Apr 03, 2011 23:55
When I went on break at work today, I walked out to the food court and got some pizza for dinner. As I made my way up to the break room, one of the guys I work with told me he'd eaten pizza too. So I laughed and asked what kind of toppings he liked on his pie. He said cheese and I replied, "Ah, a man after my own heart. I only eat cheese pizza."
And it sort of baffled me when he returned with, "Oh, honey, I am not after your heart. You know I'm gay."
...waitwut? I was under the impression that everyone in the whole wide world had heard that phrase. So I asked him if he had. And he hadn't. Really? I always thought that was a pretty common phrase. And then for the rest of the night, he went around joking with everyone that I was trying to "convert" him.
I mean, I understand that not everyone is a genius (not that I'm saying I am or anything), but has the English language degenerated so much that we have to take such a literal meaning from a phrase that's been around basically for forever and a day?
s:my brain is tired,
s:roy's right about people....,