Title: The Things We Do
Fandom: Sea Patrol
Pairing: Kate/Buffer - also mentioned Mike/Kate
Rating: PG
Words: 3165
Summary: 'That morning if someone had told her she would be hiding in a storage closet with Buffer, attempting to steal Thor from Hammersley at close to midnight she would have told them to try some new medication.'
The Things We Do )
:( Some of the links have been screwing up on my master list, try going through the tags instead, they're incredibly pedantic and will have a few things that haven't made their way onto the masterlist yet, about 30 fics or so.
I am now going to do the things I'm supposed to be doing and then read all your fics - now that I'm done stalking you!
Mind if I friend you?
Death Race I haven't seen. Dr Who. Fringe (tried it but didn't like it). Horatio Hornblower. House is on my to watch list and I keep getting distracted. Primeval. Star Trek. Torchwood. Ultimate Force and the West Wing which is on my pile with House.
Primeval is good, certainly worth getting your hands on, as you might be able to tell by my sheer mass of fic for it.
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