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Aug 19, 2010 20:18

Анимашке-глобализашке, про степень испаряемости с поверхности Мирового океана. "Пилите гири Шура, они золотые"©

The operational Microwave Integrated Retrieval System (MIRS) aims to upgrade the NESDIS current operational Microwave Surface and Precipitation Products System (MSPPS) and build a one-stop shop for microwave products from various satellites with different instrumental configurations. With the capability of providing optimal and physically-based retrievals of atmospheric and surface state parameters, the operational MIRS will produce advanced near-real-time surface and precipitation products in all-weather and over all-surface conditions using brightness temperatures from the microwave instruments, which include AMSU-A and AMSU-B/MHS instruments on board of NOAA and EUMETSAT polar orbiting satellites, SSMIS on DMSP polar satellites and ATMS/CIM on NPP/NPOESS. The targeted operational products will include: vertical profiles of temperature and moisture, rainfall rate, total precipitable water, cloud liquid water, snow cover, snow water equivalent, sea ice concentration, ice water path, surface emissivity spectra and land surface temperature. These products will be made operationally available to users with different types (orbital, granule/Area of Interests, daily, monthly) and formats (HDF-EOS/HDF, NetCDF, BUFR, McIDAS and AWIPS) through a multi-year stratified phase approach.

With the current MiRS v5.0, the operational products from NOAA-18, NOAA-19, and MetOp-A include: temperature profile over ocean, moisture profiles over ocean and non-coastal land, total precipitable water over ocean and non-costal land, cloud liquid water over ocean, rain water path, ice water path, rainfall rate, snow cover, sea ice concentration, snow water equivalent, land surface temperature, surface emissivity over land and snow for all AMSU-A and MHS channels. The operational products from DMSP SSMIS include: total precipitable water over ocean, cloud liquid water over ocean, rain water path, ice water path, rainfall rate, snow cover, sea ice concentration, snow water equivalent, land surface temperature, surface emissivity over land and snow for all SSMIS channels. The SSMIS temperature and moisture profiles over ocean are also made available to users as demo products.

The MIRS retrospective data have being archived since August 30, 2007 starting from version 1.0, and can be acquired from the National Climatic Data Center and the Comprehensive Large Array-data Stewardship System.

Анимашке неполучилось чота выковырять,"маємо, шо маємо"© Cм. прямую ссылко в каментах.

Чота, они там этому "Water Vapor" уделяют очень пристальное внимание. Я бы даже сказал, чрезмерное.






климат, Гольфстрим, физика и химия планетных атмосфер, Россия, Альберт Гор, water vapor, Солнце, трагедия, засуха, 2010 rip

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