Zarsheiy - redux

Mar 05, 2008 17:14

.(retcon - i think this fits her personality better)

*here (really) begins the journal of Zarsheiy Kaltersea, a blood elf with a habit*

I've found a thistle seller! I've been living in Brill for a week or so now. I have a room at the Gallows End Tavern and Inn. It's kind of a creepy name, but then it is right down the road from Creepyville. Anyway, she's a local girl ~ winks and saunters and flirts like crazy ~ and she has thistle. Lots of thistle.

Monday last she must have seen the jitter in my hands or something, because she suddenly was sidling up asking me if I want "something" for my pipe. I wondered for a long moment if this was some sort of trick or a sting like they run back home. I decided to go for it; this isn't Silvermoon after all. She passed it along with a mug of mead. It was worth the risk.

The leaves she sold me were really good. I filled my silver pipe ~ one of the few things I remembered to pack when I left ~ and settled down near the hearth. No one seemed to care that I was smoking, at least none of the locals anyway. I could feel all the stress and jitters leave my body almost instantly. Sooo good.

She came back to me two more times that night and I bought more each time. By the third leaf I'm not even sure how much silver I was giving her.

Speaking of spending, I'm almost out of money. I've gone over and over my plan in my head. How hard can it be, really? I'll finally get to use the tricks I learned from my teachers at the Cloister. The mask is done ~ covers my whole face now ~ and is a wonderful bright red. It matches my suit perfectly! There should be plenty of travelers wandering the roads between Brill, the Silverpine, and a place called Deathknell to provide easy targets for a "stick-up".

I'll have to be careful in the town, though. What good is a secret disguise if everyone sees you walking around in it? I think I'll wait to change into my costume until I'm out of town.

A girl has to smoke, after all.


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