Fantastic Four 2

Jun 21, 2007 23:33

OMG it was good! Fantastic Four 2 was actually good...Ok well know 'good' but it was entertaining and I would see it again on DVD.

Much better than the first!

Look at me I'm being a fangirl of a comic book movie, this is like...against what I usually like. I mean I don't mind them but I don't fangirl them.

Ioan Gruffurd is hot. Yes?

Jessica Alba's eyes freaked me out the entire movie, I think it was the blue eye makeup as well. Just weird.

You know its funny I saw this movie filming on every corner (well at UBC, Burrard St, Burnaby, driving past on 4th Ave constantly...) and I mean I saw these guys at least once a week and never bothered to go look cos I had never seen Fantastic Four at the time.


Ah well, shit happens.

But yeah the movie.

Wow, the special effects were actually just wow. That blew Star Wars right out of the water. The whole opening sequence was cool and the whole big cloud sucking Earth thing, that was cool too.

And I liked the Silver Surfer he was cool.

Julian McMahon's character was almost

And yay! The vehicle thing that I remember from the cartoon when I was little (yeah OK my Fantastic Four fangirling goes a bit further back than I admit), although I don't remember much of it I remember their little flying machine thingy.

OMG I really liked it.

How odd!

Anyway, the Green Guide (TV Guide) amused me by writing a review of 'Sona'. I can't quite figure out if it's supposed to be an insult or a compliment though?

I quote:

"Prison Break makes The Shawshank Redemption look intelligent. It makes 24 seem plausible. Prison Break is so breathtakingly stupid it's brilliant."

OK so there's some truth in that and the whole article totally neglects to mention that Wentworth's hotness alone is enough reason to watch this episode.

No AFL for me this weekend *sad*. Stupid split-rounds.

afl, fantasticfour, vancouver, prisonbreak

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