Man, it's really weird to be 19. I've been giving it a lot of thought recently and just the aging process and the way I feel confuses me. At times, I feel like it was just yesterday I'd wake up and sit near the heater early in the morning with my Power Rangers pajamas on and watch "Under the Umbrella Tree" before heading off to Firestone Park Elementary School and learning about multiplication from Mr. Rogers or history from Mrs. Buckner. Then there are the other instances when my knees, back, legs, neck and arms are aching from being a klutz/basketball/nagging aches and pains in general and I've felt like I should be a war veteran or something with decades of life experience behind me.
I've never really been a HUGE birthday person. The past several years, I've really tried to just focus on spending it with my family and my closest friends, which is basically what I plan on doing this year as well. My actual birthday will be spent a) in class until 6 b)at the intramural basketball captains meeting c) out having dinner with two of my closest friends, Tony and Ketan and d) watching a movie with my amazing girlfriend at her house. Then, next weekend will be spending time with my parents in Stuart and then going to Miami and Orlando two straight days to see Royal Rumble, Raw AND Smackdown with another whole set of amazing friends.
All this being said, I can honestly say I can't complain about anything in my life right now, as you could probably tell from the post before you. My class load is shamefully easy, although I consider myself lucky in that I enjoy every single class I am and I'm earnestly interested with every subject. I'm never without a smile or a laugh because I have some of the best friends a person can ask for. Sure, I get teased and made fun of more often than not these days for having shit hair, being a big whiny bitch or dozens of other things, but I love every second of it just because I'm around great people who make me laugh and are purely joyous to be around. I can't imagine my life without Ketan's annoying me on purpose, Tony's sports knowledge, Randy's amazing humor, Hix and Denton's charismatic personalities, etc. Even people I don't see all the time like Matt, Zangre, Helen, my BFFL, Jon, Mel, Nick, Kyle, Smitty, etc (if I didn't say anyone by name, no disrespect, I am just lazy and didn't feel like typing all that much, I feel like I'm on the Oscars or some shit) make my life extremely wonderful. I have an incredibly beautiful, intelligent, funny, caring and honest girlfriend who I grow even more fonder of every second I spend with her and I look forward to the months ahead where we can go only grow closer. My family loves and supports every decision I make and I cherish the time I spend with them. I'm surrounded by marvelous people with an easy cirriculum and so many opportunities and experiences still on the horizon.
I feel sort of guilty to be proudly displaying my great life on a platform to where everyone can read it; it's almost as though I'm shoving it in people's faces, as if I'm saying "Ha!" to everyone's problems. If anyone takes it that way, I'm really sorry. On my special day, though, I just had to let it be known that my birthday really doesn't matter to me because every day is special to me right now. And, in this time when LJ has been used for emo posts and declarations of changes, friendship issues and emotional setbacks, I just had to change it up a little bit. So, with that being said, thank you to everyone who wishes me a Happy Birthday, peace love and Word Life.
I couldn't let this be a straight up serious post so check this article out...I guess he really does live the vida loca.