Jun 16, 2005 22:56
wow, no more high school... ever... except 4 the plant test tha i have 2 wake up n do n turn in tmrw... :-D
but ya, jus got home and oooooooooooooooo on ma table was like this nicolet grad gram thing... lol, ma mom jus opens ma mail n puts it on ma table now... SCORE!!! but ya, jus wanna say thank you 4 all those wonderful ppl who thought of me when they wasted their money on this
nicolet school board!! those crzy crzy ppl
nicolet p.t.s.o. okay, basically the same thing 2 me....
The nicolet high school foundation... WHOOO HOOO 5 yrs alumni status!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAA
Mrs. Naomi Wood... i hate tha bitch... she's a friend's mom.... craziest woman in the world, some of u prolly had her as a teacher... ugh
Mrs. Van Hecke... awesome teacher, def will miss her
Jenny Meilander, lol, nobody can pronounce her name, n she looked really angry when moeser messed up her name durin practice... hope she feels better so she can play at her recital tha i will prolly miss, SRY!!!!!!!!!
Mrs. Goodberg, Glen Hills Orchestra teacher, ma best teacher at glen hills cuz she let me skip whole days of classes wit one pass mmmmmmmmmmmhmmm
n last, but certainly not least, our state champ, daniel graves... wha a p.i.m.p.!!!! im not sure if i'll miss him... yea, he's annoyin, but still so fun 2 have around, look at... i would say make fun of, but i would never do tha, im 2 nice :-)