we are who we are

Jan 03, 2003 05:45

And the weirdness of it all we have the unigue and the regular, in the turns of this merry-go-round world that we live in, with the punks and the goths this world that really does accept the strange and unusual because society has relized its flaws and its hatred for what it doesnt understand ,and in that it has created this screen, a screen of morallity but in truth is just lies that of the modern realiztion of wrongness. But we are all outcasts in the rarest sence, in fact we all long for understanding. But in that truth no one understands any one, with the goths tring to figure out the preps and the preps tring to figure out the goths, the modern man is stuck in the middle banging his head on the wall. He is so simple and yet so complex at the same time. With the up and downs of this world he doesnt understand. And every one else striving to be exactly like him. But each path has a different meaning and each meaning being a different truth. The truth that im different, or that your all the same. Same as what? The same as me, or the same as everyone else. And those dweebs with there computers and there loneliness all grow to be the best. But we all who experience life are left behind. But we grow old we are brought ot bow to those we never knew. So in that truth is it better to live early and die later, or is better to die early and live later. Understand this, that the only final truth and realization in the world is that we will die and go on. But mabey in that we will go on and die. In that only the few that get this realization will live and stive on to be what they truly dream.
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