America! FUCK YEAH!!

Oct 16, 2004 12:16

Well I didn't end up going to bed until 6 AM last night (this morning?)... And party night isn't even until tonight! =P

Sure was fun, though.
Anyway, on Thursday night, Erin ended up winning some free passes to an advanced screening of Team America: World Police and invited some of us to see it with her. I wasn't sure how much I would like it, but I ended up laughing so hard that I could barely walk out of the theater. It was by far the funniest and most offensive movie I've seen this year. It was so perfect... Go see it!
I give it three stars. Out of... umm... 1!

Then yesterday I decided to start working out again, so Dan and I went running with Jack on the loop around campus, which ended up being about 2.2 miles. I must have looked funny running around in 60-degree weather, freezing my ass off and almost getting hit by cars in just a black wifebeater and my new bathing suit (I somehow left my shorts at home. IDIOT!). It was refreshing, but when I was done, I thought I was going to die. And then I did. I'm glad I went, though... It's been a lot of fun getting in good shape again. Now that I have some motivation, that is. =P

There's a huge party tonight at my apartment! Everyone's invited, so stop by and say hi! I could use a better partner for beer pong anyway.
Later, bitches.

In just a few days, I finally get a visit from someone special!
Heheheh... I can't wait :)
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