Title: After Dinner Mints
Pairing: Jack/Liz (mostly friendship)
Rating: PG
Spoilers: 3x03 - The One with the Cast of 'Night Court'
Length: 837 words
Disclaimer: 30 Rock is not mine and belongs to far more awesome people.
Summary: "It’s not like her and Jack ever really hung out outside work hours anyway. Not often. And never on a Wednesday night
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Comments 17
You captured Liz's voice very well. This was great!
Thank you! Glad you liked it :-)
That's exactly the moment I was missing from the last ep. Thank you for writing it. It was VERY in character, well done. Loved these:
Except in the back of her mind she was picturing Jack making out with Claire. Or worse.
She hit reject on the phone, only to notice that instead of hanging up the button had answered.
Maybe he had a camera attached to her ceiling.
She glanced up at her ceiling trying to spot a hidden camera.
And she totally had to figure out how to delete numbers and reject calls before she had anymore arguments with people.
I'm glad you liked it! It always makes me happy when my favourite script writer likes my fics ;-)
Ok I should sleep before I start spamming LJ and facebook with stupid random comments!!!
*random hugs*
Thanks for reading ;-)
Although he did tend to admit defeat to her before he would to anyone else.
Hee, exactly. He does. I love Jack.
And I love this! Write more write more write more.
I have written more!! Sometime, sometime. Hehe. Now you, post more Cooper/Violet fic :-P (Or Jack and Liz...or like Tracey and a wall, I'm really not fussy just post fic)
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