The first and the middle part were amazing

Sep 09, 2005 15:39

Brent is totally a jerk face and I want to say I hate him but I dont. I dont even know why I was thinking about him but yea. I got online immedicately after I woke up and hugged him. I had a good reason. I think its a good reason and that is all that matters. He blocked me after I hugged him. For no reason. 3 times he blocked me as I attempted to explain why I hugged him. Bastard. Well, I sorta told Kev in limited detail, and it will probably be confusing but..... Oh well. I know what happened. Here. I shall copy and paste for you.

Mukinata: *sigh*
vamPIREravenELLE: what?
Mukinata: *kicks brent in the face*
Mukinata: I got on and hugged brent
Mukinata: and he blocked me
Mukinata: and then i tried to tell him i had a good reaosn
Mukinata: and he kept blocking me
Mukinata: and I do have a good reason
Mukinata: like
Mukinata: this is gonna sound lame but lemme explain
Mukinata: I was having this really really bad dream
Mukinata: and he was in it
Mukinata: it was sorta like cowboy bebop except... much much weirder...
Mukinata: and he was a mix of himself and spike
Mukinata: and he was protecting me because these bad guys were after me, like, i was fromt he past like fay except i wasnt frozen, somehow there was this time rift or something
Mukinata: and it was like deja vu, like the bad guys kept cmoing except it was differente verytime, cuz like, we kept going back tot he same place but we tried to fix whatever we did wrong the last time
Mukinata: except this time it was him that was about to die
Mukinata: like he was int he bathroom and this grioup od guys broke into our little place and he didnt know
Mukinata: but id hidden a knife because it had happened last time
Mukinata: and so i grabbed the knife
Mukinata: and like, every other time hed told me not to worry about him
Mukinata: but like he risked his life to save me
Mukinata: and i waked intot he bathroom and this one guy had a gun and this other really really big guy was in front of brent/spike (for some reason i was calling him BC int he dream) and i couldnt see if he was ok and the guy witht he gun like immediately turned on me but i brought the knife up to his neck
Mukinata: and i accidently cut him int he process and i didnt mean to and he was like oh shit and he freaked out and fired the gun
Mukinata: and it was sooo real omg, i felt this odd sensation on my leg, and he was ont he floor by now, but i had that odd feeling in my chest too and I was bleeding, i grabbed the gun and i shot the othe guy that was gonna kill BC and he fell
Mukinata: and I just screamed BC really loud
Mukinata: and I stumbled too him
Mukinata: and my body felt tingly, like it got really warm
Mukinata: i dont remember how but he was dying too, i dont remember what the guy did too him but yea, and i felt really really warm and he was like "why did you do that? WHY did you do that?!" and he had my head in his lap and I was still bleeding everywhere and I said "kiss me" and my vision was realy weird, and he kissed me and he was crying a little bit and he just held me in my arms and i started to feel cold and i think he said I love you, and then he collapsed, i dont remember, I woke up really fast because I could feel everything going black and omg.. it was so scarey...
Mukinata: and when i woke up i had that raelly odd feeling in my leg and chest
Mukinata: its still sorta there
Mukinata: like that time i got stabbed in the neck(edit for journal reader's sake: that neck one was possibly the worst nightmare I have ever had. I didn't sleep for 4 days)
Mukinata: but anyway
Mukinata: I felt like id been neglecting brent(or something) and stuff cuz we dnot talk anymore and it made me really sad thinking he could die and I would never see him again so I got on and hugged him
Mukinata: and he blocked me =(
Mukinata: that sounds really lame doesnt it
Mukinata: *sigh*
vamPIREravenELLE: no idea
Mukinata: well i didnt explain in full detail but.. thats good enough
Mukinata: i hate my dreams x.x

I want to explain more but... I dont want to sit here for like 3 hours tlaking about that dream. Just makes me sad all over. Like it wasnt just me andhim in the dream, there werelots of other people in danger... but.. I was their main target. Ah what the hell. I dont remember how it started but I do remember being ona space ship. It might have been the bebop, I have no idea. But jet and spike (from cowboy bebop) were there. Or rather, spike was mostly himself except sometimes he looked and sounded lik brent and we didnt call him spike most of the time either, we called him BC.... Dunno what thats about. Well anyways, somehow I was in the future for some reason, like I'd been sent through time there,not frozen like faye, and I was trying to get home. Unfortunately I was in extreme danger because al of these people were after me... I dont remember most of it now... damn it... the first and the middle part were amazing. Oh look, mitch reference amongst the sadness. Well anyway... I dont remember why but we were on, like, mars or somehing? I know it looked like earth but it wasnt. there were these people that seemed like they were family or omething, and they took me intot his garage type thing, except it was really small... like... Now that I think about it my grandparents were there. My grandpa was driving a raelly really small car, not like a clown car, but like lawn mower size cuz he used to ride around on one cuz hes short a leg, and i guess these people were his friends or something because they were letting me stay there... or something... That place is actualyl where most of the bad stuff happened.... But nothing exciting happened there yet.. Then somehow we were like out int he middle of nowhere at this farm.. and there was like this crazy mutated chicken trying to eat everyone.. like there were spy guys there after me... I really dont remember how we got thre and why... and then my cat was there, which was awesome. She kicked that crazy chicken's ass, like, tore down the fence and wrapped it around the chicken so i wouldnt move, it was amazing. Those spy guys couldnt get me though cuz I think they ran away. But just in case they came back, I ran too. I ended up in this huge city with like hover cars and stuff, and I guess I called a taxi or someone just picked me up. Faye was inside. I was looking out the windows at everything, all amazed and she said i was weird or something and we talked a little and I wish I could describe what I saw out the window, it was awesome. OH! I remember why we went to that planet BC (Spikey-Brent) went there for something.. to fidn some answers for me or something, i dont remember. Oh and for some reason me and jet had this "thing" going like we were cuddly and stuff. I think Jet is more my type. At least his body type lol. I think Curtis is a mix of spike and jet. To a certain extent. I'm not quite sure how brave he is lol. he cant be THAT brave if he was scared of the voices coming fromt he cornfield that one night lmao... Ahhh that feeling is still in my chest.. I wish it would go away... I'm sure everytime I think about this dream from now on I'm gonna get this feeling, just like i do with the butcher knife to the neck dream. Ahhh Both feelings at once is not cool... anyways... Faye and I were talking and she was petting Fidget, and all the sudden I was like "Do you know spike spiegel?!" cuz we coudlnt find him, like all we knew was he came tothe planet and then she laughed and said something about why would I wanna know about that loser and stuff. Then she stopped and looked and me more closely and asked why i was dressed weird and acting weird and I sort of looked away from her and out the window and I had this sort of sad expression on my face and I was like.. "I'm not from here... I'm from.... the year 2005" and then she started laughing at me like it was a buncha bullshit and then she looked at me and was like... all... i dunno.. like she believed me. I guess we sorta had some kind of understanding after that. I dont remember leaving the car (she wasnt driving which is why i think it was a taxi) but yea... I didnt see her again til the end of the dream like right before i died. Anyway... we all (all of us being random people from my family, BC, strange people that were letting me stay in ther garage thing that had like a secret trapped door where ou could go down and hide and it was like, a normal house dont here but underground. It was almost always raining too, like right before a really big storm where it pours a little and then it sorta clears up like when your in the eye of the storm or whatever and it was still lightning and stuff. I dunno, it was always dreary. But BC was protecting me like the whole time except for the last couple times because he didnt really need to. But what would happen was we would got ot he garage thing and everytime there wouldbe something we found my cat pinned tot he inside ofthe closet door (like 3 times) and in this aspect it was sorta like the movie the butterfly effect, like we kepttrying to change it. Like I kne from teh time before (im tlaking about the very last time) that hese guys were going to bustintot he room and we were going to be defenseless except BC, soI took aknife and hid it under a chair and covered it with ome junk that was underit, blank notecards and jacks for some reason, and just before they busted in, BC went intot eh bathroom. For some reason they didnt immediately go for me, theywent for like my little sister and the weird neighbor people, OH! Now I remember, I told kev a little wrong, thats when I screamed for BC (should problyjust call him brent cuz during the whole last thing he WAS brent except with smooth martial arts moves and a gun), then 3 guys anda girl went into the "bathroom" (cus it wasnt really a bathroom.. but it SORTA looked like one) andI knew brent was in danger so I grabbed the knife I'd hidden and ran in after them. 1 guyand the chicweremakingout but the other guy wasa sorta skinny guy and he looked drunk orsomething and he wasnt paying much attention.The other guy was this HUGE almost sumo looking guy except .. not.. nakedish... hmm.. more like those cute chubby statues of buudhabut like, he wasnt cute, just fat and sweaty and evil. I couldnt see if brent was ok, but I have this feeling he was choking him, like i dont remember if that actuallyhappened in the dream but It keeps coming tomind now so..maybe.. I just know he was hurting him. So when I rushed into the bathroom the guyw itht he gunhardly noticed, but then he did notice. He didnt see the knife in my hand so he didnt really threaten me, but then I rushed him and brought the knife to his neck but it was way sharper than I though and it cut him and be freaked out and shot his gun off. Like6 times or something. I cut his throat the rest of the way amidst the firing and he died. I kept thinking to myself howlucky I was that he missed me.only to feel really strange and look down at my leg tosee a gaping bloody wound, i had that warm, sorta hot feeling... and i feltit in my chest too.I knew I was gonna die. I dont remember how we took care of the big guy. It hink I tookt he gun from the dead guy and shot him in the haed or... or the dead guy accidently shot him when he went crazy... I dunno. I think brent got shot too. Cuz he was dying, but I couldnt see it. I stumbled to him, or rather..walked rather weird.. sort of in a daze. I was losing blood really fast. I collapsed on the ground and he sorta caught me and he was breathing really hard but i didnt reallynotice that til after I woke up and thought about it. my head was in his lap, sorta in his arms, well,the rest of me wa in his arms, but he waslookng down at me with this look on his face... I dont know if brent can even look like that. Hmm... Anyway. He asked me why i did it. I kept thinking "to save you this time" but i didnt say it. I just said "kiss me" and he did. there was a little blood coming from my mouth after that. I dunno if it was his or mine. As i said in my conversaton with kev, myvision got really not blurry the way you normally think of it.. but like.. blurry like in dream sequences on tv and in movies. brent was crying and i could almost swear he said "I love you" and he was collapsing and I yanked myself from the dream, just as everything was going black. I havent had a dream so real since the neck nightmare. Like, thats not even full detail eitherbecause i cant explain what happened in most of it.. like.. i see it in my head but.. yea.. Well anyways. I immediately got up and got online to tlak to brent and i was like "huge you very tightly" or soething and he blocked me and that hurt cuz i was allconcerned for his wellbeing and stuff and he just ignored me. This just goes to show, even further, that brent is a big fat jerkface jack ass. I'm sorta pissed at him, but I'm stull sad about the dream so.. I will let this one slide I guess.

In other news, I love you Curtis, even though you never read this journal lol.

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