OOC: Leaked Lore - funny?

Aug 18, 2009 14:44

People are talking about the leaked lore, class and world stuff that might be coming in the new expansion. Most of it seems fine to me - I figure it makes sense that races would be able to learn new things, ala tauren paladins, etc. Some of the lore stuff strikes me as a bit wonky, though.

It's no secret I'm not a fan of the Garrosh character (who is?) and that certainly plays into my feelings about the possible changes. As I was thinking about the possible new lore changes and the previous retcons Blizzard has done this (hopefully funny) scene popped into my head.

If Metzen wrote for Lord of the Rings online.

Aragorn: "Hey Boromir! Just wanted to check in and see how things are going. I heard you killed Elrond. What's up with that?"

Boromir: "Well, after you left the Fellowship to become the next Istari with Gandalf, I kinda took over. Elrond was too cool, too popular and way too evenhanded. He was making me look like an a-hole. So, I framed him to make it look like he was working with Sauron and then I murdered him."

Aragorn: "Interesting strategy. But what about the elves? They must be pretty pissed."

Boromir: "Nah, they believed me hook, line and sinker. Turns out they aren't really the cerebral types after all. And it's not like Elrond ever did anything good for his people, the race of men or the entire world."

Aragorn: "Good point. So who is leading the Elves, now that you've murdered Elrond?"

Boromir: "Oh, his daughter Arwen took over. She's a babe, by the way. I see why you were interested in her. I'm totally going to try and woo said strumpet."

Aragorn: "But, you framed and killed her dad. Wasn't she mad about that?"

Boromir. "You'd think so, but no. Go figure, huh? But, that's an elf for you. No sense of family or tradition."

Aragorn: "I must say I'm a little surprised Legolas didn't stop you. He was my second in command, you know. We fought together many times and were as close as brothers. I even asked him to keep an eye on you. I can't believe he stood by while you did all this."

Boromir: "Yeah, that surprised me too. Especially with all that "I'll kill you if you go too far" business while we were hanging out in Rivendell. Who would have thought he actually had no personal honor or loyalty to you or his entire race? Still, worked out great for me."

Aragorn "Lucky that, indeed."

Boromir: "Well, the best part is that you don't care about the Fellowship or the race of men anymore. By the way, how's that whole "learning to be the next Istari to defend Middle Earth after Gandalf leaves" going for you?"

Aragorn: "Oh, dude. Best thing I could have ever done. Ever. And you are right, this Istari deal is so much more important to me than restoring the race of men and finally putting to rest the weakness and self interest of my family line. Isildur smish-ildur."

Boromir: "Well, I've always said that Gondor needs no king."

Aragorn: "You were spot on there, man. Spot on."

Boromir: "So you really aren't upset that I killed the leader of the elves, he man that trained you and protected you, the man that came to the aid of the whole world the last time Sauron tried to conquer everything, the man that gave you that really sweet sword?"

Aragron: "Of course not! Nothing there to get upset about. Oh hey, Gandalf is back. He needs me to go do more Istari stuff. Work work work. You keep taking great care of the Fellowship for me, okay?"

Boromir: "Before you go, don't you want some kind of update on that whole "ring" business?"

Aragorn: "Nope. I totally trust you dude. I knew your Dad and he was solid as a rock and totally loyal. Plus, it's not like you would keep the ring yourself and wear it in order to try to defeat Sauron and win the day one fell swoop."

Boromir: "Of course not. Never crossed my mind."

me being dumb, wow, lore

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