Jun 08, 2005 23:59
You know what I wanted to do today??? Listen to my ipod....
but no... I don't have one... It's stolen.
All I wanted to do was listen to Hot Hot Heat or maybe a little Postal Service, I would even settle for Modest Mouse, but fuck ass no I have to listen to CSN over and over because itunes is being a bitch about my music library. If i have to go another week without listening to any of my goooood cds, i might die... As oar said, my stereo is my best friend EVERYDAY...
dude I am really rocking the ellipses right now. If i got a nickle for everytime I used one I'd probably... Well, I'd probably only have about three dollars, but whatever.
fucking viruses make me want to pull some thoreau shit and move into the forest and build a log cabin for christ's sake. Even thought that actually sounds pretty fun right about now. On the way to Viroqua for the bball game there was like FIVE HUNDRED stores that actually sold log cabins... Doesn't that sound a little illogical? It does to me. Aren't you supposed to build it yourself? You know, honest abe style and all. Oh well, the boonies are an alternate universe where all things are possible. Oh yes, and where everyone is blinded by the boldface lies that George Bush spits out daily.
Just watch Kill Bill vol. 1. It reminds me of all those kids who are obsessed with Japan. They weirded me out with all their ddr and paki and everything. (althought I have since discovered that ddr, althought mind boggling hard for those of us withouth rythym, is a pretty good game. and paki is manna from heaven.) But, once you got to know them they were pretty ok. Except for this one kid Raif who would always talk about his fucking japanese samurai sword and his lesbian wiccan mother or whatever. I was like... dude I'm as liberal as the next one, but I don't really want to hear about the one time your mom divorced your dad to marry some high wiccan priestess. If you're gonna start a conversation with someone, make sure they want you to share.
Oh dear lord, i'm starting to sound emo... someone shoot me in the face before i grow bangs and pine artistically...
haha pining artistically...