Jun 16, 2008 18:40
Faster than a falling bird! More clueless than a lemming! Able to leap out of windows pantless in a single bound! It's...Mytho!
...Erm, yeah. Hi everyone! My name is Haley, and I'm going to be playing Mytho from the fairytale-infused anime Princess Tutu, and taking on the role as the Little Mermaidman from the Hans Christian Anderson tale of the same name. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the anime (...although it looks like a lot of you aren't from what I've seen!), in the original story Mytho is a Prince from a fairytale who used a forbidden spell to shatter his heart and seal away an Evil Raven. For this RP, Mytho was tricked into sacrificing his heart in exchange for legs (although not exactly for the same reasons as in the story--he wanted to dance) by a sea witch, and...well, without his heart, he's a little...out of it. But he still has some odd quirks. He's not very fond of pants, for example.
Annnyway, you can check Mytho's journal to see his application and get the full scoop. ♥ I'm going to wait a little to post because me and the gal who had Fakir reserved planned our stories together, and if she gets accepted their first appearances will be a log together, so...yus, lurking for now. Can't wait to play with you all!