This here is a list of links and resources we've and others have found useful when trying to track down various myths, legends, folktales and fairytales. Feel free to browse these and get inspired. ^.^
If you've found something not already listed here (likely given the vastness of the internet) please share! Comment with the link (and it'd be helpful if there was a short description of what you found on there) and we'll post it up as a resource for everyone to make use of. Also, if a link has become defunct, please do comment and let us know and we'll remove it. Thank you.
List of Fairy Tales - Oh Wiki, how you've become the easiest place to look for things. If nothing else this offers a giant list of possibilities, many with links to further detail on the story of choice.
Northern Kingdom Territories
Grimm's Fairy Tales This is a collection of translated Grimm's Fairy Tales. The page mentions a more "accurate" translation available, but given this is a university server, it isn't available. Those on the page itself however, seem to be just fine.
SurLaLune Fairy Tales This site has a large collection of annotated and well organized fairy tales as well as nice features as noting other tales with similar stories from other cultures and such. The annotations also denote things like differences between versions, which can be useful for giving one different ideas of what to do with their adaptations.
Fables and Fairy Tales Here you can find gathered Aesop's Fables, fairy tales, and nursery rhymes. Here are some ideas you may not initial consider for ideas of resources, like nursery rhymes which if long enough, can easily be used as a fairy tale base.
Eastern Kingdom Territories
The Palace of Japanese Myth - KOJIKI This is literally a translation of the first volume of the Kojiki, the source of many of the stories about the Japanese deities like Amaterasu, Susa no Ou, Izanami and Izanagi, etc. There is also a useful (if not slightly confusing, you know those crazy gods) genealogy as well.
Southern Kingdom Territories
Western Kingdom Territories