how NOT to make friends

Jun 01, 2004 13:27

The GNWT (government of NWT) hates me. Something to do with me complaining about not being invited to a round-table meeting, and sending off several letters. Plus an upcoming editorial tearing them apart for lack of transparency, and numerous complaints from industry about my exclusion.
RESULT: The GNWT isn't renewing their ad contract with Canadian Diamonds.

And now the City of Yellowknife hates me. Something to do with me writing a story entitled "Welcome to Canada's diamond capital," which goes on to explain why Vancouver is Canada's real diamond capital. The City of Yellowknife has trademarked the term "Diamond Capital of North America" and didn't take to kindly to my play off their term. Bunch of big babies.
RESULT: Less than a month after renewing their ad contract for a year, they city has "reviewed their participation in our magazine, and regretfully must cancel" their contract and all future advertising in Canadian Diamonds.

Governments are funny. I enjoy pissing them off. Next up: criticizing the federal government over its lack of action in removing the excise tax on jewellery.

(oh, and I don't know if I mentioned this before or not, but my website is now online:
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