well how does that fuckin' do ya?

Sep 06, 2004 02:05

trovei: wha?!

Auto response from Fool Pitied By T: I'd like to send a big fuck you out to the korean non-driver that destroyed my car. Thanks, jackass.

Fool Pitied By T: howdy
trovei: hey man
trovei: i saw rachael at the italian festival
Fool Pitied By T: oh yeah
Fool Pitied By T: ?
Fool Pitied By T: is there more to that, or...
trovei: nah
trovei: taht's about it
Fool Pitied By T: heh
trovei: apparently she's up there every weekend
Fool Pitied By T: yeah, she's working on the costumes for greater tuna
Fool Pitied By T: I was gonna go up there this weekend
trovei: ...but?
Fool Pitied By T: see: above away message
trovei: oh yeah
trovei: what's the deal with that
Fool Pitied By T: just as it sounds
Fool Pitied By T: I was coming home from work, turned off of 476 on to baltimore pike cause I was going to get my mom a birthday card
Fool Pitied By T: jackass stops right in the middle of the fucking road with no warning
Fool Pitied By T: some little korean nothing who can't speak english gets out of his suv (which, by the way, is fine) I swear to god, you'd think my car was tin foil and his was coated with adamantium
Fool Pitied By T: his 15 kids are crying in the back without seatbelts (aren't they supposed to like, have two, both male, and down the rest?)
trovei: hhahahah
trovei: craziness
trovei: so he can't speak?
Fool Pitied By T: and his wife, who could speak- a - rittle - engrish got out and starts giving me her (expired) insurance info
trovei: were you fuming ?
Fool Pitied By T: think about me, steve. as your friend. how long have you known me. now ask yourself that question again
trovei: hahah
trovei: so did you rip them apart?
Fool Pitied By T: they wouldn't come near me. They - a - rerry, rerry a-scayed of big fat-a angry amelican
trovei: hahahahah great!
trovei: were the cops there
Fool Pitied By T: yeah, they got there, acted as go betweens
trovei: how much did you yell at 'em?
trovei: and who ended up being at fault
Fool Pitied By T: I hear "he a hit me, while we was a stopped." and I'm like "I- a - hit them, because they were - a - stopped in the middle of the FUCKING ROAD with no warning!"
Fool Pitied By T: and I will tell you now, steve, they did most dishonorable damage to my car

A1ive and well: yo
A1ive and well: did you get my msg?
Fool Pitied By T: sorry man, no, I saw that you called, but it was right in the middle of me explaining to the nice police officer how two little asian people in a big honking SUV destroyed my car
A1ive and well: haha my msg was "jesus, i could've sworn i just saw you on teh side of baltimre pike"
A1ive and well: everyone ok?
A1ive and well: what happened?
Fool Pitied By T: hahahahahahahahahahaha
A1ive and well: we were on our way to media and i just caught you lighting up a cig out of the corner of my left eye and my brain was like yea thats pat
Fool Pitied By T: well Ping Kim and Kim Kim (actual names) decide to stop in the middle of the road, and I mean stop. going from 40 to 0 immediately
A1ive and well: wow
A1ive and well: hahahaha
A1ive and well: you rear-end them?
Fool Pitied By T: yup
Fool Pitied By T: so of course, technically, it's my fault
A1ive and well: god, what'd teh cop say
A1ive and well: right
A1ive and well: and that sucks
Fool Pitied By T: nothing, no citations
A1ive and well: even tho they were guilty of DWA
A1ive and well: driving while asian
A1ive and well: which is pretty serious
A1ive and well: i was on the trolly the other day and in the middle of the tracks is this lil asian girl in a kia sorrento [i mean if you're going to buy an SUV, buy a fucking real one, i know your korean and you're trying to support the homefront but] and she's on a cell phone oblivious to 30 tons of kawasaki branded iron barreling toward her
Fool Pitied By T: hahahahahah, oh no
A1ive and well: we almost uh, dishonored her
A1ive and well: the trolly guy was like wait for it wait for it NOW HOOOOONK
A1ive and well: i hate that horn, but not right then i didnt
A1ive and well: she freaked and dropped teh cellphone and jumped the lil curb near the track
A1ive and well: i thought she was gonna flip the lil piece of shit over
Fool Pitied By T: jesus christ, these people can scale walls, catch katana blades in their bare hands, fly for short distances, and occasionally, not often but SOMETIMES throw fucking hadukin fire balls from their palms.... why then can they not manage the concept of a rack and pinion steering system and anti-lock breaks?!
A1ive and well: hahahah
A1ive and well: haha..so was the kim family making any attempt to explain thier irrational driving pattern [beside thier ethnicity?]

trovei: yeah. did they explain why they stopped?
Fool Pitied By T: dude, these people would have had a hard time explaining how to flush a toilet
Fool Pitied By T: they were straight from the boat man
Fool Pitied By T: I mean like escaped from the sweatshop yesterday
trovei: that sux dude
trovei: and their car was fine?
Fool Pitied By T: dude
Fool Pitied By T: a scratch
Fool Pitied By T: if that
Fool Pitied By T: and they were bugging out
Fool Pitied By T: "Ouwa cah has rittle damage...."
Fool Pitied By T: I'll fucking give you some real damage, you walking stereotype
Fool Pitied By T: my car looks like I drove it into a brick wall, you're car can be fixed by a little wax-on, wax-off
trovei: crap.. so the front's all smashed in
Fool Pitied By T: remember the car hellboy conventiently stopped?
trovei: umm..
Fool Pitied By T: with his fist
trovei: so. it's bad
Fool Pitied By T: there ya go'
Fool Pitied By T: I'm teling you, if I wasn't moderately sure I would have been on the receiving end of a wicked crane kick, I was gonna go fucking nicholson on their car with a tire iron
trovei: hahah plus you were a bit outnumbered
Fool Pitied By T: true

Fool Pitied By T: goddamit man
Fool Pitied By T: talk about fucking kharma
Fool Pitied By T: I did nothing for myself today
Fool Pitied By T: I worked all day on my day off because it's labor day weekend and my boss woke me up with a phonecall asking me to come in
Fool Pitied By T: I did
Fool Pitied By T: all day
Fool Pitied By T: then I was stopping at that particular exit because I wanted to stop and get flowers and a birthday card for my mom
Fool Pitied By T: and in the mean time, I stumble smack-dab across the ho-chi-min trail and get cluster bombed into car-less hell by charlie and the family circus
A1ive and well: wow, that sucks dude, she better fuckin appreciate it
A1ive and well: i bet she was instead pretty pissed off, hows the car look?
Fool Pitied By T: of course not, she bit my fucking head off (without asking if I was alright first), stacking this on top of yet many other reasons why i make her life a living hell (my renouncing the catholic church and taking pleasure in tobacco being slightly beneath that)
A1ive and well: ah.
A1ive and well: cause god likes catholics to judge people for him and all.
A1ive and well: i mean, he cant judge everyone. that'd take too long. he needs help.
Fool Pitied By T: I mean, I know I'm lapsed catholic and all, but these were godless bhuddists... shouldn't I still get the decision?
A1ive and well: hahahaha
A1ive and well: now you feel dante's pain
A1ive and well: heh. wasnt even supposed to work today.
Fool Pitied By T: hahahahahah, well said, steve, well said
Fool Pitied By T: and wanna hear the irony of that statement?
Fool Pitied By T: the officer who took the accident report
A1ive and well: sure
Fool Pitied By T: officer kevin smith
A1ive and well: no shit.
Fool Pitied By T: I felt like I was in a surrealistic nightmare
Fool Pitied By T: I kept waiting for Affleck to show up and say it looks like someone just shit in my cereal, BONG!

trovei: that's true?!
trovei: that's pretty nuts
Fool Pitied By T: yes it is
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