Feb 08, 2005 19:41
Friday--I wasn't allowd to do anything, I dont know why though!! Leigha my sister's friend came up to stay with the girls...we all played bball in the living room...I just about lost a really close friend on Friday too...She's about to get a bf and he's a control freak and wont let her have guy friends and it kinda upset me cause I mean me and this girl was kinda like brother and sister...she told me stuff, I told her stuff, and we were just really close...I dont know what's gonna happen there!! I stayed up talking to Kristin most of the night!!
Saturday--Kristin called and woke me up..and we talked for a bit and then she went prom dress shoppin with her mom...she got back and called me and we talked pretty much all day!! She got off the phone around 3:30 to go catch the bus to go to P.V. They had a game over there and won!! Steven and Adam came up also so it was me and my sisters and Leigha, Steven, and Adam and we watched movies all night untill around 10:45 me and mom went out in town to pick up Kristin. On the way back through the bus dropped her off and we picked her up!! We came back here and me and Kristin went in my room and chilled for about an hour or so and then we went in the living room and everyone was laying around....me and Kristin stayed in there for about 30 minutes or so and then we went back to bed!!
Sunday--Adam woke up that morning when he asked me did I want some of his breakfast!! He left around 10:30 or so to go to church..All of us that was left and mom went out to eat at the SUNRISE Kristin not Shunshine...haha loser
Everybody left but me and Steven and Kristin...we all chilled then we took her home around 3 or so!! Came back here chilled and a lot of people came up and watched the Super Bowl..I talked to Kristin on and off the whole time...Everyone ended up leaving around 11 or so...I got off the phone with Kristin and went to bed around 12 or 1..
This week has been kinda boring..nothing exciting has happened!!
But I'm Out
Leave Em