12gatsunohime and I have been RPing a lot over the past week or so, and I thought I would share what ended up happening last night. Because it's just too cute for words.
Hime: Let
Hime: s
Caitlin: XD
Hime: YEP
Hime: Let's see who I've got on the line
Hime: (probably whoever was commenting on the clouds earlier)
Hime: (Yep. same person who said it was cloudy.)
Caitlin: (Which is...?)
Hime: (sorry, that was no help at all. XD I'm getting into my pajamas because that's the only clothes I can RP in)
Hime: (It's Hannah)
Caitlin: (Oh, okay.)
Hime: (I could get psychological about why she was the first to show up, but I don't think I'd be very coherent. XD)
Caitlin: (IMO? She wants to cuddle Alois.)
Hime: (Probably)
Caitlin: (for *)
Hime: (Okay that made me giggle)
Hime: It's awfully cloudy tonight, isn't it? The sky's such a lovely shade of purple...
Hime: (Hannah, if you could focus?)
Caitlin: I like purple. It's my favorite color.
Caitlin: (...you're not hlping Alois.)
Caitlin: (helping*)
Hime: I know. You always look so nice in purple. Purple and grey, like the sky tonight. It's beautiful.
Hime: (Maybe we should just let them carry on)
Caitlin: (Yeah, perhaps it's for the best.)
Caitlin: You know what ellse is beautiful, Hannah? You and me and Luca and Claude all getting to be together forever.
Caitlin: (else* jesus christ Alois.)
Hime: Yes, my dear, that is very beautiful. As is your honesty. And your energy. And your strong, vibrant soul.
Caitlin: -nuzzles his face into her chest.- I love you, Hannah.
Hime: -Pets his hair softly- I love you too, little one.
Caitlin: -sighs after a long moment. He really likes cuddling with Hannah, but...- Hannah, where's Claude?
Caitlin: [I have no idea wtf Alois wants with Claude, btw.]
Hime: [haha]
Hime: [It's Alois, god only knows]
Caitlin: [I'm sure he'll tell me here in a minute.]
Hime: -Tilts her head a bit.- ...I don't know. I can't remember if he went somewhere, or not...
Hime: (random, but the ice cream truck in this neighborhood plays la cucaracha. it's horrible)
Caitlin: [that's kind of depressing, actually.]
Caitlin: [do you know what la cucaracha is about?]
Hime: (I think it's because we're right smack on the mexican border, but)
Hime: (yes, don't remind me)
Caitlin: [Ah.]
Caitlin: [haha, okay.]
Caitlin: Do you know what he told me the other day? -pouts a bit- He told me that playing Angry Birds so much was bad for me. Can you believe that, Hannah!
Hime: -Smiles down at him warmly.- It doesn't help your eyes, really. It's not good to focus on any one thing too much....though, perhaps Claude isn't the best person to tell you that. -Laughs softly, nothing in her tone indicating that she has any problem with what she's saying.-
Caitlin: -Pouts even more; Ciel once told him that he had a pout that could rival Grelle's. He should, with all the practice he gets.- But Claude lets Luca play however long he wants. -sighs again, snuggling a bit more into Hannah.- It's so unfair.
Hime: -Gets an interested look on her face, holding her little boy tight.- Did you ever think that, maybe, -she says this slowly, because if she's right, it's a very big step- he says that because he wants to spend more time with you? -Oh, if she's wrong, there are going to be so many pieces to pick up. Again.-
Caitlin: -Looks up at her, his eyebrows drawn together and nose scrunched.- You really think that's why? If he wants to spend time with, why doesn't he just ask?
Hime: -She sighs a bit and sincerely hopes she's right. But, judging by the way he's been acting ever since he got back into contact with his brother...- Claude is...a bit bad at saying how he feels. -Or knowing how he feels, but that's another story- Sometimes he can be a little bit confusing. But, I think if you spend some time with him, he'll get better at it.
Caitlin: -Alois nods, just once, and then something suddenly hits him.- But...won't you be lonely, then, Hannah?
Hime: -Oh, this boy. This wonderful little boy. He breaks her heart sometimes.- You can still be with me, sometimes. And besides, we have Luca, too. Someone needs to tell him not to play games every waking hour of the day. -She laughs softly and scoops him up into her arms, sitting down on the chair beside the window so his legs hang off the side.-
Caitlin: But Angry Birds is so fun! -Alois enjoys sitting in Hannah's lap like this, because it's easier for him to pretend that they're a real family, him and Claude and Hannah and Luca. He pretends that Hannah is his mother so it's not as weird for him to want to be with her all the time.- You'd really like it if you just gave it a chance, you know.
Hime: -She smiles down at him.- I know. I just like to watch you play it. -She may have sat down like this to indulge her need to keep him close, to cradle him in her lap and make sure he's safe.- I like to see you happy, dear one. -She ruffles his hair a bit and presses a kiss to his forehead. She loves this little family they've created far too much, she thinks sometimes. It's the prideful demon she once was, perhaps, creeping back through her.-
Caitlin: [okay I just have to stop and say, d'aawwwwwwwww, omg these two are breaking my heart.]
Hime: [also, I am horrified to learn tonight that I do, in fact, have a claude muse. And I have for a bit. It's bicentennial claude, so he's got some emotions, but. still.]
Hime: [we're having a standoff in my head over his existence]
Caitlin: You know what else is fun, Hannah? -He digs his iPod Touch out of his front pocket, slides the little bar across the screen, and flips through a million pages of apps for the one he's looking for.- The Impossible Quiz!
Caitlin: [pfffft, that is awesome and also epically disturbing.]
Hime: -Blinks a bit.- ...the what?
Hime: [Hannah is not technologically savvy XD]
Caitlin: The Impossible Quiz. -He taps and opens it.- It's a little quiz thing, and it's really hard. You have to figure out how to pass each level without messing up, because then you have to start all over. And everything's a trick question, so it takes forever to get some stuff right. Here, watch. -Taps the start button and is confronted by a traffic light. He touches the red light as requested and goes on to the next level. Tap the enemy. Five quick taps in succession kill the little bastard, and he keeps playing.- See, isn't this just awesome?
Hime: -She smiles, entertained more by his enthusiasm than by the screen, though she is a bit intrigued by it.- I see. -She wraps an arm around his back so he can lean on it, and she watches the flurry of images go past as Alois burns his way through the questions. She imagines this is his favorite thing to do after Angry Birds, judging by how quickly he's going. For a moment, she wonders if all of this digital distraction is a way for him not to have to think too hard about...well. She leans her head on his and keeps watching.-
Caitlin: Oh, oh oh! Hannah, watch! -This is by far his favorite level. There's a penguin standing on ice on the screen and the instructions say to break the ice without tapping. So he shakes his iPod as hard as he can for a few seconds without breaking it, and then stops and watches the penguin fall into the sea.- Yes, extra life!
Hime: -Okay, that amuses her. She laughs out loud, making Alois shake a bit in her lap.- Oh, that's wonderful. -She watches him go through the next couple of levels with similar enthusiasm.- Does it ever end? I can't imagine anyone could think up so many puzzles.
Caitlin: -Levels a flat look at her for a moment before remember that the next level has a time limit.- Of course it has an end, Hannah. It couldn't just go on forever, could it? -The banana level makes him giggle a bit, because he always sings that stupid song in his head as he spells. This shit is bananas, B-A-N-A-N-A-S.- No, it has...100 levels, I think? But I can't figure out how to get past level 76...
Hime: Hmm...what's on level 76? -To her shock, she's actually interested in this. She'd consider getting an iPod for herself if she didn't know it would probably mean she'd never leave the house again.-
Caitlin: [jesus hime I don't know what's on level 76 XD.]
Caitlin: [-looks it up-]
Hime: [Neither do I, that's what google's for, I guess.]
Caitlin: There's honey, jam, and sugar, and it says You Are My Candy Girl. I've tapped all three choices and they're all wrong! -He accidentally taps the red circle instead of the orange one and uses up his last life.- Fuck.
Hime: -She laughs a bit, knowing the answer already because of some ridiculous movie they had watched a few years ago.- Sugar... -she sings softly- oh, honey, honey.... you are my candy girl~ The answer is Sugar, honey, honey. -Not that she thinks it matters now that he's lost his last life, but it still gives her no small amount of satisfaction to know she could best this little quiz.-
Hime: [And I didn't even have to google that]
Hime: [I learned it form a shrek movie, though, embarrassingly]
Caitlin: [That's from the internet version anyway, because apparently, the ipod version isn't to level 76 yet. XD]
Caitlin: [Nice.]
Hime: [or something]
Caitlin: [Haha, good point.]
Caitlin: [You sound like a mad scientist or something.]
Hime: [MUHAHAHAHAAAAA--*cough cough* oh, that's tiring.]
Caitlin: -His eyes spring open wide and his jaw drops. How could he not get that?- You're a genius, Hannah. -Alois hits the home button and flips through his apps again; he forgets sometimes exactly which ones he has. A translucent grey textbox suddenly pops up--"Words Free: RedDEATH~ just played a word!".- Oh, goodie, I've been waiting on her for hours. Wonder what word she made...
Hime: -She smiles and rocks them back and forth a bit, the song still humming in the back of her mind. Sugar, honey, honey....like her three boys, almost. Claude was the sugar and the little ones were the honey. Both sweet in her mind, but different kinds of sweet...and the sugar was still growing on the cane.- ...is that Mrs. Spears you're playing with?
Caitlin: -Alois nods, too focused on trying to figure out what the hell kind of a word he can make with all these shitty letters he has.- P, M, K, E, R, Q. -He thinks very hard for all of half a second and makes a decision.- Ugh, I’m just going to swap some tiles. What a fucking waste of a turn.
Hime: Wait, sweetheart, you can make the word "perm" with that, can't you? Like the hair treatment? -She never thought she'd be so engrossed in this, but here she is.-
Caitlin: Yeah, but I have to play it off one of the words already on the board. It's just like Scrabble, you see, but better. -He looks around for any of the letters he needs and which of them has sufficient space to play the word. Oh, there's one right there, and--he can hardly believe his luck.- Triple Word score here I come! -He plays his word and gets 66 points for it.- Oh my god, did you see that, Hannah?! 66 points for that little old word!
Hime: Yes! Wonderful, darling! -She wraps herself around him and squeezes him close, nuzzling her face into his hair. Perhaps there was more fun to be had with these little games than she had ever thought.-
Caitlin: -He sets his iPod down on his lap and sinks into Hannah's hug. She's a good hugger, and Alois always wishes that he could just stay inside her arms like this for forever. Out of the corner of his eye, he notices Grelle has played another word. She's laid an "s" on the double word score space above the word he just played and receives 134 points. Alois makes an irritated noise in the back of his throat.- That can't seriously be legal. She just used my word!
Hime: -Hannah looks down and frowns. Though, now that she knew how the game worked, Alois had set himself up for it, that was cheap.- Now, that's hardly fair.
Caitlin: -Alois pouts and sends Grelle a message: 'u r a fuckin bitch, u no dat?'- It's okay, I've done that to her about a thousand times already this game. -He notices that he was given an S in his new tiles and plays it at the end of their joint word.- 135. Take that.
Hime: [oh my god did grelle make the word sperm]
Hime: [and alois made it sperms]
Caitlin: [did you just now notice that?]
Caitlin: [you have no idea the huge my grin is right now/]
Hime: [shut up]
Hime: [i'd be genuinely irritated but i'm too busy laughing]
Caitlin: [lawlz, inorite? But Grelle so would play that word, though, and laugh her ass off. And William's looking over her shoulder going, "...goodness, do grow up."]
Hime: [I wouldn't be surprised if their whole board was one immaturity after another XD]
Caitlin: [it won't let you play swear words, sadly...]
Hime: [well, obvs, apple would kill it if it did, but I mean]
Caitlin: [I know.]
Hime: [bet somebody could hack it on the jailbroken ipods. XD]
Hime: [/i'm so mature]
Caitlin: [XDDD omg I bet they so have.]
Hime: [Alois punches the air at one point! YES! DOUBLE WORD SCORE! hannah's like 'what word did you play sweetheart' DICKS.]
Hime: [and I actually can't see Hannah as too upset by profanity because um demon]
Caitlin: [And then Grelle plays, like, clitoris or something, and Alois is all confused.]
Hime: [HANNAH WHAT THE HELL IS THAT? 'you wouldn't know, would you...']
Caitlin: [pffffffft, exactly. XD;;]
Caitlin: [Then he asks Claude when he gets home.]
Hime: [oh god]
Caitlin: [And Claude's just like, "...ask Hannah."]
Caitlin: [XD]
Hime: [lol yes]
Caitlin: [omg, I love Bicentennial for making this possible.]
Hime: [for real]
Hime: [if it's bicentennial, you don't need to make excuses XD]
Caitlin: [Exactly.]
Caitlin: [Anyway.]
Hime: [after that lovely side trip]
Caitlin: [it was lovely, wasn't it?]
Hime: [yes. back to our feature presentation.[
Hime: -Laughs softly.- That's my boy. -She sits up a bit straighter at a sound from the kitchen.- ...oh my. I think that might be Claude.
Hime: [shocking discovery of the night: I have a Claude muse.]
Hime: [I believe I might've said that.]
Caitlin: [You did.]
Hime: [It's bicentennial claude, though, so prepare for awkward beginnings of affection]
Caitlin: [:DDDDDDDD okay~]
Hime: Claude: -walks into the living room and pauses a bit at the sight of them, illuminated by the glow of the tiny screen. It's hardly the first time he's seen them curled up together like this, and yet somehow...- ..................evening.
Caitlin: -Alois gasps and jumps up from Hannah's lap, letting his iPod hit the ground. He's got one of those shock resistant covers, so he's not worried about it. But even if he didn't, he was so happy to see Claude that he didn't care.- CLAUDE! -He runs and nearly tackles Claude to the ground with the force of his hug.- Where were you? I missed you so much!
Hime: Claude: -He still recoils a bit from the force of Alois's veritable attack; taking a step back to avoid falling to the ground. Alois has always been this affectionate, so he's used to this sort of display, but that brother of his did say he would have to make an effort... he settles for putting a hand on the smaller demon's shoulder.- I have only been gone a few hours. -He shifts a bit; he'd been expecting the two little ones to be in their room playing that game, so the bag he holds with his other hand feels very...conspicuous.-
Hime: Hannah: -Blinks a bit at the sight of the bag and smiles, understanding that these two have no need of her right now. She gives Claude a pointed look that says don't wreck this, and goes back to Luca's room to see if he wanted to play Mario Kart again; he was rather fond of it.-
Caitlin: That doesn't matter. -Alois pouts, even though no one can see it. He tightens his hold on Claude's waist, squeezing as hard as he can before letting go.- I miss you whenever you're not with me.
Hime: -Claude feels some strange tremor at the back of his mind. Guilt? No, it's a bit different....he's having trouble categorizing these emotions that have been cropping up seemingly out of nowhere lately. His hand moves from Alois's shoulder to rub his back in jerky, awkward motions. He used to be so confident in his ability to charm this boy with a single look, and now he doesn't want to charm him, he wants to....well, he doesn't really know.- I''m... -Still can't say sorry. Damn it.- it was...necessary that I make this trip alone.
Caitlin: -Alois notices the bag in Claude's hand for the first time, and his jaw drops a bit.- You bought me a present, didn't you, Claude! Oh, you did! -See, this is why Alois would rather pretend that the four of them are really a really-real family. Hannah's the mom, all soft and sweet and attentive, and Claude's the dad who brings the little ones presents and sits by the fireplace drinking tea and watching over everyone. Their house didn't have a fireplace, though....- What is it, Claude? Oh please tell me!
Caitlin: [doesn't*]
Caitlin: [damn tenses.]
Hime: [tenses are the bane of my existence]
Caitlin: [I believe we have discussed this extensively. XD]
Hime: [yup]
Hime: Er... -He shifts a bit, not really wanting to find the lightswitch because he's not sure how he's supposed to walk with Alois clamped around his waist.- I'd rather show you, if we can get somewhere we can see it...I'm not entirely sure what it's called, myself...
Caitlin: --
Caitlin: [HEY HETSG!]
Hime: [hahahaha]
Caitlin: -Alois looks up at Claude in confusion and lets go of him, taking a few steps to his left and hitting the switch. Alois then grabs Claude's hand and drags him over to the couch.- Okay, okay, okay. What is it?
Hime’s Internet kind of sucks, so she got kicked off and had to sign back on.
Caitlin: [yay~]
Hime: [YES]
Caitlin: [er, I mean, okaeri]
Hime: [lol ただいま]
Caitlin: [That is epically unfair.]
Caitlin: [XD]
Hime: [haha]
Caitlin: [Anyway.]
Hime: -Claude really forgets how much his demonic conversion has given him in terms of strength sometimes. He opens the (frankly huge) bag and extracts the overlarge pillow from inside. It's in the shape of one of those ridiculous birds from the game he plays, big enough for Luca to use as a chair and for Alois to use as a pillow. It's black and spherical, with a little fuse-like feather on the top. There's another one in the bag that's red and a little cross-eyed, but he thinks Alois will like this one better.- I saw these last week and thought... -Come on Faustus, this is not the hardest thing you've done- thought you'd like them.
Caitlin: -Alois is so happy that he can't even breathe. His eyes go wide again and his hand comes up to cover his gaping mouth and all of a sudden he's got tears in the corners of his eyes because Claude is being thoughtful and caring.- I...I just... -He doesn't even what to say, he's so happy, and so he decides his only course of action is to give Claude another bear hug.- OHMYGODTHANKYOUSOMUCHCLAUDEILOVEITANDI'MSURELUCAWILLLOVEITTOO--
Hime: -This one knocks him back onto the couch, the giant plush bird falling onto the floor. He lands with a thud, Alois clinging to him all the while, and this time there's a.......swelling sort of feeling in his chest. Objectively, it's rather disgusting, which (if Malphas's analogy was anything to go by) must be a good thing. Doesn't mean he knows what the hell to do about it.- Well, that is...your birthday was...coming up...
Caitlin: [you have no idea how happy that "Malphas" makes me. This is my face: : DDDDDDDD]
Hime: [hahahaha well I mean I don't think he'd consider him "Sebastian" in his head. Though he considers himself Claude instead of mephi-stop-it-please, so. XD]
Caitlin: [mephi...?] /legit curious
Hime: [Mephistopheles. sounds like stop-it-please]
Caitlin: [haha, oh that's awesome]
Caitlin: [Anyway]
Caitlin: -Alois's Facebook status officially just changed to: "Alois Trancy is over the fucking moon." Claude even remembered his birthday this year?- Oh my fucking god, Claude--hehe, that rhymed--you are the most fucking awesome person on the planet. Seriously, you are. -Alois bends down to pick up the black bird, hugging it to him. Hannah played games with him all afternoon and Claude bought him the most epic birthday present in history. Best. Day. Ever.-
Caitlin: [just noticed those tenses.]
Caitlin: [they are all over the place, dude]
Hime: [did not even notice XD Then again it typically takes me days to notice my own tenses]
Caitlin: [Again, I believe we discuss this every time we RP.]
Hime: [I think we do yes]
Hime: -Claude just sort of lays there for a moment, trying to absorb the feeling he's just been inundated with......it's not pride.....not really. It's cleaner than that, satisfaction without knowing he hurt someone in the process. But...it feels wonderful. Not the burning sort of wonderful when he got a taste of blood-no, no no no, they're past that. And they are, because he doesn't want that feeling right now, he likes this one. .......joy? He finally sits up and, though he hasn't quite mastered the concept of smiling, pats Alois's head hesitantly.-
Caitlin: -Alois throws the giant plush bird under him and plops down on it. Not a very comfortable chair, but he'll certainly be able to cuddle up to it at night.- ...Oh! -He suddenly remembers that the other bird belongs to Luca. He scrambles up and grabs it, dashing off into the house to give his beloved little brother his present. His door is closed, though, and he can hear Hannah's voice floating through to him. She's probably reading to him or something, and so he leans the bird against the door and walks back into the living room.-
Hime: -Claude shifts a bit, not entirely sure what to do now that his gift has been given. There's still a simmering sort of......hellfire, this was happiness, wasn't it...underneath his skin, but he just doesn't know what he was supposed to do. What do people do when they're happy? Hug, he supposes, if Alois is anything to go by, but... He settles for shifting his posture in a way that might suggest he wouldn't be horribly adverse to the idea of something or someone occupying his lap. Perhaps.-
Caitlin: -Alois smiles. It's so entirely obvious that Claude wants him to jump up into his lap, it almost hurts to look at it. So he indulges him, and clambers up to sit on top of his legs. Alois latches onto Claude again once he's comfy.- Thank you sososo much, Claude.
Hime: -Well, that worked, at least, but now he's got a lap full of Alois. Now what.- You're....... -Why is he so incapable of speaking like a normal person? Even if he is a demon, Hannah can at least put words together. Maybe it's time to fall back onto his old habits. Just for a moment.- White into black, salt into sugar, pigs into birds...and a frown into a smile. -He looks down at his little highness and that warm feeling creeps up on him again.- Such is the way of the Trancy house... -the way of the Trancy family?-
Caitlin: -Alois bursts out laughing, and he may have snorted in his enthusiasm as well, he's not quite sure.- Pigs into birds.... Claude, you're such a dork, sometimes, d'you know that? -Alois leans his head down onto Claude's shoulder and continues giggling for a long while.- But it's okay that you're a dork. 'Cause I love you anyway.
Hime: -Ugh, how many more feelings is he going to have today? It's exhausting, and he's running out of categories to put them all in. This one feels like a stab, but not like that fucking sword did, it's more like a dagger. Made of bubbles. Bubble-stabbing. Right into his chest. And the more he looks at Alois, the more he feels it. Oh hell, this must be it, then. That thing Malphas wouldn't shut up about.... he's supposed to do something now, isn't he? To let the little one know he was getting all bubbly and warm and sickening? But what? He wasn't going to say anything; that might actually kill him. What was that thing Hannah never seemed to get tired of...?- ....... -He can't even muster a "yes your highness" at this point, so he just turns his head so his lips brush Alois's crown.-
Caitlin: [oh my god I think...]
Caitlin: [...]
Caitlin: [yes]
Hime: [?]
Caitlin: [you have just convinced me to like Claude.]
Caitlin: [bravo]
Hime: [holy crap]
Hime: [I'm not even sure I like him, yet, that's an accomplishment]
Caitlin: [well I have been on the fence for a while, about all the S2 cast, really, but especially Alois and Claude. Chels made me like Alois back in OUN chapter...5, maybe? I don't remember.]
Caitlin: [But anyway.]
Hime: [anyway]
Caitlin: -Oh dear god, how adorable is Claude when he's being all awkwardly affectionate? Pretty fucking adorable, Alois thinks, and snuggles into him some more. His eyelids feel like they're being filled with sand or something.- Hey, Claude?
Hime: -Okay he guesses he did that right, since Alois is moving closer, now what..... He wraps an arm around the not-boy and holds him there, the muscles in his arm completely tensed up.- Yes?
Caitlin: -He closes his eyes and blindly traces his fingertips over Claude's forearm.- Will you tuck me in tonight?
Hime: -This he knows how to do.- Of course. -He stands up and carries Alois back to his room, and though Alois is a bit bulkier with the addition of the plush bird, he still manages to get them both through the door.-
Caitlin: -Alois doesn't open up his eyes again until Claude is pulling the covers over him, and even then it's only really a flutter, just to make sure he's still really there.- You're awesome, Claude.
Hime: -...Ladies and gentlemen, Claude Faustus is capable of love. Somewhere in hell, someone just lost a bet.- Thank you...Alois.
Caitlin: Hey, will you stay with me until I fall asleep? -It probably won't take long for that to happen, but he just wants to be close to Claude for a while longer.-
Hime: -He'll stay here for as long as Alois wants, and evidently he'll be happy about it. This is so strange.- Of course.
Caitlin: -Alois turns over onto his side, facing Claude of course, and half-lays on his bird, all sprawled out in his bed like he's slept for ages.- G'night, Claude.
Hime: -Before he realizes he's doing it, he reaches out and strokes Alois's hair.- Goodnight, Alois.
Caitlin: -Claude's hand on his head is the last thing he feels before he drifts off, and Alois thinks that it's got to be the most perfectly perfect ending to the most perfectly perfect day in his whole life.-
Hime: [and scene?]
Hime: [I mean lol what else is alois gonna do but]
Caitlin: [I think so.]
Hime: [okay lemme get this out of my system: AWWWWWWWWWWWWWW]