"They'll fear me more than they'll trust you. I don't trust you...Clark."

Jun 03, 2003 09:38

ok, so here's something that's cheered me up slightly. Metallica's new album, Saint Anger, will "drop" - as the kids say - 5 days early, which means I will be rocking to the derpressing gods of metal come thursday instead of waiting a whole week, awesome. then in a week it's Radiohead. Then in early July it's the summer sanitarium tour, which will have Metallica, Linkin Park and some other people, so that will be fuckin' hot.

Back to boring shit though, as I'm starting back at Fuck-Fil-A today and I'm so ecstatic I wish I could just inhale an entire cigarette and die of lung cancer right now.

No good movies for a while either.


Fuck it all
Fuckin' no regrets
I hit the lights on these dark sets

Madly in Anger with you

I've learned from many peoples' journals/away messages that when in doubt, post a lyric.

You know what sucks? Shaving. I hate shaving. and not just having to shave the goat for chick-fuckin-a. I mean shaving in general. Now I know a bunch of feminazis will attack and say girls have it worse, but, well, fuck you. Sure, you have to shave your legs, armpits, bush, and if you're italian everything else. But guys have to shave our fuckin' faces. we put a razor blade to our fuckin' face. and it hurts. and burns for a while. and you still can't get it completely clean. balls, I hate it.

know what else I hate? shitty jobs. but enough on that.

Why is no one ever on line? I talk to Gillian and Steve regularly, which rocks, but everyone else must be VI-fuckin'-P's or something, cause I've barely talked to Jon, Andrea, Cat, Kelly, Chris, Monica, Jeff, Greg, Luchko the entire summer. Granted, Tim's on line, but never there. are people, GASP.... outgrowing aim?

perish the thought.

Since I never see him on line, Jonathan, if you should read this, pick up JLA/JSA: Virtue and Vice by Geoff Johns. If you liked Crisis or Kingdom Come, you'll love this shit. Excellent Book.

ok, enough outta me, I've posted too many in my insomnia today as is. Peace, fools.
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