Premiere week.

Sep 30, 2007 22:54

Weekly TV review round-up.

Prison Break

I miss Sara.

Having said that? I have a feeling that this season could turn out to be really good. I like Whistler, even though we've seen very little of him, and I think I'm gonna like the dynamic between him and Michael.

I'm liking Susan less now, she seems very cliche. Too cliche. Sofia I haven't decided on yet...but either way...they're not Sara.

I liked Mahone, Michael and Whistler in the tunnels - but as if the three big muscly guys couldn't have taken on Mahone and his rusty old pipe.

The Office


I have never squealed so loudly over hand holding, no really, that was just cute. Walking at the back so they can hold hands. Aaaw. And the lamp. Aaaw. And the car. Aaaw.

Just aaaw.

They're happy! And together!


And there was something in credibly funny about Michael running over thingo Meredith at the beginning of the episode. I know...running over a person should not be funny but I laughed for a good five minutes.

Private Practice

Cooper + Violet. It is very hard not to ship these two. Having said that I don't want them to get together for quite a while because this is made by the creators of Grey's Anatomy and I don't want years of crap just for the sake of viewer amusement.

Cooper in general is of the awesome. Him and the kid? Yeah. Almost worth sacrificing Kellerman for Cooper...but I still miss Kellerman. *points back up at first show* Actually add that in there, I miss Kellerman.

I think I'm more inclined to ship Addison with Sam than with Tim Daly's character who I have temporarily forgotten the name of.

This episode wasn't a great first ep, but...I like it.

I just have one major issue. RECASTING. No offence to Audra McDonald I'm sure she's a wonderful person...but Merrin Dungey fit into the cast much better. Her and Kate Walsh came across much more like best friends, and her and Taye Diggs came across much more like people who were once in a relationship.

*is not impressed* I hate recasting as a general rule and in this case I hate it even more because I really liked Merrin Dungey in the 'pilot'.

Grey's Anatomy

I actually don't mind Lexie. She beats Meredith anyway. I'm very over Meredith and Derrick.

Alex and Ava/Rebecca FTW. I am very much a shipper of them.

And oddly enough I think I'm the only person on the planet who doesn't hate Izzie and George. Really. It was badly done, and it happened way too fast, but...I don't mind it.

I have issues with the way they're trying to make Callie unlikable though, because I like Callie.


Hiro's storyline amused me, as did Claire's.

The rest? Yeah not so much...

Sometimes I wonder why I watch Heroes, I think it may be more out of habit than anything. Not that I don't enjoy it but it doesn't hold me in the way the above shows (yeah unfortunately that includes Grey's) seem to.

I don't have much else to say about this...except I'm predicting Hiro is his own hero.


I have to admit, I forgot half of what happened in the season finale when I started watching this, I hadn't thought much about Bones in the hiatus. Took me a while to remember what happened with Angela having a husband.

Booth and Brennan were cute though...but I'm starting to need something more from this ship. Just a little bit more...

greysanatomy, privatepractice, bones, heroes, theoffice, prisonbreak

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