Audrey's Night Out On The Town...

Feb 24, 2007 02:40

delgaserasca more photos for you to steal!!

So because it's Friday me and dirty_martini decided to take Audrey to Panic! Because...well she clearly needed to enjoy this part of our lives :P

We started our night with the usual Red Bull, cos I was I watched dirty_martini have a Jager Bomb and then shared my Red Bull with Audrey!

Me and Audrey, me TOTALLY SUNBURNT. *headdesk* Whoops. *didn't realise* LOL!

She visited Pia's cleavage ;) I don't know what posessed her to do that...but she did!!

Here's a couple of photos of Audrey on the empty dance floor.

And the full one later on in the night!

Then of course we had to introduce her to everyone!!

This is Sean and dirty_martini, we met Sean tonight he's cool!! We made him guess our favourite TV shows LOL. dirty_martini gave him a hint for mine...I would try and explain to you her mock escaping from jail she did but I'm sure you have to SEE it to understand the amusement I gained from it LOL!!

I swear this guy was much cuter in real life, we don't actually know who he is...apparently his name is Damien!! But Audrey managed to pick up on her first night at Panic ;) *thinks she must just be totally popular*

Jacqui!! Hehe.

On our way out we introduced her to the bouncer (actually we introduced her on the way in, but we didn't take a photo till we left...)

He refused to smile. I don't know his name :( Unfortunately Ari wasn't there, he's the cute bouncer I like him!!

Then we also took a photo with this dude:

Audrey thought he was cool ;)

After that we decided to take her on a little tour of Melbourne City at night!

Flinders St Station

LOL you may not believe me cos its like a blur of nothing, but that IS Audrey with a Melbourne tram, and Fed Square is in the background but you can't see it.

Fed Square again

Blurry, with the trees lit up green!

LOL then we did our going out night routine of going to Maccas...

And decided to drive Audrey past our old high school.

And that was that...Audrey had a wonderful time and loved meeting all the new people :P She even enjoyed the music cos she has awesome taste in music ;)

friends, audrey

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