Aug 07, 2008 15:20
I went to New England Yearly Meeting (annual week long Quaker gathering) and had a pretty good time. However...I went to the beach with the Junior High kids to help out the staff/hang out with my girlfriend, and I of course contracted a hideous sunburn. Right on that rectangle of flesh in the middle of your back that you can't reach without excessive stretching.
In any case, I'm fine with sunburn pain, it has it's place. But this sunburn, just starting today, is different than any other. It itches. Agonizingly. Excruciatingly. To the point where I writhe, scream, and claw at my arms and chest in futile effort to distract my nervous system with pain. Lotion seems only to make me feel greasy in addition to being unbearably uncomfortable.
So far only prolonged showers seem to help, but I don't know how I'm going to work tomorrow. An eight hour shift with no watery relief?
This isn't something I've ever done before, but I'm wondering if my bosses will notice if I come to work drunk.