguiendo a su hermano por los pasillos (el más grande de todos, el más fuerte, el presidente de la clase, el capitán del equipo, el héroe).
#07 - There are places I remember all my life
Shamefully stolen from riatha)
Peter no lo recuerda (aún), pero hubo un momento (no hace mucho) en el que sabía perfectamente quién era y cuál era su destino, y todo lo que le importaba en el mundo era el hombre en esa foto (y sabía que todo lo que le importaba a ese hombre era él).
#08 - You can run on for a long time
Tres años de servicio (tres años de independencia), y basta cruzar el umbral para volver a sentirlo todo (la influencia imposible de Angela sobre sus hombros, la tristeza de Arthur bajo la superficie, el abrazo de Peter, limpio y desesperado, demasiado abierto, demasiado largo, demasiado intenso, demasiado), para volver a sentirse en casa.
#09 - Sooner or later God'll cut you down
Justo cuando pensaba que estaba en la cima del mundo, Peter sopló el castillo de naipes, derrumbándolo bajo sus pies (y por más que lo intenta, solo, ebrio y en el fondo de un pozo, no consigue arrepentirse).
#10 - It should be a while before I see doctor Death
Nathan sabe que su cuerpo no puede regenerarse, pero lleva muerto varios minutos cuando Claire remueve un pedazo de vidrio, Peter despierta abruptamente, y todo en su cuerpo parece revivir (descontroladamente) con él.
#11 - If you could read my mind, love
Llevan meses sin verse, y Nathan dice “te quiero” a falta de palabras para todo lo que quisiera decir (no hace falta más… Peter podía leer sus pensamientos mucho antes de cruzarse con Matt Parkman).
#12 - In love's crazy game
No le da miedo la altura, lo que le da miedo es esa habilidad extraña, anormal, no humana, que aparece de pronto y lo convierte en un fenómeno (solo que a veces Peter lo mira de esa manera, lo abraza un poco más de lo debido, se le cuela en la mente sin aviso, y le recuerda que era un fenómeno mucho antes de descubrir que podía volar).
#13 - We're the best partners this world's ever seen
Nathan cree que su habilidad es la menos impresionante del grupo y que Peter tiene demasiado poder, tal vez por una cuestión de equilibrio (no comprende que su mayor poder no es volar, sino controlar esa marea titánica, ese fuego incontrolable que es Peter).
#14 - Back home I was known and respected
Es difícil mirarse al espejo y encontrar a ese borracho de barba descuidada, tan poco parecido al tipo que alguna vez se sentó en la cima del mundo (es mucho más difícil cuando las fotos de Peter le recuerdan, al mismo tiempo, que una vez fue Nathan Petrelli y por qué no puede volver a serlo).
#15 - Now I taught the weeping willow how to cry
Nunca había visto llorar a Nathan (ni por dolor, ni por mujeres, ni por rabia, ni por él) y tarda dos segundos en asimilarlo (Heidi podría morir… tiene miedo… ¿lloraría igual por mí?... por dios, está llorando), antes de envolverlo en sus brazos y dejar que se aferre a sus hombros como un náufrago intentando mantenerse a flote.
#16 - At my door the leaves are falling
El otoño lo entristece desde que tiene memoria (el fin del verano, los buses escolares, el viento que hace bailar las hojas junto a la puerta, alrededor de las maletas de Nathan), por muchos colores que le ponga Nueva York.
#17 - I find it very, very easy to be true
No sabe si lo haría por la humanidad (cruzar la línea, renunciar a todo, volar hacia una bomba humana), pero descubre que es sorprendentemente fácil hacerlo por Peter.
#18 - Darlin' companion, come on and give me understandin'
Peter aparece en el hospital mucho antes que nadie y Nathan lo agradece, porque en ese momento (es la columna, ha sufrido mucho daño, no volverá a caminar, dice el médico, como si las vidas perfectas se destruyeran todos los días) no soportaría la cercanía de nadie más (la de Peter, sin embargo, le es indispensable).
#19 - I don't know where I'm bound
Todo pasa demasiado rápido, no comprende su cuerpo, lo asaltan fuerzas incontrolables, el espacio-tiempo ha dejado de ser una línea, sabe que tiene un lugar en el Plan Supremo, pero no consigue descifrar cuál es, sólo hay calor, miedo y confusión… cuando el cielo se abre (“no voy a dejarte”) y siente el camino firme bajo sus pies (“yo también te amo”).
#20 - Well, I grew up quick and I grew up mean
Nathan le responde que sí, que lo sabía (que Arthur se pasaba las noches en el estudio mirando al vacío, que pasaba semanas sin levantar la mirada, que cuando la levantaba la vida pesaba en sus ojos), y Peter no le pregunta por qué no se lo dijo, no se pregunta cómo no se dio cuenta (son raros esos momentos en los que comprende que Nathan no se volvió de piedra para salvarse… sino para ser el muro que lo salvara a él).
#21 - I'm stuck in Folsom prison, and time keeps draggin' on
Le toma semanas comprender que Adam tiene razón, que esto no es una clínica, es una maldita prisión (la rabia, sospecha, tiene menos que ver con el encierro que con la abrupta conciencia de que Nathan podría haber muerto sin despedirse, sin saber que Peter está vivo gracias a él).
#22 - Love is a burnin' thing
Quema, destruye, duele como nunca imagino que algo pudiera doler (pero cuando Peter se le escapa de las manos, encendido como una supernova, todo lo que quiere es alcanzarlo y explotar con él).
#23 - Gonna stand my ground, won't be turned around
Adam le ha dado motivos más que suficientes para confiar (lo ayudó a escapar, a recordar, salvó a Nathan), y nada puede hacerlo cambiar de opinión ahora (nada, excepto la repentina aparición de la única persona capaz de calmar la marea de ideas que se estrellan contra las emociones, de recordarle quien es realmente, de anclarlo a tierra).
#24 - Everybody knows where you go when the sun goes down
Lleva horas pensando en Peter (siguiéndolo por los pasillos, brindando en su matrimonio, sonriendo como un maniaco con la cara embarrada de chocolate, mirándolo con reproche, desmoronándose en las escaleras, encendido como una antorcha, muerto en la sala) cuando recuerda que Parkman puede escucharlo todo (y Matt se aclara la garganta y empieza a hablar del caso).
#25 - Every time I look at you I fall in love, all over again
Han pasado casi 20 años desde esa tarde, con rostros embarrados de algodón de azúcar, luces, equilibristas y fuentes de colores; casi 20 años, y cada vez que Peter habla de un nuevo proyecto, de una vieja idea (de salvar el mundo), Nathan vuelve a ver su rostro iluminado, la sonrisa embarrada de azúcar, los ojitos brillantes mientras señala a los trapecistas (míralos, Nathan, pueden volar).
#26 - And I still miss someone
Tiene el espejo cubierto de fotos de Peter (y cuando el rostro deforme le devuelve la mirada desde un resquicio, sabe que estaría dispuesto a aceptarlo, por esa otra mirada gracias a la cual puede pararse frente a un espejo).
#27 - I wear the black in mournin' for the lives that could have been
El presidente (un desconocido, hace ya mucho tiempo) habla del desastre y sus causas (oficiales), y Peter se pregunta (se lo pregunta seguido) cómo serían sus vidas si él hubiera sido más fuerte entonces, si hubiera podido detener la bomba, si hubiera controlado su poder (ahora, que es capaz de controlarlo todo, ningún poder puede ayudarlos a recuperar lo que fueron).
#28 - Satan can't make me doubt it
Se pasa la noche pensando al borde de la azotea (no tiene sentido... pero los sueños, la pintura... todo es tan real) y cuando amanece está convencido, no hay marcha atrás (coge el teléfono y llama a Nathan… sabe que no podrá hacerlo sin él).
#29 - His kingdom was divided, couldn't stand
No es que haya dejado de querer a Heidi o (mucho menos) a sus hijos, es que Peter ha desaparecido y (Peter salvó el mundo, cree que es peligroso, se ha ido, no sé dónde está) nadie parece entender lo que eso significa.
#30 - Well now I heard that you've been thinking about me, really, I don't mind
Desde que descubrió que puede oír los pensamientos ajenos, abrazar a Nathan en público se ha convertido en una experiencia diferente (y aunque ha oído algunas cosas que prefiere no recordar, también ha oído algunas que lo llenan de esperanza en el futuro del mundo).
Hay un par de frases de las que quiero sacar fics. Mmm.... ¿Y qué tal si hacemos lo siguiente? Ustedes me dajn un comentario y yo les escribo un fic/drabble en base a la frase que escojan. ¿Qué tal?
Internet's been crazy since last night, and I haven't been able to post (this one's taking over two hours). But it finally seems to be working *fingers crossed*.
So, here's the promised deed. This is something I wrote for una_frase, a challenge in which you write a sentence pero prompt (I picked the Johnny Cash table). Back from the time I was just falling in love with these guys, and that absurd way in which they need each other. Spoilers up to Season 2 finale.
Johnny Cash Prompt Table:
#01 - There's a man going around taking names #02 - Some are born and some are dying #03 - I hurt myself today #04 - Early one morning with time to kill #05 - The first time ever I kissed your mouth #06 - Your own personal Jesus #07 - There are places I remember all my life #08 - You can run on for a long time #09 - Sooner or later God'll cut you down 10 - It should be a while before I see doctor Death /td>#11 - If you could read my mind, love #12 - In love's crazy game #13 - We're the best partners this world's ever seen #14 - Back home I was known and respected #15 - Now I taught the weeping willow how to cry #16 - At my door the leaves are falling #17 - I find it very, very easy to be true #18 - Darlin' companion, come on and give me understandin' #19 - I don't know where I'm bound #20 - Well, I grew up quick and I grew up mean #21 - I'm stuck in Folsom prison, and time keeps draggin' on #22 - Love is a burnin' thing #23 - Gonna stand my ground, won't be turned around #24 - Everybody knows where you go when the sun goes down #25 - Every time I look at you I fall in love, all over again #26 - And I still miss someone #27 - I wear the black in mournin' for the lives that could have been #28 - Satan can't make me doubt it #29 - His kingdom was divided, couldn't stand #30 - Well now I heard that you've been thinking about me, really, I don't mind
Music to go:
When the man comes around (01, 02) **
Hurt (03) *
I hung my head (04)
Personal Jesus (06)
God’s gonna cut you down (08, 09) *
I’m free from the chain gang now (14) *
I walk the line (17)
A boy named Sue (20)
Folsom Prison blues (21)
I won’t back down (23)
Man in black (27) *
* mullu really recommends
** mullu doesn't know how she lived all these years without this song
(Because you're mine) I walk the line
#01 - There's a man going around taking names
There’s no way to make him understand that “different” is not "good", that it’s not the same to outstand and to freak, that there are people in the world willing to freeze and cut others in small pieces for a lot less than he goes brawling about around the office (he tries, he really tries… but all Peter answers, staring deep into his eyes, is “Nathan, I think I can fly”).
#02 - Some are born and some are dying
People are born and die every day, and 0.7%, you have to acknowledge it, is a pretty low number in any statistic (until 0.000003% of that 0.7% is Peter, and then the charts change completely).
#03 - I hurt myself today
He tells the audience that his brother tried to kill himself, with a worried expression; but sometimes, when he looks at himself in the living room mirror (their picture together framed on the table), Nathan wonders if it’s not him who stopped breathing long ago.
#04 - Early one morning with time to kill
Peter calls early, asks to meet him on some corner, and suddenly the phone is trashed in the floor, someone says “it’s my turn to be somebody”, and it all happens in slow motion, Peter falls, Nathan flies, Peter flies, they hold onto each other, they find each other, they lose each other (and if anyone had asked him an hour ago what was the last thing he expected to do in this life, he would have automatically thought “to admit I can fly”).
#05 - The first time ever I kissed your mouth
Peter had spent 15 days in this world, had the smallest hands Nathan had ever seen, and bright eyes that seemed marveled at the world (exactly two seconds after forgetting he had been jealous of this kid, Nathan knew that what he really was was completely lost).
#06 - Your own personal Jesus
The Auditorium lights seem to only fall on Nathan, and within the enthralled audience, Peter can’t help but feel again like a 6 year old, following his brother through the hallways (the biggest of them all, the strongest, the President of the Class, the Captain of the Team, the hero).
#07 - There are places I remember all my life
Shamefully stolen from riatha)
Peter can’t remember (yet), but there was a time (not long ago) in which he knew perfectly well who he was and what he was meant to do, and all he cared about in the world was the man in that picture (and he knew that all that man cared about was him).
#08 - You can run on for a long time
Three years of service (three years of independence), and all it takes is to cross the threshold to feel it all again (the impossible pressure of Angela on his shoulders, the sadness of Arthur just below the surface, the hug of Peter, clean and desperate, too open, too long, too intense, too much), to feel home again.
#09 - Sooner or later God'll cut you down
Just when he thought he was at the top of the world, Peter blew the house of cards, bringing it all down under his feet (and as much as he tries, alone, drunk and at the bottom of the pit, he can’t manage to regret it).
#10 - It should be a while before I see doctor Death
Nathan knows his body can’t regenerate, but he’s been dead several minutes when Claire removes a piece of glass, Peter wakes up abruptly, and everything in his body seems to (uncontrollably) come back to life, too.
#11 - If you could read my mind, love
They haven’t seen each other in months, and Nathan says “I love you” for lack of words to everything he would like to say (not that he needs to… Peter could read his thoughts long before Matt Parkman crossed their way).
#12 - In love's crazy game
He’s not afraid of heights, but he’s quite afraid of that strange, abnormal, inhuman ability, that manifests abruptly, turning him into a freak (except that sometimes Peter looks at him that way, hugs him a bit too long, crawls into his mind uninvited, and reminds him that he was a freak long before finding out he could fly).
#13 - We're the best partners this world's ever seen
Nathan thinks his ability is the least impressive in the group and Peter has too much power, maybe out of some balance issue (he doesn’t understand that his greater power is not to fly, but to control that titanic force, that uncontrollable fire that is Peter).
#14 - Back home I was known and respected
It’s hard to look at the mirror and find that drunk with the untrimmed beard, so different from that other guy, who once sat at the top of the world (it’s much harder when the pictures of Peter remind him, at the same time, that he was once Nathan Petrelli, and why he can’t be it again).
#15 - Now I taught the weeping willow how to cry
He had never seen Nathan cry (not out of pain, not for women, not in rage, not for him), and takes two seconds to absorb it (Heidi could die… he’s afraid… will he cry like this for me?... my god, he’s crying) before wrapping him in his arms and let him hang from his shoulders, like a shipwreck survivor fighting not to drown.
#16 - At my door the leaves are falling
Autumn makes him sad since he can remember (the end of summer, the school buses, the wind that makes the leaves dance by the front door, around Nathan’s school bags), doesn’t matter how many color NY puts in it.
#17 - I find it very, very easy to be true
He doesn’t know if he’d do it for humanity (to walk the line, to give up everything, to fly towards a human bomb), but he finds surprisingly easy to do it for Peter.
#18 - Darlin' companion, come on and give me understandin'
Peter shows at the hospital way before anyone else, and Nathan is thankful because at that moment (it’s the spine, it’s too damaged, she won’t walk again, says the doctor, as if perfect lives were destroyed everyday) he couldn’t stand the presence of anyone else (Peter’s, however, is indispensable).
#19 - I don't know where I'm bound
It all happens too fast, he doesn’t understand his body, he’s assaulted by uncontrollable forces, the time-space continuum is no longer a continuum, he knows he plays a part in some Supreme Plan, but he can´t decipher which part it is, there’s only heat, and fear, and confusion… when suddenly the skies part (“I’m not going to leave you”) and he can feel the road under his feet (“I love you, too”).
#20 - Well, I grew up quick and I grew up mean
Nathan says yes, he knew (that Arthur spent the nights at the studio staring at empty spaces, that he could spend weeks without looking them in the eyes… that when he did, life weighted in those eyes), and Peter doesn’t ask why they never told him, doesn’t ask how he never noticed (it is one of those strange moments, in which Peter understands that Nathan didn’t turn to stone to salve himself, but to be the wall that kept him safe).
#21 - I'm stuck in Folsom prison, and time keeps draggin' on
It takes him weeks to accept that Adam is right, that this is not a medical facility, it’s a damn prison (the anger, he suspects, has less to do with being locked than with the abrupt conscience that Nathan could have died without saying goodbye, without knowing that Peter is alive thanks to him).
#22 - Love is a burnin' thing
It burns, destroys, hurts like he never imagined something could hurt (but when Peter slips from his hands, lit up like a supernova, all Nathan wants to do is catch him and explode with him).
#23 - Gonna stand my ground, won't be turned around
Adam has given him more than enough reason to trust (he helped him escape and remember, he saved Nathan), and nothing can make him change his mind now (nothing, except the sudden appearance of the one person capable of calming the tide of ideas that crashes against emotions, of reminding him who he really is, of grounding him to earth).
#24 - Everybody knows where you go when the sun goes down
He’s been thinking of Peter for hours (following him through the hallways, tossing at his marriage, laughing like a maniac with the face covered in chocolate, giving him a reproachful look, falling down the police station stairs, burning like a torch, dead in the living room) when he remembers Parkman can hear it all (and Matt quickly clears his throat and starts talking about the case).
#25 - Every time I look at you I fall in love, all over again
It’s been almost 20 years since that afternoon of sugarplum covered faces, bright colors, tightrope walkers and fountains of light; almost twenty years, and every time Peter starts talking about a new project, about an old idea (about saving the world), Nathan can see his face lit up, the sugarplum smile, the little bright eyes while he points at the trapeze (look, Nathan, they can fly).
#26 - And I still miss someone
He has the mirror covered in pictures of Peter (and when the deformed face looks back from a corner, he knows he’d be willing to accept it for those other eyes, thanks to which he can stand in front of a mirror).
#27 - I wear the black in mournin' for the lives that could have been
The president (a stranger, long ago now) talks about the disaster and its (official) causes, and Peter wonders (he wonders often) how would their lives be, had he been strong back then, had he been able to stop the bomb, had he controlled his power (now, that he can control anything, no power can help them recover what they once were).
#28 - Satan can't make me doubt it
He spends the night thinking on the roof (it makes no sense… but the dreams, the painting… it’s all so real), and by dawn he’s convinced, there’s no way back (he picks up the phone and calls Nathan… he won’t be able to do it without him).
#29 - His kingdom was divided, couldn't stand
It’s not that he had stopped loving Heidi o (much less) his children, it’s that Peter is missing and (Peter saved the world, he thinks he’s dangerous, he’s gone, I don’t know where he is) no one seems to understand what that means.
#30 - Well now I heard that you've been thinking about me, really, I don't mind
Since he discovered he could hear other people’s thoughts, hugging Nathan in public has become a different experience (and though he’s heard some things he’d rather not remember, he’s heard some others that fill him with hope in the future of the world).
There's a couple of sentences I wanna turn into fics. Mmmm... So what if you guys leave a comment and I give you a fic/drabble based on the sentence of your choice? Would you like that?