Happy New Years everyone!
My resolutions are:
- Apply to college ASAP (as in tomorrow)
- Loose weight (go standard woman resolution)
- Get my shit in gear for school.
- Make the Yearbook and Seabreezes of '09 volumes to remember
- Travel more
I am a creeper so I am going to put up some cool pictures of my family I came across while looking through piles of old photos... and a couple shitty life comics.
ah yes Weedy the ferret, she (he?) has an affinity for climbing into broken desks, and blankets in the night. Long story short I rested my bones in the creepiest room on the east coast with a free-range ferret named Weedy as it's guardian... It was a cold grungy night on that matted fake Pursian.
I was concerned that black on gray would only remind my cousins of their loss. Parodying my own aunt's mourning period two days in... I am a wonderful person. She will be missed, she was a great woman.
The working class child.
This... is my life.
"Momma Fish" do I resent her for giving the skinny as a rail genes to my older sister? Yes, yes I do. (I bereeev she made that dress)
My dad has been plumbing since he was 17 (too much info overload yet?)
My grandparents were pretty gangster them selves
I live in that house. (small town girl GO)
Again, I live in this house, sans that good old lead paint shingling.
The nineties, some how my clan survived it.
Well that was a glorious trip down memory lane strangers, hopefully you gained nothing from this but a misguided voyeuristic tinge