Notice that a lot of the questions are missing.
1. You're being extremely quiet, what does it mean?
I'm working something out in my head. Or I'm asleep.
2. If someone hit you, what would you do?
Defend myself if they look like they're going to hit me again.
3. Do you still have feelings for your ex?
Only animosity.
4. Have you ever had a booty call?
I have. A long time ago.
5. If so would you again?
Sure, I would.
6. When was the last time you laughed?
This morning when I heard a filthy joke.
7. Has anyone told you they missed you lately?
8. Are you wearing any clothes that don't belong to you?
9. Would you ever date your best friend (of the opposite sex)?
*laughs* Date Scully? I don't know. I guess I could. I don't think she'd want to date me, though.
11. Do you regret anything from your past?
Many things. But I'm learning to live with them.
12. If you could seek revenge on someone, would you?
13. How do you react when people cry around you?
I feel for them and try to comfort them in some way.
14. Do you bump into someone's arm if you want to hold their hand?
No, I'll usually touch their hand with my fingers and see if they hold on.
15. Last argument?
With a witness I interviewed for an investigation.
16. Who is your best friend?
18. Are you jealous of this person?
Sometimes I envy her rational thinking and skepticism. And don't you ever tell her I said that.
19. Would you ever strip for money?
Only if the clientele were visually impaired.
20. Do you like someone?
I do.
23. What are you listening to?
The news.
24. Last Beverage?
Orange juice
25. Last nap?
26. Do you own a planner?
I do. Now, ask me if I use it.
27. Favorite season?
Basketball and baseball.
29. Would your parents be mad if you were in a inter-racial relationship?
I'm pretty sure Mom would want me to stick to the human race. I would be tempted to date a being from another planet, though.
Seriously, no, my mother would not care who I date. She'd probably be relieved I'm seeing anyone at all.
31. What are you doing Saturday?
Going over case notes.
32. Sweetest thing anyone has ever done for you?
Taken care of me when I died.
33. Friend that is most like you?
Actually, there are three. The Lone Gunmen.
36. Fav color?
37. Are you racist?
38. Excited for anything?
The end of this case so I can spend some real quality time with Jason.
40. Would you ever steal someone's boyfriend or girlfriend?
No. Karma's a bitch.
42. Last time you were confused?
That's classified.
45. Have you ever done something behind your best friend's back and never told them?
47. Rent a movie or go to movies?
Rent. This way I don't have to put up with loud people, I can pop my own popcorn and cop a feel without getting in trouble.
48. Been to Mico?
Can't say that I have.
49. Own a gun?
A few.
51. How old are you?
52. Do you wish you were older?
53. Would you take a bullet for anyone?
I have. Not the person I ever thought I would, though.
54. What's one thing you want to accomplish in life?
To find out what really happened to my sister.
55. Do you wish someone was with you?
56. Done something today you shouldn't have?
Not today.
57. Do you hate anyone?
58. Feel sorry for someone?
59. Do you think everything is your fault?
Only some things.
60. How are you feeling right now?
63. Are you single?
64. Happy about that?
66. Are you eating or drinking anything?
67. Anything you always wear?
Boxer briefs.
68. Kissed anyone in the past 24 hours?
69. Ever thought you were going to die?
70. Do you like the way you look?
I've never thought about it.
71. What should you be doing?
Cleaning my gun.
72. Are you tired?
73. Are you doing this because you're bored?
74. Needing to tell someone something important?
I should call Scully and tell her what's going on.
75. Planning on telling them?
I'm dialing right now.