May 05, 2004 21:08
Well, let's see...
4/20/04 - Thank you all for coming over. Thank you to two very special ladies. I had mucho, mucho fun and umm, well... Thank you.
4/29/04 - Car Accident... That sucked ass. My back hurts and now it looks like they might total my car. At least that bitch has insurence.
5/01/04 - Jen left her keys to work in the car (long story, they slid under the seat durring the accedent). So she calls me and i don't get the message till later. I find the keys and get them to her, however she opened the store late so she got written up again.
5/03/04 - I have to work late and so i stay on the clock and go to swoop up Jen at work. Her boss NEEDS to go sign paperwork for FootLocker (in the mall) so i tell Jen to let her know to be back in 10 min... She does not return for 30 min, so i call the bitch's cell phone and say... "Hay, i need to to hurry up. I am still on the clock for my work and i need to get back."
5/04/04 - Jen calls me to say that she must work Friday. I was all, what? Don't you have a DR. appt Friday (her day off)? She was all, i did... however Karen told her she HAD to change her appt. (normally this would be fine) However the Dr. appt is so she can be checked out be the Dr for the accedent. I was miffed that she chaged it. Anyway, i call her later to make sure she lets her boss know that we were in an accedent and that she not lift heavy shit till she gets checked out by the Dr. So her boss answers the phone and i let her know in a nice way... i know what your thinking, but Jen was on the line too. I just said, Jen and i were in an accident and so i think that she should take it easy on lifting until she sees the DR. and then Karen (will call her bitch), So the Bitch starts getting all pissy n' shit with me. I was justy all, i just wanted to make sure your were aware. Then she told me that it's none of my concern and it's between Jen and her. Later that nigtht Jen informs me she was yelled at because i called the bitch on her cell phone and told her to hurry up, that cell is not for me to call, blah, blah, blah....