Jul 09, 2006 09:35
And now here I am in Taiwan, where it surprisingly isn't as hot as Belize, or at least it doesn't seem to be as hot. Regardless, here I am and here I shall be for 7 weeks.
The flight over wasn't much, I sat next to this girl from Thailand and we talked for a little while. She didn't know much English, but our topics ranged from how nice the city lights looked when the plane took off to how she remembered one of the flight attendants when she came to the US last time and how her friend thought the flight attendant was hot. Other than that, what else can you say about a 7 hour flight, hour layover, then 9 hour flight? The first leg was everybody trying to sleep, and failing because of a screaming baby. While the second leg of it was people more up and about, or still trying to get some sleep, and still with the screaming baby.
Once off the plane, it was a wait for luggage and an easy pass through customs. I was able to find my cousin Mei Fang and her boyfriend Wang Shiu jiu, or Jason, easily enough. And with a quick car ride in Jason's brother's car and I'm at their apartment right now. And currently everybody went back to sleep because of how early they had to get up to pick me up. Their apartment looks pretty nice, I found a empty bottle of what seems to be a soda called Root Sars, and I'm pretty much just dicking around until they wake up again. I'm probably gonna take a nap soon enough.
And forgot to bring a towel. Heh, broke the first rule in the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy.