The world of Mukashi Mukashi is a collection of territories with many ambiguous kingdoms within them. These territories are the Northern Kingdoms Territory, Western Kingdoms Territory, Southern Kingdoms Territory, and the Eastern Kingdoms Territory. In the middle of these is an area known as Axis Mundi, a central area not ruled over by any king or emperor. Axis Mundi is named after the two major town centers, Axis Town and Mundi Town, seperated by a central forest (the Central Woods). This giant stretch of forest holds many mysteries and many stories and rumors are told about what is in its depths. Paths through the forest to the other side do exist, but they aren't always as straightforward as a traveller may hope.
For additional information on the Kingdom Territory structure or what can be found in terms of wildlife, check the
Other than the two large towns, there are many smaller, ambiguous towns one can encounter within Axis Mundi, of course. As well as other smaller patches of forest, hills, streams, small lakes, and what have you.
For the traveller in each of you, here is a general map of the area:
Shortly there will be a more localized map of Axis Mundi alone, but for now, this will do for an idea of where the major things are laid out. Any questions, please do ask by commenting on this post or in the FAQ or just e-mail a mod or poke a mod.