- Radiohead! I don't know how they do it, but these boys with their doom and gloom and ondes martenots and carbon footprint analyses and silly hair make my heart hurt, and I love it. I've got pit tickets to the St. Louis show, and I'm going to All Points West to see them, two nights in a row. Oh, the setlist possibilities. I vote Cuttooth. Or Amazing Sounds of Orgy. Like Spinning Plates. I Want None Of This. (I want all of this.)
- John Simm! My painstakingly calibrated scientific study has concluded that John Simm is utterly delightful in every way. If you have not seen the BBC miniseries State of Play, you've no business fucking about on the internet. Watch it!
- Prime Minister's Questions! Why doesn't our government work like this? The Republicans would be a lot more amusing if they were represented by such a dashing lavender-tied figure as David Cameron, he of the lean-and-smirk-of-emphasis. PMQ was by far the most entertaining program on the television during the writers' strike, but I'll keep watching as long as C-SPAN sees fit to broadcast.
By the way, I'm not an Anglophile. I appreciate the above not because they're British, but because they're awesome. I'm an Awephile.